Chapter 21: Kidnapped

'Chirp. Chirp. Chirp'

It was morning. Birds were flying freely in this gloomy forest. At the heart of this forest resides an abandoned Warehouse which is about two kilometers away from the nearest road, though the pathway is already narrow as the trees had now surrounded this Warehouse for being abandoned for so long.

It was built in a steel structural design and was filled with lots of steel crates. Though, due to for an unknown span this Warehouse was abandoned, the structure and the crates are now full of rusts which can now passed as a setting for a horror movie such as Walking Dead or any other horror movies.

Leila opened her eyes and the first thing she saw is darkness. She couldn't identify where she is right now as her surrounding is quite dark and the only source of light comes from irregular shaped hole in the walls of this thing she were in.

She felt that her hands and feet seemed to be tied as well. Though, she couldn't see clearly in the dark she could feel that there is someone beside her though, she couldn't see who this person is due to darkness but she's sure that this person is unconscious based from this person's steady breathing.

The place is too silent and she couldn't make out if this area even has any living person or maybe there is, she just can't hear any movements outside.

The first thing on Leila's mind is to check herself for any injuries as she was assaulted last night though the woman seemed to just put something on her nose that cause her to lose consciousness maybe, their intention is to only kidnap a person and so as not to incur any suspicions they decided to not harm any person.

Leila thought about who might want to kidnap her but to no avail, she couldn't think of anyone. She tried to free herself from her bindings but, unfortunately, the ropes are too tight and it won't even budge. She probably needs her knife to be release from these bindings.

And so, to conserve her energy, she just stopped and waits for this person to wake up.

A few moments later, the person beside her started to move and this person seems to start panicking and was trying to free itself from its binding.

"Are you awake?", Leila started to talk which startled the person beside her.

"Who's there? Who are you?", a voice of a woman resounded in this small space.

Leila recognizes her voice and it was none other than Emily.

"Emily? Is that you?", Leila once again asked and the woman now recognizes her voice.

"Yes it's me, Leila? Is that you?", Emily said in a calmer tone as she realizes that she's not alone.

"Yes", Leila replied.

After confirming each other's identity, Leila think of the possibilities why they were kidnapped. Probably a political conspiracy happened and Emily is the target of whoever the master mind is. She really can't think of any other possibility as she really doesn't have any enemies of sort that would garner this too much hatred. But, Emily is a descendant of a Royal Family so probably this person is someone powerful maybe in a comparable background with Emily, that's why it dares to kidnapped someone with a powerful background like Emily.

And so, Leila started to ask Emily if she has any idea who this person that dares kidnapped her.

"I really don't have any idea who this person is. Maybe, it is a political enemy which I do not know of or anything?", Emily said unsurely as she contemplated who this person might be.

Leila felt that there is something that Emily is hiding but, she just accepted her reason. Though, her life is also at risk here but, she decided to just stay silent for a while and wait till this person whoever it is decided to show itself.

It was unknown for how long they are waiting inside this place and their stomachs are already growling furiously as they haven't eaten anything yet since this morning and probably it is now afternoon but no one seems to care how they are right now.

A few minutes later, they heard a loud sound coming from the outside. Leila deduced that, maybe the sound comes from the whirring of the rotor blades of a helicopter.

A few moments later, their surroundings where now surrounded by a sudden brightness as the door of the crate started to open and while Leila and Emily were still adapting their eyesight from sudden brightness, a men in black suddenly dragged them towards the exit of the crate and they were put down in a broken sofa.

Once they were seated, Leila saw a guy sitting in a chair not far away from them in a slouch manner that is wearing a black suit though there is a Clown face mask in front of his face.

It started to shift its seating position then started to pronounce each of his words slowly.

"So, we meet again, Emily", the man said in a lazy tone but there is a glint on his eyes which they haven't notice due to the mask in front of his face.