Arrival of the ghost- Part 4

An unwilling Heidi sat in the carriage with Nora and her uncle on her way to Woville. She hadn't found enough time to do anything and therefore had written a small letter so that it would reach the Rune's mansion, handing it to a maid before she left for Woville. She wanted to give it to Warren but he had been busy entertaining her uncle. She hoped Nicholas could find it in time once he returned Bonelake.

But what she had hoped for had turned to something else without her knowledge.

Heidi who had excused herself to visit the bathroom before they left, went to Warren's room trying to find a parchment and ink that she could write. Rummaging through the desk, she found it to write a brief letter to Nicholas. Finding a maid on the way, she took her to the side, giving the letter and asking her to deliver it to the Rune's mansion as soon as possible after she left.

After Heidi passed the corridor, the woman who had hid herself behind the pillar walked towards the maid.