Ghost- Part 2

~Posting 2 chapters, please scroll over~

They had gotten to be bed late but Vivian had woken up early, stepping into the kitchen before Mrs Clark had the opportunity to return back from an errand to stop her as she wasn't anybody but the wife of a Duke, Vivian started whisking the eggs she had broken in the container. By the time Mrs Clark had returned back home, Vivian was done preparing breakfast while also preparing tea such that the entire kitchen and the rooms around it smelt of mouthwatering food.

"You didn't have to do it, Lady Vivian. I am here to look after the meals, cleaning with other things so that your stay is comfortable here," Mrs Clark gave her a troubled look.

Vivian waved her hands, "Please don't tell it like that. I am happy to be cooking. I won't get to do it once we get back home," the housemaid continued to frown, "I am hoping you haven't eaten anything yet. I made breakfast and tea for you too," the housemaid gave her a deep bow.