Chapter 2: Imprisoned

'Drip. Drop. Drip'

It was dark. The only light inside the prison comes from the moonlight. The prison is not too big but big enough to have ten cells. It has five cells located on the left side of the prison and another five on the right side and in the middle is the hallway. It was humid inside and filthy, full of dust and cobwebs. The prison is made up of bricks and the door of the cell is made up of steel bars. Every cell has a small window which is barred with steel bars.

The man residing in one of the cell opened his eyes. The first thing he observed is his hands were tied and he is laid down in a filthy bed.

'That scum lied to us! I can't believe he betrayed us. If I'll ever see him again I will tear him limbs from limbs!', the man thought inside his heart. The man is named Nicolas Adrianno.

He is one of the commanding officer in their base and his rank is a Colonel General which has two hundred thousand soldiers under his disposal. You might be asking why he came inside the enemies territory, the reason is that, a few days ago, they received a message from one of their spies named Judas. He said he found out the base of their enemies territory which they were looking for a month already since its first attack on the civilians. But, they lost contact to Judas so, Nicolas decided to look for his friend and also to gather data on where the commanding officer of this terrorist group resided. But, never did he think that the whole thing is only a sham and now, here he is a prisoner of this vicious terrorist group.

The man observed his surroundings and look for Leila, which is his partner in this mission. Leila Cara is one of their elite although this is the first time that they were partnered in a mission but, as the commanding officer he cared for his subordinates wholeheartedly.

He saw her inside a cell which is beside his and she's unconscious and also her hands are tied just like him. He also saw that beside them there are also people residing in other cells. He deduced that they are the civilians which became the terrorist's hostages. It seems there are 20 persons, there are men and woman. Some are young and some are old.

"Leila!" Nicolas called Leila.

Leila slowly opened her eyes and get up from her bed. "Leila! Are you alright?", Nicolas asked knowing that before they were become captive she got shot on her left leg.

"Yes sir, I'm alright and they also bandage my wound. It seems they are planning to keep us alive". Leila responded to her superior.

"It's a good thing you're fine. I think they prisoned us to gather information about our base", Nicolas said while knitting his brows and think what their enemies plans are.

"Sir, I think our spy betrayed us", Leila said although she knows that Judas is Nicolas' childhood friend.

"I also think so. I never doubted him and trusted him whole heartedly. But, I never thought he will do this to us"., Nicolas said then sighed and think why his friend would betray them.

"So, what should we do now sir?" Leila asked.

"For now we'll observe our enemies and wait for our rescuers since you had sent them the signal earlier," Nicolas said then sighed as he knows that it is quite difficult to escape this place.

"Roger that, sir!", Leila said then silence engulf their area once again.

The door in the prison opened and five men in arms came in and walk towards Nicolas and Leila's cell. They opened it and dragged Nicolas and Leila out.

"Where are you taking us?", Leila asked while they are being dragged out. But, the terrorist paid no heed to her. They take them out of the prison and dragged them towards another room which they presumed to be their interrogation room. They put them in a chair. The interrogation room has a table which is full of torturing tools. It also has a bed and two chairs which they are seated.

"What do you want from us?", Nicolas asked but they were still ignored. They seemed to be waiting for someone before they will respond.

After a few moments the door inside the interrogation room opened and a man came in. The man has a scar in his left eye and has a full beard. This man is called Connard, the leader of this terrorist group and base from their data; he is a psychopath that loves to torture his enemies sometimes in a queer and obscene way or sometimes in a gory sight depending on his mood.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here? haha!. Nicolas Adrianno a commanding officer of alpha base. Ha! I thought you are great but still falls in my hands haha!", Connard said while smirking then laugh manically.