Chapter 26: Sentiments

Back inside the abandoned warehouse where Leila and Emily are currently captive....

After Emily told Leila about why they are in this situation right now, the 'storage room' is filled with silence. Silence because neither of them know what to say to another.

Leila sympathizes with Emily and she too as a woman felt a rising anger within her for what Emily had gone through before. Although she feels like that Sheila, which is Emily's twin sister, is very selfish but she can't just bad mouth the person because she also sympathize with Sheila for losing her lover. But, in her own opinion, that person is already dead, it's true that she is grieving for her deceased lover but she should have cared for what her sister would have gone through if she escapes. But instead, she's swallowed by her own grief that she loses her own rationality which causes her sister to experience those a decade of torture when the only thing she did is to help her sister. Sheila should have also think about her sister which loves her dearly but instead she decided to flee and left her sister to battle the fight that she should have fought.

In Leila's opinion, 'her lover is already dead, she should have focus more on the living instead of swallowing in her own grief and shut herself out that she couldn't even see the people that helped her or that other people had suffered for her'.

Well, that's maybe what really happened, that maybe Sheila wasn't that bad and she just couldn't get back and help her sister that time due to some things or someone that causes her delay? Or maybe, she really loses her sanity that time and failed to see and realize the situation in her surroundings.

After a long silence, Leila decided to break it.

"Tell me, after experiencing those torture before do you regret anything?", Leila said it without thinking as she stared unblinkingly on the little window situated at the farthest corner of the room.

"I do not want to lie to you and say 'No, I don't regret anything at all. For the sake of my sister, I'm willing to bear those sufferings. And, if it will happen again, I'm willing to do it again for the sake of my sister'. Nah! I'm not a Saint", Emily said it while she too were staring blankly at that window admiring the full moon outside.

"At first, I am still stubborn and say that to motivate myself and continue living. Imagine my past naive and timid self which looks like a lamb that was trying to change herself to look like a wolf. Well, that's me before", Emily said then chuckled to her own comment.

"But, after I experienced becoming a battered wife, I thought to myself, 'Why are you even persisting? The same person that you had sacrificed your happiness for is outside and is probably having a time of her life while you, which should have married that guy that you love, which should have a successful career where instead being entrapped inside this monster's house being his 'bed warmer' and 'punching bag' everyday whenever and wherever he wants to. Do you think all your sacrifices were worth it? Does your sister truly cares about you or maybe you are just lying to yourself?'", Emily continued while tears where accumulating on her eyes as she voiced out her inner thoughts.

"I would not lie to you, those years of tortures almost made me to lose my mind. Although I hate my husband but, my son became my saving grace that time and my strength to fight for my predicament and escape that house because I know that if I don't, my son's life would be in danger due to my husband's unreadable moods. Well, again, I would not lie to you that I also lose myself that time that I hated my son for being a spawn of that monster. But, I realize that my son had done nothing wrong and he too was also a victim. And no matter, even if he is my despicable husband's son, I would love him and protect him dearly. I think that was what all mothers must have also felt. When it comes to her children she will do everything for them, protecting and loving them", Emily said while a full conviction could be seen from her eyes.

"About my sister, I don't know what I felt about her anymore. I don't know what to think. I already forgave her though but, thinking back those years, I was all alone in that cold mansion, living with a monster and no one to ask for help and if not for that new maid that have pitied me and help me escape that mansion, I couldn't help but feel angry at her but, I also couldn't because I am partly to be blame for her lover's death", Emily said while sadness and regret is written on her face.

Leila stayed silent as she listens to Emily. She suddenly looked at her belly which is still flat as it is still only a month old. She too could sympathize with Emily. Well, her case was quite different as she wasn't really raped. She herself knew that while Nicolas did that to her he was also unwilling but for her safety he did so. And now, she's pregnant with his child but, she just only felt grateful for Nicolas for saving her life.

She's also grateful that even if Nicolas already knew about her condition he didn't forced her to marry him unlike what always happens inside a novel where the man would tie the girl by his side and marry her right away but, she won't let that happen with them.

Firstly, it was already wrong that they did it out of wedlock though it is now a modern era but, she is an old-fashioned woman that believes sex is a sacred thing that should only be done between husband and wife and for one it was created by the Almighty so that we could express our love for our partners and not use it only for pleasure.

Secondly, it was already a mistake that they had done it out of wedlock but if he were to proposed a marriage to her for the reason that she's pregnant, she will reject it because she knows that marriage out of that reason is doomed to not last long and only in novels would it happen that the FL and ML ended up together when in that predicament. Well, it wasn't really impossible but still she doesn't want to tie him on that responsibility because she already felt indebted to him for saving her life. She doesn't want him to suffer for a lifetime due to this responsibility.

'Well, enough of this sentiments now Leila, you have to think of a way to survive this calamity. Remember that you have a baby to protect', Leila harshly said to herself and started to think of a way for them to escape their predicament.

While these women had opened up with each other, they didn't notice that there is hidden camera inside the room and a voice recorder and is now being watched by the director of this whole kidnapping case.