Case files- Part 1

Making sure no one saw her, she ran out of the house and into the village with her boots touching the wet ground with the water which had seeped into the soil. 

How could she have forgotten about it! She had remembered it until morning and now she was late. She wondered if the man was still there waiting for her. It was raining and the water droplets came to settle on her face as she continued to run as she had never before. Reaching the tower bell took her almost fifteen minutes. 

She looked at the tower bell and under which she found no one there. She didn't know if she had to be relieved or feel sad that she had missed the man. Of course, he wouldn't have waited for her in the rain. She couldn't believe she had missed him but did he even come? It was raining and surely he must have already thought that she wouldn't turn up in this weather. 

The raindrops continued to drench her in the rain, water sliding down her face.

She sighed.