Written papers- Part 2

Vivian stood at the far corner of the crowd of the hundred candidates who had come to take part in the annual examination of the council so that they could be part of the law. She looked at the crowd, a mix of human, vampires and pureblooded vampires had come to attend it in the hope to be able to work for them.

If someone had asked her a year ago if she would be standing anywhere near the council she would have stared at them for their ridiculous question but now that she was here, she calmed down her nerves. There were no women, not even one single one of them which only added to her nervous wreck mind. It didn't help when men stared at her with a sarcastic look of what she was doing here. The pureblooded vampires didn't mingle with others as they considered themselves to be too high to talk to creatures who belonged to the lower status.