Church work- Part 4

Leonard took to serving her the food when she sat down with him. The last time when Vivian had consumed alcohol, there had been no change. It was as if the alcohol taken in by humans and average vampires had no effect on her. He had asked Jan to get him a bottle which was specially created for a pureblooded vampire with a high level of tolerance for alcohol.

The soup Vivian consumed tasted bitter, making her wonder if something more than the usual had been added to it. Not complaining about it, she ate it as she was hungry. The housekeeper picked the empty platter and took it with him after placing the bottle of alcohol which had only half of the contents inside it.

"I had one of the Sisters of the church visit you earlier this day. I needed to make sure you were alright," said Leonard while sprinkling the pepper on his plate of meat, "The medicine she provided is bitter therefore I asked Jan to add it in the soup," there was the mystery to the different taste in the soup.