Max leaving Uriel's office swiftly.

'That bitch! Just you wait when I become stronger than you! You will learn the taste of man then.' Max doesn't dare scold loudly only able to cursing in his mind.

Max take a quick look at the book Uriel gave. "SECOND! Analyze and defrag the book!"

[Affirmative! Estimated time six hours]

"Good thing SECOND started mapping the area since before. I saw the outline plan of this building before and there are many forbidden areas unmapped. Dormitories are my next destination. This building is too huge with many places and turns, normal people can get lost here easily."

Max start strolling slowly while following the holographic map SECOND displayed.

Thirty minutes later Max arrived at the dormitory. There is warden as expected. max walked to Warden office to report in.


"Max Wolfe, apprentice of Uriel Gladys" Max replied.

The warden checked his record at shocked. He quickly keeps his calm and passes a yellow key to Max.

"Don't lose it. If you lose, you need to pay one magic crystal for replacement."

'One magic crystal! That expensive!' Max already knew the value of magic crystal is very important in the academy.

"Thank you" Max bowed and left. "That warden is at least rank 3 apprentices! Every here is far stronger than me."

Max easily find his room with SECOND's help. He unlocked the door and enter. The room is spacious!

"Grade S talent even got VIP treatment in term of lodging too"

Max doesn't bring a lot of stuff with. Only the necessities such as clothes. The room still got a lot of spaces left.

"There are more than five hours left before SECOND finish defragging. I better rest in mean time to optimize my condition."

Max lay on the bed and quickly sleep. With SECOND's assistance, he can skip many phases and directly sleep to get optimized rest.

[Task completed!]

"Finally!" Max quickly read the data received from SECOND.

"There are six basic elements of mana: Fire, Wind, Water, Ground, Light, and Darkness. All other elements such as Ice, Lightning or Plant are the transformation of energy from basic elements. Wind plus Water element can produce Ice. Uriel method is to mix the two elements and converting to Ice mana inside the body."

If you managed to create an Ice Core in your body, you will be promoted to the level of Mage but the book only stated on the equations to create runes for rank 1 apprentice. These runes will act as the catalyst to absorb mana and increasing spiritual force. Max finally can go to the next step.

Max silently meditate on the runes based on SECOND's calculation. The air in the room intensified and he can feel the mana proactively entering his body.

Max's body shivering a for a while and then a cold breath exhaled from his mouth. He can feel cold energy released from his body.

"I finally on the path of Mage" Max smiled.

"I don't know if this speed is too fast or too slow. I need more references after this"

Since Max stepped into the academy, he always worried about his talent. He can 'cheat' during the trial but here there are many Mages monitoring him because of his 'Grade S talent'

If the existence of A.I.chip inside his soul exposed, his life and his fate are no longer in his control. He needs to prove to others that he has magic talent. A high one at that.

"SECOND! Display my stats!"

[Name: Max Wolfe. Gender: Male

Strength: 1.5, Agility: 1.4, Vitality: 1.3, Spirit: 1.0

Status: Famished. Recommend host to eat ASAP!]

"There an increment of one point to my Strength and Agility and two points to my Vitality."

Vitality represents life force. Mage meditating to increase not only his spiritual force but his life force too. Mana improves body and life.

"My Spirit finally reached one point. This must be the threshold for rank 1 Mage Apprentice. I need more equations for promoting to rank 2"

"My body is extremely hungry right now. Breakthrough required not only to mind energy but body energy too"

Max took a shower to wipe out all the grime excreted from his skin. While in the shower he experimenting with his power. He can start physically manipulate water and wind elements now. After finished, the change to new clothe and went out. He walked toward canteen and saw his old group there.

'I still need to socialize to reached my goal' Max sighed.

Max proceed to their table. Dorothy, Bucca, and Cassius also eating and talking about their latest experiences.

"Max! You finally came out. You always stuck in your room!" Bucca shouted. Max think Bucca does not intentionally shout, his voice naturally loud attracted the attention of others.

"Uh? Max, you looked different." Dorothy despite still a little girl already possessed a woman instinct.

"I just took a shower" Max lied.

"Aah...Okay" Dorothy nodded. Cassius keeps eating ignoring the situation.

Max go to take his food and someone shout again: "Max! I finally found you. You grade S talent is hard to find. Huh? You already promoted to rank 1 apprentice!"

Of course, the source is another loud mouth, Bolton. He is rank 3 Mage Apprentice and of course, he can detect the changes. Now everyone in the canteen knows. So much for the low key plan.

