Friend or foe- Part 2

For a few seconds, Vivian felt she had misheard what Sister Isabelle said but she was the only person here as Father Connor had left to go to the church. With a shaky voice, Vivian uttered, "Sister Isabelle? I need to talk to you. Where are you?"

"Don't look so shocked, Vivian," the white witch smiled as she brewed the pot in front of her. If you are here, reading the past memory then it should mean I am not in the church anymore which also means I am gone and have come to cease to exist."

A deep frown came to settle between Vivian's eyebrows wondering what was going on, "I am leaving you this particular memory in the hope that you find the answers you are currently looking for. I chased away father Connor because he isn't fully aware of your ability. I wouldn't want him thinking I have turned insane by talking to myself."

It finally dawned on Vivian that this was a message which Sister Isabelle wanted to give her but did she say cease?