Since Max received sword technique from Uriel, unknowingly another half a year passed just like that.

The cold winter breeze was blowing a bone-piercing chill permeated the air. Even though it is inside the tower but the season inside simulated the outside world.

The 75th floor is a floor with an open field with various structure usually for apprentice practice their spells or technique out in open rather than in spell experimenting room where apprentice wants to measure their spell damage in number. Apprentices are forbidden to damage the field so only small-scale spell can be used here. Many apprentices came here because it is free compared than at spell experimenting room which charges magic crystals.

On small training area on the 75th floor, Max was practicing his sword technique while half-naked with a long iron sword.

The muscles on his chest have become more defined. Although not prominent, they were very robust and full of vitality. His eyes looked like dark amethyst glowing similar to the precious gem. His long black hair shined like untainted night. Max is already 18 years old, the peak of his teen.

Probably due to practice Uriel's sword technique or ice element meditation technique, Max's face, and physique gradually change like a sculpture carved with dedication.

Not too far from Max, there were groups of female apprentices also in their sweet teens surrounding Max. For past few months, not few have confessed their affection but he refused all because it will waste a lot of times in his schedule.

"There are so many flies around. I chose this spot because of it free and no one around but suddenly these flies starts buzzing around." Max sighed.

He cannot practice in his room because there is much delicate equipment inside for Alchemy and he absolutely won't apply for a training room that also charges magic crystals.

Even though over past six months, Max already capable of brewing higher level potions and also master the enchantment for magic tools. He sold to Oswald as his proxy and received a fixed amount for each item. He can get a higher price if he sells it himself but Max's schedule is too busy to fill a time-wasting activity like paddling. He rather uses his time to practice Alchemy or practice sword technique.

Forward! Slash! Pierce! Every move was flawless, textbook-perfect execution.

After Max finished his training, the female audiences that were observing from the side hurriedly ran to him while holding white towels on their hand.

"Tch! Bless of Zephyr on my feet! Wind Walk!" A gust of wind mana whirled around Max's leg and then he jumped over them and ran away after fetching his bag.

"I need to start looking a new place to train again" Max complained.

Max had been training Uriel's sword technique for six months and the improvement start to took effect. The technique name originally was nameless because Uriel didn't bother to give the name with the information but Max filed the technique under folder name 'Magic Sword' in the system. The technique is a small branch of Magic Knight.

Magic Knight use magic to strengthen their body and their weapons. Knights of Rune Academy is mainly specialized in training Magic Knight but Ivory Tower, the hub of knowledge also posses the method for it. Uriel and Elder Dalkon also can be considered a half Magic Knight. They practice it to strengthen their body. Most Mages focus more on meditation and research end up neglecting their body. Even though their lifespan is increased but their bodies are weak and decrepit.

"SECOND! Display my stats!"

[Max Wolfe, Rank 2 Mage Apprentice.

Strength: 2.5, Agility: 2.6, Vitality: 2.4, Spirit: 19.3. Status: Healthy]

"My physical stats improved greatly even though it the hardest to increase. Practicing sword technique really good for the body. Uriel did mention that before."

A normal person needs to practice since young to master the correct method to execute the technique but Max able to do it in real time with SECOND 's assistance, Max able to follow all the simulations properly. How to move, how to breathe and all moves are shown step by step and Max just needs to follow. SECOND also simulated a model for Max to challenge and practice his move.

"My spiritual force is now 19.3 and I need to reach 20 point spirit for rank 3 promotion."

Max appeared to be in deep thought, "SECOND! According to my current status, how long will it take to for me reach 20 points through the current method?"

[Task established!]

[Using host's spiritual force as a base, simulation in progress!]

[Task completed! Estimated time: 19 days!]

The SECOND responded without any emotions.

"Less than a month. That great!" Max's face turned bright.

"Even though my body already started to gain resistance for the resources that Uriel provided, I can breakthrough this fast."

Max reached the elevator in a blink of the eyes. His high agility and Wind Walk spell assisted a lot to escape from the crowd.

"It is really a hassle to chant every time to cast a spell. SECOND! What is the status update on the research of countless technique?"

[Chantless technique progress: 17.8%]

"Not much improvement on that. Either I'm still haven't collected enough data or it is literally impossible? Probably not possible for Mage Apprentice but only Mage level is capable? I never saw a Mage casting a spell before so not enough data too."

Max returned to his room and took a shower to cleaned the sweat from training. His room is now filled with any kind of equipment on the table and various material on the floor. He already transformed his room to a half laboratory and half workshop. His bed has already been hijacked with various material on it.

Lately Max too obsessed with alchemy experiments and sometimes forgot to sleep or eat. Fortunately, Bucca or Dorothy sent the foods for Max to eat but for sleep. He mostly slept on the floor. His strong body made sure he won't have anybody ache to sleep on the floor. That the reality of the guy that been confessed by many female apprentices.

After finished cleaning himself, Max took a brief rest and waited until he was fully recovered before burying himself in more experiments.

Within his room, Max placed a silver ore into a beaker and added a spatula of blue sand into it. Later he slowly poured a green-black, ink-like solution inside until the beaker start to glow a blue colored light.

The bright yellowish flame continue licked the bottom of the beaker, and purple bubbles began to froth.

"SECOND! Record this down. Experiment 63, Ice Enchantment procedure. Ingredients: 100g of Silver, 15g of Snow Sand and 550g of Reactive Elixir"

[Affirmative! Record complete]

The SECOND's voice intoned as it recorded in detail the various properties and reaction obtained through experiments.

In this span of time, Max had already conducted multiple experiments and made use of SECOND's simulation feature over a thousand times.

"This is the moment! Everything is perfect. I have a very strong premonition that it'll be successful this time." Max currently trying to create a reagent that has property to enchant Ice attribute on a weapon.

Magic Tools required an enchantment to create it and a suitable reagent is a material to inscribe runes on the tool.

"Now the final moment! I just need to apply a suitable amount of Mana and it..."

[Host received a message from Instructor Uriel Gladys!]

Something shined inside Max pocket.


The beaker exploded.

"NO!!! Damn it! That bitch disturbed me again!" Max grudgingly took out a silver card from his pocket. That is his personal card served as identification for apprentice of Ivory Tower. The instructor is privileged to send a spiritual message through the card and it only works inside the tower.

"MAX! Come to my office now! You going out!"

"Huh? Wait! What?"