Refrigerator Boy

On the 200 year anniversary of WWIII, a man with winged sandals was floating above what is left of Europe. He was wearing a white toga and a golden helm with wings on it. The man had pure white skin as if he was never in the sun.

Looking down he could see the crater where what's left of Zeus remains. The cavity mostly filled in with water and a never-ending thunderstorm at the epicenter.

A few years after Zeus died, Hermes damaged his own body to lower his cultivation level to that of a Construct Evolution to sneak into Earth's Universe Dimension to visit Zeus' resting place and protect it from Adam and other powerhouses from invading.

Shaking his head. "Zeus I'm sorry, I was away during your final battle."

"In the end, you still succeeded, and your death stopped Adam from draining Earth and its solar system's mana."

"With this being the only place with mana in this universe, Adam's clones and others are sure to target this domain. Brother….I will protect this place with my life."

Beep Beep Boop. "Sir, I sense a sea creature just reached Beast Avatar level and is on a rampage in the Pacific Ocean."

"Alright Sprite. I have mourned my brother long enough. Let's check out the first creature to reach Avatar phase since the earth received mana again."

When Hermes was flying over North America, he spotted something unusual.

In what is now destroyed Washington D.C, there laid a woman clawed to death on top of a beat-up refrigerator. Dried tears on the woman's cheeks and the deep wounds on her back told the God that she died an excruciating death while protecting whatever was in the refrigerator.

"Sir, that woman is deceased. She seems to have died of blood loss. I have also detected a life source in that refrigerator."

"Poor mortal woman, the humans in this realm face so many tragedies."

Hermes picked up the woman and moved her to the side and then he looked inside the refrigerator to find a boy no more than five years old. The little black-haired and tan-skinned boy was peacefully asleep. The God was touched at the mother's sacrifice for the boy.

"Sir, the chances of this kid surviving on his own is 3.725%."

Hermes pondered for a minute and then asked Sprite, "Sprite if you were with the child guiding him in cultivation. What would be his chance of survival?"

"His chances would increase to at least 64.567%."

"Alright then. Sprite this was we will part ways. Execute process 1992 from now till when you were created."

"Confirmation to delete my memory, Sir."

"Confirmed. Goodbye Sprite. Treat your new master well."

"Goodbye, Sir." *Booooooopp…..*

"Hello, Are you my master?"

"No, this boy is." Hermes bent down and attached a silver watch to the boy's wrist. "Wait till he wakes up and guides him carefully." Hermes got up and flew away.


The boy awoke, in the refrigerator, with the door open and looked up upon a dark morning sky. The boy realized the last thing that happened was a wild beast attacking him and his mother.


He sits up and spots her lying dead next to the refrigerator covered in wounds and dried blood. Grief fills his eyes and sadness overcomes him.

A robotic voice jolts him out of his crying fit.

"Sir, I am glad to see you have awoken. New Master, please state your name."

Looking down at this shiny silver watch on his wrist and half sniffling, "Who…*sniff*….are you..?"

"My name is S.P.R.I.T.E. It stands for Specialized Portable Remote Intelligence Technology Entity.

"Hello, Sprite. My name..*sniff* Leonardo. My mommy calls me Leo."

"Registering new master Leonardo...Registration complete. Sir. I was given to you to protect you since you have lost your guardian. I recommend we leave before any beast arrive."

"No…I don't want to leave mommy."

"Sir, I suggest we bury your mother and vacant this area for shelter."


"You will need to dig a hole, 2x1x2 meter wide approximately, but calculating master's strength, I think you will only be able to dig it 1 meter deep before exhaustion takes over."

Leo looked at his mother and walked a few feet. He grabbed a scrap piece of metal and began digging the hole. With Sprite's directions, the grave was finished in about 3 hours. Leo grabbed his mother shirt collar and dragged her into the grave.

Leo started crying again.

"Sir, this is common. Death is natural. Where there is life, there is death."

Leo, still crying, covered his mother with dirt and patted it down. Sprite then suggested moving the refrigerator over her grave to keep the beast from digging her up.

With night approaching, "Sir, we need to get to shelter immediately."

Exhausted emotionally and physically, they boy finally makes his way back to a mostly destroyed building him and his mother were living in.

Sprite read a sign on the ground, "National Gallery of Art." Leo stumbled through the rubble to get where he and his mom had set up a sleeping area. Leo passes out without even grabbing some food stored in the corner.

"Sir, wake up a beast is approaching from the entrance to our location."

"Huh…", still groggy and tired Leo barely moved.

"Sir, you have 9 seconds to get into the adjacent room, before you die."

The word "die," jolted him awake, and he crawls into the next room.

The beast finally makes it into the room that Leo was just sleeping in and destroys his bedding and the supplies his mother had gathered.


Hearing all the howl in the other room, Leo urinates on himself. Goosebumps crawls up his skin.

"Sir, crawl as fast as you can, between those walls."

He crawls over between two pieces of the wall barely holding the roof up. As Leo was crawling over, he kicks a rock.

The wolf-like creature howls and rushes into the room towards Leo. The beast leaps at him.

"Get away from me."

Leo back up as far as he can, and the wolf crashes into wall pieces. A loud cracking sound is heard and right when the beast jaws were feet from the boy the roof collapses.

Blood splatters forward onto Leo. "Aghh!" Dust goes everywhere.

The dust settles, and moonlight was shining down on Leo through the collapsed roof. Finally relaxing his nerves, Leo slumps down the wall into a sitting position.

"Sir, we must leave this building and find new shelter immediately."

Leo shuffles onto the collapsed roof and heads to a building close by. The rest of the night Leo couldn't sleep from the fear and the howls close by. The next morning Sprite locates some old canned food, and Leo scarfs it down.

"Sir, after scanning your body I have realized you do not absorb any mana, and you're missing a dantian gland."

"What is mana and dawn-tee gland?"

"Well Sir, mana is the essence that is all around you that controls the universe and its laws. Here on Earth, there is a sufficient level of mana. The dantian gland not important right now. Sir should start trying to absorb mana to be able to survive better."

"How do I do that Sprite?"

"I will have to find you a cultivation manual to teach you how. Till then we need to set up a shelter and gather food and water."

"Oh, I can do that" Leo responded proudly.