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Alright, so I have seen this done on a few books, namely, Spirit Immortal and I decided to do the same thing since it is a good habit to have.

First off, I would like to apologize for the instability the releases of this book has had so far.

It was partially my fault due to my habit of losing track of time along with my procrastination skills even making my brain procrastinate successfully to my heart. The other problem was moving houses suddenly and having had an unstable period of a couple of weeks for the move (living with grandparents for 2 weeks, finally moving into this place for a month minimum before moving into a more permanent place).

I think a big problem was also my unpredictability in writing chapters itself.

To be honest, I only planned the absolute barebones of the previous Volume.

All I knew was how Fan Zhi got his powers/cultivation art/etc, the consequences of it and the annihilation of his family.

Even then, the annihilation of his family I had absolutely no clue on what to do and the test in the Pearl was entirely improvised.

However, I am quite happy with how it turned out.

Despite it being rather short at ~20,000 words, I felt that it covered a fair amount of detail in it and the focus for my writing at the time was to create an immersive world where people can imagine themselves as various characters.

This is the reason for the weird mix of dialogue and informative paragraphs that are all done in a third-person perspective.

Now, time to talk about the downsides of Volume 1.

It was short.

Far too short and no matter what, it is eventually going to get extended.

In fact, I am debating whether to merge it with what is going to be Volume 2, but I would rather not for a few reasons.

Another big problem was that I felt that the Volume was very badly done.

The writing and chapters themselves were good I felt, but the plot and everything relating to it were very messily done.

By this, I meant that the Volume progressed far too quickly and stuff happened far too suddenly.

I mean, just look at the last chapter of the Volume, that went from going deeper into the forest to suddenly Fan Zhi decided to travel out of it and ending the Volume.

Either way, I will probably end up extending that by another 15 chapters or so after this new Volume.

The final thing I want to talk about is this Volume.

As the title says, violence, death and blood are all going to be very prominent in this Volume in more ways than one (*cue evil laugh*).

Anyway, this Volume is going to actually be one of the most important.

It will explain the specifics of physique cultivation much like Volume 1 explained the specifics of Qi cultivation.

An incredibly important character to the entire planned series of five books will be introduced.

And finally, the reveal on the weapon/weapons and fighting style of Fan Zhi will be revealed.

I wonder how people will react to the revealed fighting style.

I know people will sigh at the base weapon choice, but then again the fighting style has a base weapon with many variations to it depending on the specific weapon of that class of weapon.

So technically, it isn't a weapon specific style, but a weapon class specific style.

E.g. a combat art made for longswords vs. a combat art that encompasses all types of swords, sabres and daggers.

I reckon people will most likely complain (those that actually comment rip) when they see the weapon but they will probably enjoy the fighting style.

Other than that, this Volume is another major one for the development of Fan Zhi and will also reveal a bit more of his master; including his name which I still haven't actually decided to be honest (don't judge me haha).


I almost forgot I am doing a major edit to the Qi Cultivation system's Acupoint, Meridian and Dantian Domains.

I am basically throwing the fusing part of it away and changing what cultivators have to do.

This is influenced by The Magus Era in that the cultivators have to refine each of the three aforementioned parts of the energy system during the Domain named after that part.

Will do edits to glossary tomorrow because I am about to have a sleep.

Will see you all next chapter.

If you have any comments, questions and suggestions about Volume 1, please comment them here.

If you feel like it, please leave a review but if possible, mention the chapter you were up to when you wrote it just in case your opinion changes and you forget to change the review.

good night people