High as the sky, surrounding by thick clouds and devoid of any living creatures. There a massive shadow moving at high-speed cutting through the clouds. That is the airship. A flying ship floating in the sky carrying Max and his group.

After boarding the airship, Max went directly to his assigned room. He cannot afford to look around the ship or wondering how it can fly. He has a more important thing to do. Max cannot hold his excitement since he received the Basic Magic Meditation Technique from Elder Guido.

In his room, Max sat on the chair and open the scroll. Before him is countless equations and theories filled the paper. Even with Max's high IQ, he still dizzy after seeing that.

"None of this equations made sense! What kinds of a formula is this? I suppose the maths in this world ran by different theory. With magic, the law of physics is greatly different." Max shocked.

"SECOND! Defrag the data in this scroll"

[Affirmative. Estimate time: two hours]

"I can wait for another two hours."

Two hours went fast. Max stay in his room rather than sightseeing outside to avoid to get captured by Bolton. That will waste a lot of his times.

[Task completed]


With continuous transmission from SECOND, Max starts to gain an understanding of the Basic Mage Meditation Technique.

As the name said, it explains the basic of magic applications for the beginner. After years of accumulations, the scroll is created basically the same in every academy for any Mage Apprentice to start learning magic.

With equations, apprentices will start visualizing rune in their mind for manipulating the mana in the atmosphere. The more complex the equations and runes, the more applications can be used.

"This data cannot be compared from Wolfe's library. That's why after more than a year, I barely can manipulate the mana but that not magic."

Most important thing Max just learned from the scroll is a spiritual force. Mages need a spiritual force from their body for manipulating the mana. More spirits are required for more complex magic. What differentiate from Mage and Mage Apprentice are the amount of spiritual force they possess.

When Max feel his life force is damaged from the trial is actually because he over exhausted his spirit. From the scroll, it can be recovered over time but there is a method to increase the speed.

The Basic Mage Meditation Technique only has the runes required to become a beginner mage. A mage will visualize the runes in their mind to absorb mana to increase their spiritual force. As for how fast their meditation progress, it depends on talent.

Talents classified from grade E to grade S with former is the lowest talent and S is the highest talent people can have. Lower than grade E is for those who have magic talent at all.

Some academy refused to recruit those of lower talents because they will take far more time to become Mage compared to those of higher talents.

That if they have a chance to become Mage. Majority of grade D and grade E talent stuck at Mage Apprentice level until the day their live depleted.

" This is the reason for that test previously. If I failed to withstand the pressure under the time limit. My talent is not qualified to join if I do not take the risk before."

Max begin to meditate and start visualizing the runes. He needs to recover his spirit as fast as he can before anyone noticed his low spiritual force.

A month went by since then, Max is outside of his room and at the dining area. He cannot meditate the whole times because his body still needs to rest and eat. Visualizing runes also have a lot of taxes on the mind.

Max sat at the table eating and around the table, there are three other people too. There are also applicants who passed the trial from other places and they also chose to enter Ivory Tower like Max. The group naturally created when they realized their fellow apprentices.

Bucca the biggest of the group with his towering body over two meters and bald head talking loudly "Haha! Even folks back at Grus Plain said the same thing. Who said a big guy cannot become a Mage? Why I must become a warrior? Because Mage is far more powerful than any warrior."

"That's why you are dumb. Mage needs a good brain. You big mouth obviously don't have one." The one retorted is a small girl. The small body doesn't show any timidness but a very feisty attitude like a child. She Dorothy is the youngest in the group at 12 years old.

Max and the other person kept their silent and keep eating slowly to avoid getting part of it but the little girl won't allow it. "Max! Cassie! Talk to Bucca! He keeps talking with his loud voice the whole time. How he going to be a Mage like that."

"Keep down you two. They announced the airship going to arrive at Central Continent an hour later. Save your energy and don't call me Cassie!" The one reprimanded them is Cassius. Around same age and physique as Max except his blond hair and blue eyes showing his demeanor as noble.

Max supposed to be a noble too but acting like one is a hassle.