City of Ra

"Young Master, will you continue your Master's mission to ascend to godhood and face Adam in his place?" asked Keravnós.

Without even pausing for a second, "Yes, I will continue what Master set out to do."

Keravnós broke out into a huge smiled and nodded his head. This young mortal without even knowing what hardships he agreed to he didn't even bat an eye. Keravnós thought to himself that this Young Master would achieve great things in the future.

"Good. Now I will transfer all of Master's techniques and experiences to you. Do not fight the mind transfer technique, or you could suffer a rebound. This process could take a while. Do you still wish to receive your legacy?"

"Yes, please begin Keravnós," Hiro told Keravnós. Reaching out his hand, Keravnós placed it on Hiro's head and began the transfer process.


Far away, in the Divine Kingdom, Alice visited the Storm Sect master in her chamber. Charmeine looked up and smiled at the girl walking up to her. She could tell the girl finally broke into Avatar Establishment level. The fruits of cultivating Zeus' techniques were showing.

"How is training going?" asked the elegant Sect leader.

"I broke into the Avatar Establishment level, Master."

"Congratulations, as your Master, I should gift you something to celebrate this moment." Charmeine had Paizel create an artifact awhile back for this day. The Sect leader walked over to her wardrobe and pulled out breastplate armor.

"Here try this on," Charmeine said, handing her disciple the silver armor.

Alice snapped the armor on, and all of the sudden mana inside her flowed into the artifact armor. The mana concentrated into the back part of the breastplate and two pairs of metallic wings burst forth. The pair of silvery wings lightly lifted Alice off the ground.

"You are now truly one of Adam's children." Charmeine smiled proudly.

Alice landed back onto the ground softly and thanked her master for such a wonderful gift. "Master, do you know how long Hiro, will be gone?"

Charmeine looked at the girl. For all, they knew Hiro could be a few months to a few years. Accepting a god's full legacy is something no one on this plane of existence had done. It was unknown how long it would be, but she would personally go and ask the spirit if it persisted longer than a year no matter the repercussions. After all, Hiro is one of her own disciples.


Across the universe, a portal opened, and three Sphinx beast stepped through. Laying in front of them was the warrior that bested them.

Void Slayer commanded, " Green Tooth grab transfer your mana to him."

Dark Razor interjected really quickly, "Void Slayer, I can't feel mana here. I don't think we should use mana so frivolously."

The three lions realized that since they were no longer in their domain or Earth's Solar System mana didn't exist. Green Tooth bit Leo's clothes and threw him onto his back. The three lions walked towards a city in the distance. As the sunset on this new planet, lights from civilization shown them that some race existed here.

As the four of them got closer, a giant brick wall came into view — a Sphinx statue on each side of the gate. Two guards yelled out to the beast.

"Halt! No aliens are allowed into the City of Ra."

"Look at that beast carefully. Don't they seem very familiar to the ancient Sphinx we worship?"

Void Slayer could tell that these mortal humans, with blasters in their hands, gave off zero mana waves meaning they have never cultivated. "Mortals take us to your leader." Void Slayer stomped onto the ground solely with the strength of his body, causing the ground to shake.

The two men suddenly became fearful. One of them contacted their commander through a communication device and motioned for the three lions to enter the city.

"I will lead them to the Pharoh; you stay and guard the gate." One of the men told the other.

The three lions walked by the man staying guard, and as Green Tooth walked by with Leo on his back, he raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Who was this man that these ancient ancestors were carrying?"

The guard led the beast to the group to the pyramid in the middle of the city. Several humans gawked as the lions walked by. These creatures were the mythical beings only talked about in the ancient text.

The three beasts walked through the pyramid until they came upon a chamber similar to a throne room. The Pharoh was sitting in a golden metallic chair facing the creature as they came in.

Void Slayer felt slight mana fluctuations from the Pharoh. This was the first since arriving on this planet. The Pharoh looked to surprise when he felt the beast's mana radiating from them and stood up. He knelt down, shocking all of the council members and guards.

"Welcome to my city, Ancient Ones."

"Rise, king of the humans." Void Slayer answered

"Thank you for your benevolence. May I ask why you three have graced our city?"

"I will only discuss it in private with you. Tell your people to leave immediately."

The Pharoh told his people to leave. The guards were reluctant, but after a growl from Dark Razor, they scurried off. As the hall emptied, the three lions looked at the Pharoh.

"How do cultivate mana on this world?" Void Slayer asked using mana message.

Feeling the message invading his mind, the Pharoh was shocked further. "The Pharoh's chamber beneath this temple blocks mana from escaping and allows one to absorb it."

"Take us to the room immediately."

The lions were led down a corridor to the chamber. The giant metal door had symbols carved into it. These symbols were ancient text by the gods. The Pharoh placed his hand on the door, and the chamber opened. A light mist escaped the room, and the three lions finally could feel mana again.

"This chamber is now ours." Void Slayer commanded. The lion looked at the frail warrior before him, who had barely cultivated to stage 2 Tempered Body. "You may come once a week, Human King, and receive personal advice on cultivating from us. Outside of that, do not disturb us."

A look of joy shot across his face. Learning from these ancient beasts might allow him to win in the Battle of Pharaohs. Agreeing to their condition, the Pharaoh closed the chamber and left.

Green Tooth laid Leo down and started to manipulate the sparse mana into Leo. Hopefully, the young human boy would awake soon.