Next morning.

Two fellow Mage Apprentice walked together toward the dormitory. One of them is a huge male with tan skin and bald head and the other one is a little girl with sharp eyes. The little girl was wearing a red ponytail.

From the pressure emitted from their body proved that they are Rank 1 Mage Apprentice. Both of them are Bucca and Dorothy

"Max always has his breakfast. He said breakfast is the most important meal of the day! It weird he not having his this morning" Dorothy worried.

"Maybe he overslept. Sometimes I did too. Haha!"

"Don't compare Max with you! Max is very strict with time" Dorothy complained.

"We're here!" Bucca claimed. He knocked on the door.

"Max wake up! We bring you your special breakfast!" Bucca shouted. He knocked on the door a couple times.

The door slowly opens revealing the haggard looking male and his droopy purple eyes. That person is Max.

"You two came?" Max weakly answered.

His eyes dropped down and look at the basket Dorothy hold. " You brought my breakfast? Thanks." Max smiled.

"I'm been busy with my research these days even forgotten about important breakfast. You save me Dorothy" Max gently rubbed Dorothy's head.

"Don't treat me like a kid!" Dorothy pushed Max's hand away with a flustered face. "We're a friend. That what friend for!" Dorothy put her hand on her hip and put on a proud face.

"Hehe. Dorothy is very happy" Bucca said.

"Don't say that!" Dorothy kicked Bucca's shin but with his body and Dorothy small physique, no damage or pain occurs.

Max smiled at them. "Can you bring me my foods for a while" I need to seclude inside my room and focus on the research for some time."

"Of course!"

Max talked with them for a while and send them away.

Max close the door and sit in his bed. He fainted last night during the procedure but considering he still alive and standing, seem to be a success.

"SECOND! Update status!"

[Procedure complete! Host successfully removed all the runes inside the body]

"Display my stats!"

[Max Wolfe,

Strength: 2.1, Agility: 2.0, Vitality, 2.2, Spirit: ???. Status: Host is devoid of Mana]

"There are no changes to my physical stats but my spirit cannot be determined. Possibly due to no mana inside my body. I need to cultivate from zero" Max sighed.

"First thing first, I need to eat. Uriel still providing me resources to speed up my promotion. I can use this for my advantage. I need to get back to rank 2 as soon as possible before anyone noticed my condition. Bucca and Dorothy cannot detect but a Mage or even rank 3 Mage Apprentice probably can notice."

For two months straight Max secluded inside his room and avoid any contact with other peoples. Only Bucca and Dorothy can see Max when they were delivering the foods for him.

"Finally, I returned back to rank 2. This took far shorter time than the previous one."

If anyone knew Max took only 2 months to reached rank 2 Mage Apprentice from mortal, chaos will occur. Even when Max became rank 2 under a year had sent out a big wave around the academy making him a super genius than never been seen in thousand years of Ivory Tower's history.

"SECOND! Show me my stats!"

[Max Wolfe, Rank 2 Mage Apprentice

Strength: 2.2, Agility: 2.1, Vitality, 2.4, Spirit: 13.0. Status: Healthy]

"Recultivate from the beginning gave me many benefits. With my previous experience and SECOND managed to complete a method to absorb mana all the time made me promoted this fast.

With all the data Max gathered and analyze, SECOND successfully created a method for perpetually absorbing Mana. Now Max doesn't need to waste time meditating with limited time every day. He can also multi-task other things while allowing his body to absorb Mana and increasing his spiritual force.

During this two months, Max spends his time going through his memory from Earth to create his trump card.

"Next plan is to focus on my weapon."

It is impossible as a rank 2 Mage Apprentice to fight with Grade Two Mage like Uriel. The difference between both of them is like the sky and earth. Max cannot even take a single blow from Uriel if something happens.

"It would be foolhardy to fight with Uriel using Magic but I came from the world of devoid of magic. Even without magic, human back on earth still capable of mass destructions and world apocalypse. I need to make a bomb."

Even without Mana, human managed to create an equation to destroy the world. Albert Einstein's theory of mass-energy equivalence can make an atomic bomb.

"SECOND! Create a task under Study of Bomb Creation by Using Mana.]

[Affirmative! Task established]

A bomb is an explosive weapon that uses the exothermic reaction of an explosive material to provide an extremely sudden and violent release of energy.

"It still hard for me to create atomic bombs from nuclear energy, such as in the fissile isotopes uranium-235 and plutonium-239. I should start by making a simple explosive from the reaction of chemical energy"