ALL-Out Battle (reference to a soundtrack of DBS)

[random hotel/night]

Edward was talking to the phone with a smile

Edward: don't worry, i just seen of what they are capable, i haven't hurt anyone…

President(Shizuno's brother): So how are the Brothers Montel?

Edward: from what i seen from the spar they were a complete let-down, sadly I can't nominate them for Rank S, but I heard that their weapons can be activated more than a single time, if i don't mistake the max of Montel George was 8 times from his normal strength, and now that he trained himself he could exceed the number and become more stronger, and the same can be said for Montel Lucas, it seems that he absorbs the power he divided from any source, either it is physical or Plana, maybe in the fight they didn't show much of their strength…

President: well, maybe in future we will have something to make us see how strong the two of them are, one of them still defeated a Dreadnought class alone, and he himself confirmed that Montel Lucas can match him in a spar and win sometimes…

[3 days later/accademy/midday]

four peoples were eating together, they were Lucas, George, Moroha and Satsuki

Satsuki: so, Lucas, George, where were you yesterday? you guys weren't in school

Lucas and George put an hand behind their back and scratched the spot embarassingly

Lucas: well, we were doing some training but we got carried away and slept all the day…


George: hey Lucas, let's see what how tastes pizza with Pot...

then both of them were gone for the rest of the day...


George: yea we did that... well, now it doesn't matter anymore

Satsuki: ok...

Moroha: hey, don't you know why Urushibara(Shizuno) isn't at school?

Satsuki: did she contact you, Big Brother?

Moroha: No...

George: then let's find out!

[afternoon/random place]

Moroha was calling Shizuno near a tree while behind him were his friends

Shizuno: I'm here

Moroha: Is this Shizuno? It's me. What happened today?

Shizuno: I caught a cold

George and Lucas: *wheeze*

George: Ice Queen caught a cold... hah.

Shizuno: is that George?

Moroha: yes, we were worried for you, now if you're not going to tell me the truth, I'm going to barge into your place

after a moment of silence she answered back

Shizuno: I'm going to study in England

The group: eh?

they composed theirselves and Moroha started talking again

Moroha: That's pretty sudden

Shizuno: it is...

Moroha: if you're the one that wants to go, I'll support you, But you don't, do you?

George turned towards Moroha and whispered

George: so losing Satsuki to my brother wasn't that useless, now you know how the women feels

Moroha pushed back George and continued his talk

Moroha: Forget what that brother of yours says

Shizuno: I can't

Moroha: why?

Shizuno: I'm tied down to the Urushibaras

Lucas: no one fucking cares, now come down here otherwise we will come!

Shizuno: please Lucas, don't do it... Bye... *Beep*

they were there for a moment until...

Lucas: the fuck are you doing there? let's go, we have to deliver Lover Boy at his destination

[later/over Urushibara's villa]

Lucas was flying with George on one arm and Lucas in the other, the latter seems to be scared shitless from height

Lucas: are you ready guys?

Moroha: FUCK NO!

George: FUCK YES!

then he dropped them and screamed towards the villa

Lucas: INCOMING!!! *Crack*

the window breaked and Moroha, George and a flying Lucas who was standing outside were there

President: YOU! What do you think you're doing? Property damage and trespassing!

then Lucas smiled maliciously

Lucas: sorry President, we were praticing flying, i didn't knew that there was your villa

Edward: so what are you here for?

Moroha: to warn you that you're so blind you're going to end up making a fool of yourself if you continue

George: Buuurrrnneeedd!

Edward: Oh?

George: I defeated that giant dick for myself

there was a moment of silence before the President started speaking

President: Are you declaring that you're a Rank S now?

Shizuno: do you know what you're saying, George? Once you're a Rank S, you won't have any freedom

George: I don't fucking care about things like freedom, i decide what the fuck i want to do to my life, if i want to be chained then it was because i wanted to, if i want to be free then i will break those chains for myself, one after one until nothing will take me down!

Shizuno: *sigh* you never change... why you guys are doing this?

George: hey Moroha, your turn

Moroha came from behind him and was in front of Shizuno

Moroha: you don't get it, do you? It's because it's for you that we can do it

Shizuo got wide eyes from his answer and started crying after word for word of Moroha

Moroha: I ought to go to hell

Shizuno: you're a fool, we already died once before and yet we got to meet again, compared to that, studying abroad is nothing

Moroha: I told you I remember almost nothing from my past lives, remember?

George commented in the background

George: you are getting old man, pick some pills

Moroha: fuck you George, stop interrupting my monologue!

Lucas: 'heh, deja vu'

Moroha: *sigh* that's why you're everything to me as you are now, I don't want to be separated from you

Shizuno: what about you?

Moroha: tell me how you really feel, Shizuno

Shizuno hesitated a bit before changing expression to a sad one

Shizuno: I want to be with you, in the past life, in this life and in the next, I want to be with you forever


Satsuki snozed and cleaned herself while driving

Satsuki: Shizuno must be admitting her love to my Big Brother... *sigh* why my heart is beating faster when i am with Lucas? am I in love? NO! it must just be a coincidence... but... Haaa... I'll think when the time comes...


Moroha: Then come with me!

then they hugged theirselves while Shizuno started crying in his arms

George/Lucas: awwww *snap* *snap*

they took their phones and start making photos with a creepy smile

George: new good memories...

President: Haimura! Are you trying to run off with my sister?

Lucas put a foot in front of him making the president trample on it and falling with his face on the ground

Lucas/George/Moroha/Edward: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH

then Moroha and George jumped off from the window with Shizuno in the former's arms while Lucas flew out, a car was coming in front of them and Satsuki got out from the window

Satsuki: Big Brother, over here!

then Moroha, George and Shizuno came inside the car while Lucas was hovering over them and Satsuki started driving, Shizuno started laughing from excitement


the President turned towards Edward while revealing a bruise on his head

President: Please, take my sister back from that kidnapper!

Edward: I'd cause a huge problem if I got involved in internal affairs

President: I appeal to you formally with the rights afforded at me, as an executive of Japan Headquarters.

Edward grinned

[back to the group]

while they were driving Lucas noticed a flying blade coming towards them and blocked it with his wings, the group stopped the car and got out, Edward's maid came in front of them

Maid: Dammit!

Edward came behind and asked Moroha

Edward: Now, give her back to me

Moroha got in front of them to protect them

Moroha: I'll never give you Shizuno!

Edward: Well, if that guy really defeated the Metaphysical himself, there'll be no reason to make Shizuno study in the UK, but there is no evidence

Lucas stepped forward

Lucas: what if one of us defeat you?

Edward: Are you challenging me to a duel? then as a Knight I have to oblige, who will come out?

Moroha wanted to answer but Lucas stopped him with an hand in the shoulder

Lucas: can you let me? the only guy fought was that excuse of a Savior in arena

Moroha though a bit and nodded, then he took Satsuki and Shizune behind while George followed

George: Break his ass!

Lucas: yes i will do it!

then he activated his Divine Dividing

Edward: those are really majestic wings, my weapon is a pretty shabby piece, don't be disappointed

then he materialized a greatsword, and both rushed at each others, Edward was surprised from Lucas flying speed but still blocked his punch with his sword (DIVIDE), Edward's strength was halved while it got absorbed to Lucas, the former made a smirk while Lucas grinned

Lucas: you have really have some big power here, but I am still far from being full...


George had already activated his Boosted Gear and his ability 3 seconds ago and paired a blade, it was from the maid, she got angry and tried to kick him to the side, but George still blocked it with his left hand, then he grabbed her leg and threw her towards the rock wall near him

George: don't even think it is that easy to beat me!

Maid: don't get cocky, I'll kill you!

George: shut the fuck up and come to me!


Lucas was flying over the trees while Edward came behind him with a jump to give him a slash to the back but Lucas dodged while moving towards right, then he spinned to kick Edward but still got blocked from the sword

Edward: whoa! that's some pretty power in that kick, if i took it with my arms you might break something

Lucas: if you want i can still get stronger!

then Edward got hit by gravity and fell in his feets to the ground, then Lucas descended towards him for another kick, Edward seen that and put his greatsword in front of him again but Lucas appeared from his left creating a big crater in the ground and kicked Edward to his left side with the right foot, Edward flew for some trees and stopped himself my crouching to the next one and jumped back at Lucas who was still balancing himself and got hit in the stomach creating a medium sized injury and threw Lucas away, when Lucas got back to his feet his injury started regenerating a bit to make sure that he doesn't lose blood

Lucas: 'thanks god i am over 15% dragon otherwhise i would be losing much blood'

then Lucas used his wings to block another hit from Edward and used again his ability (DIVIDE), now Edward has only 1/4 of his original power and when he exerted more force to his blade it broke in two, he got a bit shocked but then grinned and backed away from Lucas

Edward: if it continues like this i will never win...

then he started glowing again and a full armor appeared, including lance and shield

Edward: it's time to get serious!


He got another Boost and started to beat over and over again the maid, when she came from the front he would punch her in the stomach and make her fly away, when she came from behind he would pair the blade with his boosted gear and counterattack, no matter what she would do she still hasn't yet hit him, then she turned back and noticed explosions near the mountain and got surprised

Maid: what's happening?

George: hey bitch, come back here, i still didn't finished playing! and hear this! (BOOST) (POWER X8) Now you're fucked

Maid was shocked from his increasing power

Maid: What is his limit?! does he even hav-OOF(roblox death sound)

amd got interrupted from a fist again in her stomach that made her fly in the air before falling and hugging her stomach


They were fighting in the mountains, Lucas was going on the defensive and when he got too near to Edward, the latter would get away and attack with his lance

Edward: what's the matter? not going to use your ability on me any-

when he started talking he got interrupted by the sudden speed of Lucas and reflexively raised his shield and Lucas touched that and activated his ability (DIVIDE) before grabbing the shield with his right hand and moved it to the right and grabbed Edward's lance that was going towards his chest with his left

Lucas: I don't get it, care to repeat that?

then he kicked him in the chest with as much strength he could use and made Edward stumble back even if he had armor, then he tried to attack Lucas again when he gained his balance but he didn't see Lucas anywhere, he tried to search him in the air but didn't find him, that was until he looked at the sun and found him coming towards him but he couldn't see good thanks to the light so he put his shield in front of him again, but he noticed that he did the same error that he did before and expected that Lucas would come towards his left, where he is not shielded from his lance, but his hopes got crushed when he felt a devastating force to his shield that destroyed it and took down Edward and making him puke blood while Lucas who had now a broken hand was catching his breath, then he looked down to Edward and said with a smirk

Lucas: I won...

then he left him there and flew towards his group slowly


George was still in his feet undamaged while grinning like a psychotic while the maid had bruises everywhere and was standing with her sword as a cane

Maid: I... Will... not.... give up!

George stood there until his Boosted gear glowed again (BOOST) (POWER X16), the maid abandoned all her hopes and got unconscious before seeing Lucas returning damaged and really exausted, when he deactivated his wings the group runned towards him

Lucas: I... did it... it was... exciting!

then he fell unconscious too and Satsuki got him before he fell, she started to get worried and her heart started to hurt at seeing Lucas like that, George deactivated his Bosted Gear too and got towards the car

George: well then, now that the job is done let's go back at home

and then they followed him to the car to return back