Chapter 22: The sudden news.....

Three hours later after Leila passed out...

Leila who is lying in the hospital bed, slowly lifted her eyes and adjust her vision. As she observed her surrounding she saw that she's inside the clinic in their camp.

The clinic is quite small as it was only used when someone was injured from the training but, mostly this was built only for the trainees.

She saw Lt. Madrigal is approaching her together with Dr. Sanchez. She greeted them and Dr. Sanchez started to talk first.

"So, how are you feeling dear? Do you still feel dizzy?", Dr. Sanchez inquired.

"I'm fine now Dr. Sanchez. Maybe my body is just not used to it yet as I haven't done any exercise yet for a month. And also, I'm sorry for the commotion that I had caused earlier Lt. Madrigal", Leila said as she really thought that maybe she just over exerted herself.

"Well, dear, the thing is, you are pregnant for a month. What you experienced earlier is a sign of pregnancy", Dr. Sanchez said it slowly as she deduced that Leila doesn't know yet about her pregnancy.

"Uhmmm, Dr. Sanchez. Can you repeat what you said earlier? I think I am having a delusion earlier. I must have heard it wrong", Leila politely said then laughed as she thought that maybe she is daydreaming as her mind can't process the info yet, like it experienced a short circuit.

"Dear, you, are pregnant for a month now", Dr. Sanchez patiently repeat her sentence.

As Leila heard this her mind is in chaos, she just stared unblinkingly towards Dr. Sanchez.

'How? How could this be? Why did I become pregnant? What will I do now?', these are Leila's thoughts right now as she remembers what she and Nicolas did while they are inside Connard's camp.

Then, she also remembers all the things that she experienced this past few days that she didn't paid attention too and thought that it was all normal like feeling sleepy too much and that morning sickness that she thought it was only because she doesn't like the food that she started to vomit what she ate.

"Leila, let's face it. You are pregnant for a month now. This might be a surprise for you but you better face it now. And besides, you already told me a month ago that you and your boyfriend are planning to get married. Maybe this is an early gift for you two from the almighty. You should be happy about this", Lt. Madrigal said while giving her an encouraging smile but she also felt like something is quite amiss to Leila's reaction since, she doesn't know about their broken engagement yet.

"R-right, you're right. Lt. Madrigal. I should be happy", Leila said then laughed as she is trying to calm herself down and just decided not to tell Lt. Madrigal about her cancelled wedding yet.

"So, Leila you already know what will happen once a female soldier became pregnant in our military right? You know that you will be discharge in the army but, you could also just be reassigned to another department while you are pregnant if you want to", Lt. Madrigal explained to her.

"I won't pressure you to answer me right away. Think things through right now. I'll give you three days, but, you better not participate in daily training starting tomorrow", Lt. Madrigal added as she saw that Leila is still quite in a daze from the sudden news she heard.

"You may go home early now to rest, Sgt. Cara", Lt. Madrigal said then pats Leila on her shoulder.

Leila just stayed silent while Lt. Madrigal was speaking as she really is surprise for this unexpected news.

She didn't know how she made it home. After their talk she bid farewell towards Dr. Sanchez, Lt. Madrigal and her squad. She was distracted the whole trip while she is going home. She's lucky that she didn't meet any accident on her way.

She greeted her mother and grandparents. As she saw her mother, she didn't know how to tell her the sudden news as she is quite already ashamed to her mother since she also cancelled her wedding with Leon. She decided to just tell her tomorrow as she wants to think things through first.

They ate their dinner. During their meal she felt like she couldn't stomach their food, like something smells fishy. She steeled herself to eat first so that her mother won't be suspicious. She tried finishing her meal but she couldn't bring herself into eating it as she really wants to vomit right now. And so, the outcome is that, she runs towards the nearest comfort room and throw up on their sink.

Her mother followed her, and she already has inkling on what Leila is going through right now, as Leila already told her the reason why she cancelled their wedding. She also know who the father of the baby is.

"So, tell me dear, how do you plan to tell your commander about this?", Her mother started once they went to Leila's room.

"Mom, I don't know. I also don't know what to do right now. Would I quit military and live as a civilian or just request for reassignment or what not? Mom *sob* what should I do now?", Leila said and started crying while her mother embraced her.

She poured out all of her frustrations that build up since earlier as she couldn't cry inside their camp.

"My child, follow your heart. Whatever you decide it's up to you. But, I will be there for you, watching you in this whole ordeal. Your grandparents will also be there for you. We will support you and take care of you. Don't worry too much", her mother said trying to pacify her growing tension.

"Also, maybe you should talk to your baby's father. He also has a right to know about this", her mother added while Leila is still on her embrace.

Leila wipes the tears in her eyes then faces her mother then said, "Mom, thank you for everything. I will think of what to do next. About my baby's father, well, I don't know yet when I will tell him about it. But, I will just think about it".

"Okay dear. Just don't forget that whatever your problems are, you always have your mother to listen to you. Sleep now and Goodnight", her mother warmly smiled at her then kissed her crown.

Her mother after consoling her decided to let her sleep as she knows that she's already exhausted and bid farewell to her daughter.

'My baby, I know you just suddenly came into my life that it surprises me. Don't worry, your mother didn't resent you or anything she's just surprise, so sorry about my reaction earlier. And about your father, I don't know yet when to tell him so, please bear with your mother for a while, okay?', Leila said in her heart then fell asleep while she's thinking what will her next action be.