Interview with the characters-1

Interviewer: *taps on the mic to test if it's working* It works!

Stanley: How long do you think this is going to take *asks author-san who is sitting next to him* I have work at the mansion.

Author-san: Probably half an hour? Just a few questions and you should be able to go *looks at the butler with starry eyes*

Interviewer: Hello everyone and welcome to our interview with the characters of the lord series. We- *Elliot enters the room*

Elliot: Sorry I am late *grins widely and takes a seat next to Katherine* I got stuck in traffic.

Author-san: There was no traffic in the eighteenth century!

Elliot: Of course, there is traffic. Have you seen the market-

Interviewer: *clears throat loudly to gain everyone's attention in room* Ahem, if everyone could settle down. We are on a limited time before our schedule ends.

*murmurs of agreement goes around the room*