Stranger in the crowd- Part 1

Though he had laid down on the bed to sleep next to Vivian, he was yet to close his eyes as he stared at the sleeping face in front of him. Her eyes moved behind her closed eyelids as if she was dreaming about something which was hard to be pulled back into reality, it made him wonder what she would be dreaming right now.

The wind that came along with picking up residues of rain with it made the weather in the lands of Bonelake only that much colder. Vivian had completely wrapped herself with the cover, protecting herself from the dropping temperature of the night, yet she slept through it while Leonard still wore the clothes he had come home with. He could hear her breath, the inhale and exhale of air which was soft on the pillow.

Her cheeks were pale, unable to resist the urge of touching her, he ran his fingers across her face, waking her up from her sleep.

Her sleep filled eyes fluttered half open to see Leonard lying next to her.