Chapter 32: The Consequences (epilogue of book two)

Leila and Nicolas took Emily to the hospital quickly as her condition worsens for every minute that passed by. Fortunately, they already called a chopper beforehand for an emergency like this.

They came to the nearest hospital in ten minutes. And when they came there, the doctors and nurses hurriedly took care of Emily.

They took Emily inside the emergency room for an operation. Leila together with Nicolas waited outside the operation room anxiously.

Her mind is full of self-blame and guilt as she knows that if it weren't for her, Emily would not be in this kind of situation right now.

'Emily, please be safe! Lord Almighty please! help my friend', Leila prayed silently as she paced back and forth in front of the operation room.

Nicolas was also worried for Emily as she is one of the V.I.P. which were assigned to him but he's much more worried for this woman in front of him that is pacing back and forth right now.

"You need to calm down Leila! Remember that you are pregnant right now! Don't stress yourself too much! Come here and sit down first!", Nicolas said it with his serious expression and berated Leila for her anxiousness.

Leila knows that Nicolas only said it because he's worried for his child but she can't help but feel a little warm inside. She listened to his scolding and tried to calm herself down and sits beside Nicolas.

Two hours passed by and the doctor came out from the emergency room.

"Doctor, how is she!?", Leila asked anxiously after she saw that the doctor came out of the room.

"Ms. Emily's condition is now stable. Fortunately, she was sent to a hospital immediately but due to her emotional trauma as well as her wound at the side of head we do not know when she will wake up. For now, all we could do is to wait for the time that she wakes up", the doctor explained.

Leila sighed in relief and said her sincere thanks to the doctor and the doctor together with his assistants went on their way. Leila and Nicolas went inside Emily's room and waited until her family arrives. Since the kidnapping incident reached the Myriad family, they immediately flew towards country P.

Three days passed by..............

In these three days a lot of things happened. First is that, Alexander himself plead guilty in all his crimes and willingly surrender himself to the police. He was supposed to be sentenced in a lifelong imprisonment for all the murders as well as the rape and domestic violence that he had done to Emily but since he was diagnosed with a personality disorder he was sentenced to be in a rehabilitation center for until his condition became stable but Alexander also added that if ever he was healed with his illness he wants to be imprisoned for all the crimes that he had done. And so, a 10-year imprisonment was sentenced to him.

This incident is suppressed by the Vladimir Family and is unknown to the public as they could not afford to ruin their decades of reputation in the politics, that is the reason why the only thing that the public knows is that, Alexander resigned in his position due to personal reasons and wants an early retirement.

In fact, the Vladimir family could not understand why Alexander insist in this imprisonment because with their power they could deter this kind of stain in their family but Alexander insists and wants to pay the price for all his crimes, especially for all the violence and sufferings that Emily suffered from him. In his own conscience, he could not forget Emily's appearance as she was shot before she closes her eyes.

He was really full of grievances, self-loathing and self-blame for all the things that he had done before. He never realized that he loves Emily more than his infatuation with Sheila. He thought that he was in love with Sheila but whenever he remembers the time where in Emily was with him and for the times wherein she tried to take care of him such as cooking some homemade foods for him even though she doesn't have to and taking care of him just like what a wife would do well, all those things happened before he knows about the swapping incident. He really thought that it was Sheila who did all those things and thought that finally Sheila accepted him and accepted her situation but he was wrong, he found out that it was Emily who is with him all those times, that's why she could adapt to her situation right away and once he found out that he was deceived, he really couldn't control himself and his illness and did all those heinous crimes towards Emily. And now, he wants to pay for all his crimes, although he could not turn back the time but at least little by little he could do the right thing even though he knows that he will suffer a lot after his decision.

Alexander ask someone to investigate about his own son and after three days they found him living in some rural area, but he is in good hands and is living well with his foster parents. Even though he wants him to know of his existence as his biological father but he doesn't want to ruin another life because of his illness. And so, he would bear this sadness of living without his son and his son not knowing who his father is. He just secretly helped his son to have a better life and give him some sustenance until the right time that he will appear in front of his son and let him know about his existence, though he wasn't sure if his son would accept him at that time.

Unfortunately, in these three days Emily was still unconscious, it was unknown when she will wake up. Her condition is now stable but due to an emotional trauma she's still unconscious.

A day after the incident her family flew towards country P and once her condition stabled they insist that she would be discharge in that hospital and be transferred to the best hospital in country E so that they could take care of her easily as they could not stay in country P for a long time.

It is also the first time that Leila meets Sheila, Emily's twin sister. After knowing that Alexander was inside a rehabilitation center, she lets herself out in public and came to meet her sister. She really does some resemblance to Leila due to her altering her image so that she would not be found out by Alexander but before she ran away a decade ago, her appearance is exactly alike with Emily and so Alexander really mistook Emily to be Sheila.

She was full of self-blame and guilt as she doesn't know that due to her selfishness, her timid sister suffered all these time. She never thought of the consequences of her actions. All she ever thought all these time is to run away from her problems like the way she used to before.

Since they were a child whenever she encountered a problem, her sister is always there to help her take care of it and being a heiress she never have to suffer anything at all. She thought that time that her lover being killed and to be tied in a loveless marriage is her greatest suffering so she ran away from these sufferings but she never thought that her sister suffered hell in her place inside.

Although her sister never falls in love before but she was tied in a loveless marriage and suffered domestic violence almost every day, she couldn't imagine herself to go through that hell.

And so, she was so guilty and full of self-blame for her sister's sufferings and due to this incident she decided that from now on she will only live for her sister, before it was her always taking care of her but now, she will do everything in her power to take care of her sister for the rest of her life.

All of these incidents were unknown to the Public. After the Perildon Summit, all the Presidents, Representatives and Delegates of other countries already went back to their own countries. There are others who knows about what happened during the last day of the incidents but decided to stay quiet lest they provoked the Vladimir Family but would the Myriad family let this incident go?

Knowing that their precious daughter were suffering and they doesn't even know when will Emily wakes up they decided to retaliate. They let the media and the public know about this incident. It became a war with words and almost everyone was against the Vladimir Family. Everyone was in disbelief that the person that they were almost a perfect gentleman was a demon in disguise and that even though they also knows about his personality disorder but still they could not accept his means and just let him go.

There are rallies that happened and they want Alexander to be punished. The Vladimir Family could not do anything at all and just let Alexander become a scapegoat to the public and let the public know about his rehabilitation and imprisonment to appease the public. The Myriad family although this is not the outcome that they wanted but they could not afford to offend Vladimir Family further as they were still more powerful than the Myriad Family.

Somewhere inside country P...................

The walls were painted white. The room was bare except for a bed, a study table, a chair and some books. There is also a little window which is barred with metal bars and there is also a little comfort room inside the room.

A man was clothed in white and for hours he was only sitting on his bed and looking blankly at the wall. Suddenly, a man wearing a doctor's robe together with some nurses behind him came inside the room.

The doctor informed the man that someone wants to see him. The man was indifferent to the doctor but still followed him outside. He was sent to the visitor's lounge but there is a glass wall between him and his visitor. He seated in the only chair available in the room.

He was shocked to see who his visitor is and so he immediately picked up the phone inside the room to talk to his visitor. His heart which he thought had already stopped beating started to beat again. So many years had passed and even though their appearance aged but he could never forget her eyes which captured his heart unknowingly all those years ago.

He was exhilarated and his hands were shaking as he held the phone, even his voice were shaking.

"It's been a long time..........Emily, my wife", there is a tear in his eyes and the soulless eyes before were now full of gentleness and love and smiled on her. And, his happiness could not be measured when he saw a twelve-year-old boy looking exactly like him when he was a child sitting beside his wife and looking at him with curiosity and only full of innocence, devoid of any hatred and maturity just like a little doe.

The woman smiled at him gently and all you could see is her gentle and warm expression.

Well, all of these things will happen a few years later in the future