A tingling sense suddenly surrounded Thirteen's body.

'A bit giddy but..'

"Great! It really succeeds. I spent more than a decade creating a portable Artificial Intelligence capable of fusing and synchronize with the human mind."

Thirteen exclaimed, 'A lot of sacrifices has been made over the years, not mine of course and now I finally did.

" A.I. chips rename to SECOND. Starting today you will become my second mind"

' Calling A.I. chips! A.I. chips every time is a big hassles '

[Affirmative...Renaming system to SECOND]

'But it really a wonder how SECOND managed to transmigrate with me to this world. It supposed to fused with my mind back then before blinding light happened and how did it fuse with my soul too?

Is this my soul or original Thirteen's soul? Or my mind transmigrated into this body and soul created at the point. There a saying mind is an expression of the soul. Soul and mind is one union that drives the body. That a worth point for further researching. SECOND, create task regarding of mind and soul research under title SOUL THEORY."


" Next task, organize all Thirteen's memory and put inside folder THIRTEEN (ORIGINAL)"

[AFFIRMATIVE...Organizing data....the second task complete]...

'Thirteen is a slave which he doesn't have much knowledge regarding this world. I need more information to set the next course of action. Based on Thirteen's memory, Wolfe is a 500 years old family so this mansion supposes to have a library or at least a large collection of book. But Thirteen is not allowed to enter the mansion because his task mainly outside chopping woods and cultivating farms. I need to figure out a way to sneak inside the mansion"

Thirteen walks into a pile of woods," Now I need to lay low. Arrogance required power and now I am powerless at any level. My only advantage is my genius mind and SECOND. These two will play a huge role in my future"


Four hours later dusk arrived and all servants and slaves gather at mess hall for their dinner. Even at dinner there a hierarchy of power at play. A servant is obviously higher ranking that slave that got no free will. Servant work to get paid and slave work to survive. A useless slave will be thrown away or use for something unspoken.

' This food really got no taste at all. It all bland. I guess eat to survive. Taste only for the privileged. SECOND, scan this food and analyze its components'

[Task established! Begin scanning...Analyzing]

[Discovered an unknown component! Begin simulations]

[Task complete! Unknown food has the effect of barely providing nutrition to the host]

"Barely enough huh" It a wonder how this body got good physique"." SECOND! Scan the bodies around me and establish the stats of my own body."

[Task established! Beginning scanning and creating statistic!] In almost an instant, a 3D holograms of the surrounding people's body around Thirteen and displaying their stats.

[Name: Unknown. Gender: Male. Strength: 0.9, Agility: 1.2, Vitality: 0.9]

[Name: Unknown. Gender: Male.

Strength: 1.5 Agility: 0.8, Vitality: 1.2]

[Name: Unknown. Gender: Female. Strength: 0.6, Agility: 1.2, Vitality: 0.8]

[Scan complete.

Name: Thirteen. Gender: Male

Strength: 1.3, Agility: 1.2, Vitality: 0.9,

Status: Hungry. Recommending eat more food]

"An average of 1 for an average human. Thirteen's body is above average. I realized it earlier when chopping woods, this body capable of hard works. No wonder after years of physical works but vitality is slightly below average. The root cause is food. This food barely provides nutrition and much less satisfy hunger. I need to find more foods later."

A mess hall is a good place to collect pieces of information. Peoples after a day work gathered and talk about their works and what happened today.

"SECOND! Record all conversation."

[ Affirmative]