Chapter 25: Connard's retribution (part 2)

*Warning: Explicit scenes ahead. I suggest that you skip this chapter if you do not want to contaminate your mind.*

The next day another series of tortures began. Right now, Connard is inside in another chamber and hanged like a punching bag. The chamber only has a table with lots of torturing devices such as a whip, and different types of knife.

"Say Connard, do you felt something like a deja vu today? Did this remind you of something?", Nicolas said and smiled wickedly at Connard.

"Yeah, I remember. Your scream at that time is really like a pig being butchered", Connard said while laughed manically.

"Hmp, well your place really sucks that time. So, I prepared you a high end chamber. Look at this whip. This is made of fine materials which make it so strong and hard. And this knife, look, it is shining beautifully that will give you a feeling that it is really sharp", Nicolas said it as he holds the whip and the knife.

Seeing these things in front of him, Connard doesn't even care as he already know what will happen to him next.

"Well, gentlemen, let's start", Nicolas said and ordered his men to start.

Two of Nicolas men each holds a whip in their hands and started to whip Connard with it.

'Whip. Slash. Whip'

"Arggggghhhhh!!!", Connard started screaming while he felt the stinging feeling left in his body after the whip touch his skin. He also felt like the whip is tearing up his flesh.

Screams of agony were heard inside this chamber as they whipped Connard continuously. It felt like hours passed as the men whipped Connard slowly at first then attack him with full of force. Connard's voice which is already hoarse since yesterday is the only sound heard in the four corners of this room.

'Whip. Slash. Whip'

After fifty lashes they stopped as they didn't want to kill Connard, not yet.

"So, how does it feel, my friend?", Nicolas inquired.

"Oh! Your whip is really made of good quality…..*huff*... I could feel that it is really very long and hard…..*huff*", Connard said while panting heavily after that torture he experienced. Even though he couldn't feel his body anymore which is now full of purple bruises, he still mocked Nicolas with his hoarse voice, not backing down.

"Oh! I think you really like a long and hard shaft. Well then, I'll give it to you", Nicolas said it like he was amused from Connard's remark.

Then three bulky men went inside the room. They were only wearing boxer shorts at the moment so you could see their hulk like muscles.

"Gentlemen, I really appreciate your kind cooperation. I hope you will take good care of our friend here", Nicolas said to the three men as he points his hands towards Connard's direction then smiled evilly at Connard.

Connard is feeling nervous right now seeing that Nicolas really looks for some men around this prison. He is a straight man and he never likes men. He doesn't know that Nicolas will really do what he said yesterday.

"So, my friend, this is your request. I know you are already excited about this. Don't worry these men really like men so they will give you a great time. Gentlemen, let's start", Nicolas said it while sounding like he is really just talking with his friend.

The three men licked their lips while looking at Connard lasciviously and they were really excited about this as you could see it from their hard member. They stripped their clothes naked and started to approach him.

One man went to his back and started licking his *ss. Another man sits in front of him and started giving him a fellatio while the third one is s*cking on his nipples. After Connard's release, the man behind him start pushing his twelve inches member inside him while the man in front of him lifted Connard's right leg and starts pushing his member inside.

"Argggghhhh!!!!", Connard screamed as he really felt his anus broken as he felt blood spurt out from it because of the two dicks that entered his *ss

They started pumping inside him while the third man holds Connard's shaft and start rubbing it, up and down. Connard felt hours passed by as these three men feasted on his body. The three changes position on their every release, and now, Connard's *ss and body is full of c*m.

This thing happened until all three men are very exhausted and the most exhausted of all is Connard as his an*s is spouting blood now and even his member is bloody and reddish from being rubbed constantly earlier.

Connard's head is already hanged low as he felt really weak right now adding up that his body is aching right now.

"Well, this is your request my friend. I hope you enjoyed it", Nicolas smiled wickedly at Connard.

Connard stayed silent and he really felt so weak now to retaliate. He is seething in anger right now as he is very much humiliated from that but, he just grits his teeth and hopes that in his next life, he could torture Nicolas a hundred times fold than what he experienced today.

"So, how does it feel Connard? Now you experienced what you had done to your prisoners before. Do you feel any regret?", Nicolas said as now his angers toward Connard subside seeing that he is already pitiful right now and he already avenge himself and Leila.

"Do you now feel their anger? Their resentment and hatred towards you? Well, I think you do. Don't worry, tomorrow, I'll give you your timely death", Nicolas said it coldly then went out of the room.

The next day....

It is the third day since the start of Connard's torture. He's still hanged inside the chamber since yesterday and he couldn't feel his body anymore. He knows that this third day will be the most bloody of all the tortures he would experience.

Nicolas went inside the room and greets Connard.

"Hello Connard! Well, this maybe the last time that we'll see each other. Don't worry we'll make this quick", Nicolas said it then approached the table full of torturing tools then holds the knife in there.

"I remember that day when you used those knife in me it's quite painful. Well, I hope to return to you the favor for that gift you gave me before", Nicolas said it flatly while twirling the knife on the table.

Nicolas started to order his men. Two men each went to get a knife of their own. They first started to cut him thinly and slowly at first.

"Arggggghhhhh!!!", Connard started screaming as he felt the knife slicing his skin.

But as time goes by those thin cuts started to get deeper and longer than before. Shouts and screams of agony were the only ones heard inside the four corners of this room.

As all these things were happening, there were flashes of memories that appear in Connard's mind as he remembers all the things that happened to his life since he was a child.