Aftermath (1)

Lars led Charley back through the dilapidated streets as he looked out for where they could make their base.

Though it was late at night, people were still up and awake, moving about the streets as they set about clearing the corpses and piling them up in a huge bonfire to burn.

Despite their weariness and the fact that many of those corpses were those of their loved ones or neighbours, they had no choice. It was either to dispose of the bodies now, or to join them in eternal slumber from the disease and pests that would accompany the rotting carcasses!

Trying hard to keep away from the filth and dirt, mysophobic Lars actually even kept a constant sheen of mana around his body as a shield from the smells, dust, germs and bacteria. Charley though was not so lucky, but he had grown up in squalid surroundings and did not mind too much. Only, it really was too much death surrounding them.