Time in the theater- Part 2

Vivian was woken up by the dip of the bed next to her, making her eyes fly open in surprise in the dark to see Leonard who had come to lie down next to her. With her sleep filled eyes, she looked at me, a soft smile on her lips.

"Go back to sleep, Vivi," she heard Leonard whisper to her gently.

But Vivan didn't want to go back to sleep. Now that he was back home, she wanted to talk to him, "What time is it?" she asked him sleepily.

"Past five in the morning. Sleep, darling," he gently ran the back of his hand over her cheek.

"But you are here," she spoke childlike making him chuckle.

"That I am. I am not going anywhere. I will still be here when you wake up in the morning," he replied back. Vivian had been sleeping very soundly and it wasn't that he wanted to wake her up or maybe his subconscious mind wanted to wake her up, to see those black eyes that stared at him sweetly.