Men of Council- Part 1

The building of the councillors stood tall and proud amidst the forest where it was built in isolation. The white walls along with the pillars were wide, made of marble that looked no less to a human child's imagination to be called as heaven which in reality was a place where orders were passed down.

The Council was situated close to Mythweald, Valeria and Bonelake, the closest being Bonelake which shared its weather of rain and dark clouds like today. Though not a drop of water had been spilt on the ground, the sky had turned grey at the time of noon to darken the atmosphere.

In one of the corridors stood Lord Nicholas talking to one of the councilmen with Leonard who stood next to him.

"Rueben has been informed on the matter which only pressurizes us to bring the person who has been behind the attacks," the councilmen explained after the court council had been adjourned, "The rule already states-"