Chapter 18: Plan

Somewhere in the city....

Karl is currently with his team as they were meeting about their next move in finding Connard.

They are in their usual place which is, in the underground room in Karl's home as he built this for their confidential operations. It is spacious and not very humid like what you thought it will look like. It has a round table in the middle of the room and has seven chairs around it. The room also has a whiteboard where the person's name that they need to find is written there.

The room has seven people. All of them are wearing mask, as they were all assassins. Though they have their own styles and expertise, they have one thing in common, that is, they are good in killing people.

"So, we only have six days before Col. Gen. Adrianno will punished us or maybe end our sorry life if we didn't complete this task", Karl started.

"Our only lead is the things that our informants told us, which is their observation while they are inside Connard's camp", he added.

"So, I want you all to look for any info about those people that they had told us. Look for their residency. If they are dead, look for their family instead, maybe they have some kind of connections to Connard. We don't have much time so, we must search for any info and lead that we have and look closely to it", Karl continued as he distributed their work giving each one of them one person's name to look into as their informants only recalled eight people. But, in those eight people, not all of them are that close to Connard. But, they will still look into them as they do not want to miss any details however small that is.

"We haven't failed before and I don't want us to fail this time. So, do your work seriously and you must give me a feedback about your findings tomorrow morning. Meeting adjourned", Karl said ending the meeting.

"Roger that, sir!", his teammates saluted then one by one they went out of the room and go do their own works.

'I have a nagging feeling about this Micah Arsenio. Based on our info, she is Connard's closest kin as she is always inside his room. Maybe, I would personally look for her first', Karl said while thinking.

He also went out of the room then get his car and drove away.


Back in Micah's house.....

Connard is currently eyeing Micah dangerously as he saw her earlier with a knife in her hands ready to kill herself any minute.

"What do you think you're doing!? Ha!? Do you think I will just let you go just like that!? Ha! Micah! I will not let you die not until I said so or not until I kill you myself!", Connard shouted as he really is afraid of what he saw earlier. He doesn't know what he is feeling earlier when he saw her trying to kill herself. He don't know what is this called, is he worried about her?

"Please, just let me die", Micah murmured softly that Connard didn't hear her clearly.

"What did you say?", Connard asked as he didn't heard her clearly.

"I said. Please let me die, Now!", Micah shouted in front of Connard's not caring if he will get angry or maybe it is better if he will be angered to death so, he will kill her immediately.

"Sorry to disappoint you sweetheart. But, you must kill me first before you will get what you want, because I will never give you your wish. Not in my watch", Connard said to her in his dangerous tone.

Micah started crying as Connard drag her back again to her room and tied her on the bed as he is afraid that she will start to think of any dangerous ideas again to harm herself. He also put a clean cloth in her mouth so as she won't be able to bite her tongue to death. Connard went out of her room then go to her kitchen to cook for their food.

Oh, you must be asking where her grandma's corpse is. Connard took care of it earlier during witching hour as there were less people who are awake at that time.

He put the corpse inside a big black plastic bag then took her at their backyard. As Micah's grandma is also fond of planting vegetables and flowers, he buried her there.

Micah is asleep at that time so she didn't know about it. Once she woke up earlier, the first thing in her mind is to join her grandma and her deceased parents in another world.

And so, the first thing she did, is to look for a knife in the kitchen to stab herself, as she couldn't take the pain she's feeling anymore. She just wants to end her miserable life as she also couldn't understand why she has to experience all this pain. From losing her parents, then she experienced being raped for so many times that she couldn't even count and now, losing her grandma which is the only person who cared about her.

She lost herself and she felt too broken that she didn't even know if she could save herself from drowning from all these miseries she experienced.

Micah cried in the bed that she's being tied to until she fell asleep hoping that, hopefully the almighty will have mercy on her and someone will save her from this misery.