Chapter 13: A Message

Days passed by since the snot fiasco that happened inside the church.

You might be asking, 'Why did Nicolas stop courting Leila? Didn't he say he won't stop until she became his?' Well, the reason is that, it does not actually stopped there; it's just currently on hold. Why? You asked? Well, here is what happened last Sunday.

After they went home from the church, Nicolas once again demands a meeting from his 'excellent team'. He asked them if they have any other ideas but his father dear, shook his head and said that he will just inform him if he has good suggestion.

He also asked Nathan but it just shook his head and stayed silent, like always. Luis was also asked but he also said he doesn't have any ideas.

Since, in terms of age and seniority, Luis was like a grandson for Gen. Adrianno and so, he was curious and asked him how people his age courted each other now. Nicolas and Nathan is also quite curious if the new generations were still courting a girl just like what their classmates did during their high school days.

"Well, the thing is, I just recently found out about this from my classmates. And, from their words this method is called triple E", Luis started while his hand is on his chin as he is thinking.

"triple E? As in EEE? What does it mean?", Gen. Adrianno asked with a curious look.

"From their words it means Effortless, Effective and Economical. And, they could even have multiple girls just with this new method", Luis said with his a smile on his face while thinking if he could contribute something to this old men.

"Really? How did they do it?", Gen. Adrianno asked as shock were written on his face and also felt doubtful as he remember in his old days that when they will court a girl if you do not have money, you must give a lot of effort even in just simple things to capture her heart but it would be a different scenario if you are rich, even without doing anything, girls will flock you like chicks.

So, he felt amused how the new generation thought of a new method that is effective, effortless and economical, in their own words, and girls will flock them like chicks.

"Well, it's quite simple. You just have to add a girl on a social media account as a friend, message her some sweet nothings everyday then 'bam' there you have your girl", Luis said while smiling confidently.

"Really? That simple?", Nicolas asked while thinking if he should do it with Leila.

"Well, can I see how you message that girls?", Nicolas asked Luis and wants to see how do they do it.

Luis felt embarrassed as he knows that those sweet nothings are quite too cheesy while some messages are quite very private.

So, he just said, "Sir, I just recently found out about this method so, I haven't tried it yet". Then, he tried laughing despite his nervousness as Nicolas looked at him very sharply.

"Let. Me. See.", Nicolas announced those words slowly but with all seriousness.

Luis decided to give him his phone hence he might experience Nicolas' wrath.

While scrolling down the messages, Nicolas was astonished how could a woman be captured by just this? He can't even understand anything at all! Look at this for example....

@BhosxMapagmahal: Ellow pows ❤❤❤

@MissGanda: Hiyah!

@BhosxMapagmahal: Ms. Are you a bomb?

@MissGanda: Why?

@BhosxMapagmahal: Because you are an explosion of beauty. Boom!


'See this, how did those two lines became connected at all? Bomb? Why did you have to compare a girl with a bomb? How can you a girl's heart be captured with this kind of sentence? I really don't understand this new generation at all', well, these are Nicolas thoughts right now while he continued scrolling downwards.

There is also this, another 'pick-up line' which Luis referred to.....

@BhoxsMapagmahal: Are you pizza?

@MissGanda: Why?

@BhoxsMapagmahal: Because I have a 'crust' in you. Boom!

'The heck, How can they compare a girl to inanimate things and then 'bam' they captured the girl's heart with this?', Nicolas thought once again while his brows are scrunched downward and were more scrunched up as he scrolled down for few more messages up to the last.

There also this one line which Nicolas can't accept because....

@BhoxsMapagmahal: Are you poison?

@MissGanda: Why?

@BhoxsMapagmahal: Because I'm ready to die just to have a taste of you. Boom!

'These kids, how could they have having lascivious thoughts at this age?! When I was at that age I can't even utter those kind of words or anything pertaining to s*x and the like or else, this father of mine will put chili on my mouth. ', Nicolas thought in his head while the phone in his hand is being squeezed too much, luckily it's still working.

'Maybe, I'm just starting to get old that I couldn't understand these kids at all', Nicolas said then sighed while thinking about a generation gap.

Then, Nicolas imagined himself chatting Leila like this...

@NicolasAdrianno: Hellow!

*@LeilaCara seen your message*

@LeilaCara: Sir! Are there any urgent matters?

@NicolasAdrianno: Are you bomb?

*@LeilaCara seen your message*

@LeilaCara: ????

@NicolasAdrianno: Because you are an explosion of beauty.

*You can't message on this chat anymore*

'Maybe, I won't even be able to finish my pick-up line, she will block me right away', Nicolas thought then he sighed and give back Luis' phone not wanting to try this method at all cost. He had enough of his failed attempts and wants to rest for a few days.

And so, that's how they ended their mission for that day and decided to on hold the mission since the next day would be Monday and they have some things to do on the office or camp while Luis have to go to school.

After that, days passed by with them doing their everyday routine and now are Thursday which happens to be the day before the Perildon Summit.

As Nicolas can't see Leila these last few days, he decided to make Leila to take part in his new assignment which is, to be in charge for the whole army which is stationed to take part in this Perildon Summit.

The next day Leila were informed that, as she haven't really quitted the army yet and was only working at the intelligence department temporarily, she received a message from Lt. Madrigal which were an order from the higher up that she will become Col. Gen. Adrianno's assistant from the start up to the finished for this three day Summit.

Leila is quite speechless as she didn't understand why Nicolas would do this.

'Doesn't he have an assistant on his own? Why would he need me, someone without experience in that matters, become his assistant for the next few days?', this is what Leila's thoughts right now.

That afternoon, she received a call from an unknown number. When she accepted the call, it was Nicolas' voice that she heard.

["Good afternoon, Leila"], Nicolas started.

"Good afternoon sir, are there any urgent matters?", Leila inquired while confusion were written on her face.

["Go to Cramer's Cafe at six in the evening. I'll give you a briefing about what will happen tomorrow"], Nicolas said in a professional tone hiding the nervousness that was brewing inside him as this is the first time that she called Leila's phone which he get from Luis as he ordered him before while they are in the hospital to befriend Leila and get her phone number though he just doesn't have any courage to call her.

After that, he hanged up right away without asking if Leila will go later or not.

Leila was quite confused at first. Then, once she remembered what Lt. Madrigal told her earlier in the morning and she already understood what this order is for and decided to go at the said cafe after office hours.

Authors Note:

•the said pick-up lines above where from this site which the author had seen