A good night sleep needs to be earned and throughly enjoyed

Day after day, Yun Xiao persisted in his daily regime. Starting the day with the hunt and improving his bow skills. He now no longer took the Invisibility pills. He was also practising and improving his camouflouge techiniques. One arrow one kill. That was his daily goal. After hunting, he no longer took a nap. Instead he would practice the basic sword skills religiously. After practing his basic sword skills, he would meditate his mind and rest his body before proceeding to the Sword World.

Now in the Sword World, his teacher no longer taught him. He is supposed to hone and improve his killing intent and basic sword skills up to the day he completes his awakening.

Yun Xiao realized that the Sword World gave birth to many different beasts. Every single beast born in the Sword World had amazing fighting capabilities. On the day after he learnt the basic sword skills, his teacher had directed him to a location in the sword world where the beasts were all one level stronger than him. In the outside world, these beasts would be the equivalent of human martial cultivators who had completed their awakening. The only difference was that most newly awakened human martial cultivators would not yet have any killing intent. Some of course would have it but most would not. All the beasts in the Sword World have killing intent. Some of the besats would have very dense and heavy killing intent wheras other beasts would have very faint killing intent. But without fail, every single one of the beasts would have killing intent. Also, all the beasts have different elements awakened.His teacher had instructed him to battle at least 10 beasts a day.

Armed with only a normal sword and basic sword skills, Yun Xiao would engage in a life or death battle ten times a day. His teacher jad made it clear to him that no matter what happens, Yun Xiao will receive no assistance. If Yun Xiao were to die, it would only mean that he does not deserve his teacher's guidance. Every single day, Yun Xiao would battle and kill until he was absolutely exhausted. He had since fought with beasts who wielded different elements like fire, water, wind, earth and lightning. On some rare occasions, he even encountered beasts who could control and use multiple elements. Many times he had almost lost his life. But he always perservered and used wit and quick thinking to escape death. His experience and familiarity on how to oppose and face users of different elements improved by leaps and bounds. Now, although still only a child, Yun Xiao is no longer a stranger to killing. If Yun Xiao were to release his killing intent in the outside world and if senior cultivators were to see it, it would shock them. By now, Yun Xiao had grown numb to killing. With every single kill, his killing intent grew thicker. Sometimes, Yun Xiao's killing intent alone was more than enough to completely frighten some of the weaker beasts. He would not kill these beasts who had surrendered. Instead, he would leave the beast and look for a different beast to meet his daily quota of ten kills.

The last battle Yun Xiao had was also the most challenging one he had so far. He met a Metallic Lightning Eagle. It was the first time that Yun Xiao had to battle a beast that could fly. Moreover, the body of the eagle was as hard as iron, which made its defense so strong that normal slashes of the sword could not hurt it at all. To make matters worse for Yun Xiao, this particular Lightning Eagle could command and use three different types of elements. Lightning, Wind and Metal. When the eagle used the wind element, it was so fast and agile that it was almost impossible for a normal cultivator to be able to follow its flight trajectory. If not for Yun Xiao's improved eye sight, he would definitely not be able to see the eagle as it zoomed down to attack Yun Xiao. It also cultivated the metal element, thus giving it an additional layer of defence above its already dependable metal body.

Many times, all he could do was to dodge the lightning that seemed hell bent to strike at him and turn him into a pile of ash.

At night, he continued refining the energies from the Golden Dragon Blood fruit. His speed of refining energies now has also increased. Now in a single night, Yun Xiao can refine up to two Golden Dragon Blood fruits. His improvements in the Heavenly Body Reconstruction skill also greatly advanced.

This morning, Yun Xiao awoke just as Little Gold threw a stone seed at him. Wift a deft turn, he evaded the stone seed. All the time spent battling in the Sword World has homed his movements and instincts.

"Try harder next time Little Gold. Our deal still stands, if you manage to hit me even one time with a stone seed while I am asleep, i will prepare a luxurious feast for you." Yun Xiao laughed as he went to wash his face.

Little Gold rolled its eyes, inwardly swearing that he will definitely get Yun Xiao to prepare the luxurious feast. Just the thought of feasting on a luxurious feast was enough to make Little Gold drool bucket loads.

"Anyways, Little Gold, tonight we will go back home to Mother. In two days time is my awakening. I wonder which of the elements I will get. I really hope it is not fire as I already have the divine fore within me. It has also been one year since we last saw Mother. I cannot wait to see her. I am sure that she will be delighted to see us again."

Taking the Executor's Sword and a couple of Golden Dragon Blood fruits, Yun Xiao and Little Gold made their way back to the cave.

When he reached the cave, he saw that it was exactly as he remembered it.

"Mother, we are back." Yun Xiao shouted when Little Gold and himself reached the entrance of the cave.

His Mother, upon hearing Yun Xiao's voice immediately dropped everything and rushed to welcome Yun Xiao home.

"Xiao'er, Mother missed you terribly. Have you been doing well for yourself?"

"Thank you for asking Mother. Your son has been working very hard this past year. I have improved tremendously. I can now take care of Mother." Yun Xiao boasted.

"It is good that you are well Xiao'er. Mother is delighted to hear that. Come on in first. Let Mother prepare a feast to celebrate you coming home. You can slowly tell Mother about all your experiences later after the meal. Now go take a rest first while Mother prepares the food for Little Gold and you."

Naturally, among the two, Little Gold was more excited. It followed Mother like a little puppy.

Mother really did prepare a feast. There were all kinds of delicacies. The three of them laughed and ate enjoying the meal and each other's company.

Yun Xiao also told his mother everything that happened. When his mother heard that he had reached level four of the Heavenly Body Reconstruction skill, she was shocked at first. Then happiness took over her as she laughed and joked that Yun Xiao was now at the same level as her. She said that her father would have been so proud of Yun Xiao. After all, it was he who invented the skill.

When Yun Xiao told her about his teacher, she got worried at first

She told Yun Xiao that he should not be too trusting of others. After taking his time to explain that his teacher had not done him any harm and had in fact taught him the basic sword moves, she finally relaxed. However, she insisted that she meet his teacher. He could only relent. But no matter how many times she held the Executor's Sword, she was not transported into the Sword World.

To Yun Xiao, this was a pleasent surprise because he need not worry that any other person would accidently be transported into the Sword World. He made a mental note that he would experiment on this again im the future. He chose not to tell his mother about the life or death battles that he had to go through every day for he was sure that she would throw a fit and would never allow him near the Executor's Sword again.

"Have a good rest tonight Xiao'er. Tomorrow, mother will prepare everything that is needed for your awakening."

That night Yun Xiao chose not to refine the Golden Dragon Blood fruit. Instead he went to sleep. The first good night's sleep he had in a year.