Any normal person might be thinking of following the trail and sees where it led or he or she probably decided to stay away from potential danger.

A creature of the size that more than fifty meters big is unquestionably considered highly dangerous even for a Mage. Most people would choose to stay away but unfortunately, Max belongs to the former. The first time he saw that footprint, he has already been overwhelmed by curiosity. The saying curiosity kills the cat doesn't mean anything to him. He doesn't hesitate a single second and continues to follow the trails and see the creature.

The path forward seemed to be a vast area of wilderness. Within the calm atmosphere permeated a foreboding sense of danger. Max was certain the creature that ran in that direction is injured based on the blood stains on the ground below. And again, that could be a trap too. In the fastest speed possible, Max plunged straight down.

The wilderness stretched for hundreds of kilometers. For more than five hours, Max followed the trails and searched like a fly without its head; yet he did not find the slightest trace of any creature's presence even after continuously searching till the sky had turned completely dark.

"Am I wasting my time? The time duration inside this secret realm is limited and I wasted half a day like this." Max start to regret his decision.

The night time in the secret realm is far creepier was much livelier than daytime. Even though there is a moon high in the sky, the moonlight failed to penetrate the canopy of trees. Max still moving forward following the footprints but this time he didn't cast Wind Walk spell to increase his speed but he cast the spell that he purposely learned for this trip; Night Vision spell. This spell doesn't cost any magic crystal to learn and also easy to learn.

While Max reached the end of his patience and start giving up, he heard a roar of a creature. Not one but at least two. It is a roar of two beasts and it sounds like they in the middle of battle.

Max quickly stopped his track and climbed one of the tall trees. Around five kilometers in front, he can saw the trace of the fight. The ground shook and tree branches flying around.

This was a fight between two menacing beasts.

Some kind of winged black feather python had provoked a huge gray ape. The ape is fighting using only his leg and hard to keep balance on the group against the flying snake. One of the ape's hands is holding something close to its chest and another hand is crippled dripping with blood.

The two exchanged killing moves back and forth, their movements were very noisy, and their momentum, astonishing.

"So the previous footprints below to this giant ape and it's really is injured. Snake with a wing is one thing but this ape-like beast is huge! This world got King Kong too? Now that is interesting!" Max stood on the tree branch from far and observed their fight.

"SECOND! Scan both of the creatures!" Max ordered.

A holographic visual of winged snake first appeared in front of Max.

[Similarity to the Black Plume Snake: 97.8%! Falcon Mamba: 55%! Gliding Snake: 34.6%!]

The A.I. Chip's voice intoned.

"Black Plume Snake? Bring out its data!" Max's brow's furrowed.

[Black Plume Snake, an extremely dangerous being. It contains a trace of the bloodline of the ancient creature—Feathered serpent deity Quetzalcoatl]

[Source of information: Ancient Creatures Illustrated Handbook, Catalog of Dangerous Creatures.]

"Quetzalcoatl?! I remember back on earth there is a mythical beast by this name too." Max surprised.

"SECOND! Bring out the data about Quetzalcoatl!"

[Quetzalcoatl is an Aztec sky and creator god. The name is a combination of the quetzal, a brightly colored Mesoamerican bird, and coatl, meaning serpent. The name was also taken on by various ancient leaders. Due to their cyclical view of time and the tendency of leaders to revise histories to support their rule, many events and attributes attributed to Quetzalcoatl are exceedingly difficult to separate from the political leaders that took this name on themselves. Quetzalcoatl is often referred to as The Feathered Serpent]

"Aztec? The ancient civilization Aztec back on earth? Why would there be any trace of Aztec in this world? What the connection?" Max was drowned by many questions that he cannot figure out an answer.

"Nether less, that Black Plume Snake carried out a trace of Quetzalcoatl's bloodline and also hiding the clue of my previous world. I must have it!"

Max also read the data regarding the giant gray ape too. It is a Stone Titan Ape and it usually inhabited at the rocky area not in this kind of jungle.

"Right! The commotion from before at the canyon. This ape probably also running from the red pillar and somehow end up stranded into the jungle area. The Black Plume Snake must found it and decided the ape to be it dinner." Max slowly figuring it out.

As time passed, the Stone Titan Ape gradually became outmatched, getting into a corner. This ape cannot use more than half of its strength not only because of its injured arm but also the other arm that seems to be protecting something.

Max took out a small telescope from his robe. This telescope is a magic tool embedded with runes for far sight.

At the end of Max's sight, he noticed a tiny little ape hidden behind the giant ape's hand.

What worth mentioning about Stone Titan Ape is that this creature possesses almost like a human emotion and they are hard to propagate. Every generation of Stone Titan Ape can only give birth to one or two spawns and they take care of their spawns very delicately.

"The baby ape is useless to me. Other probably wants to catch one for experiments or for sale but what more important to me is the Black Plume Snake. SECOND! Scan the stat of the Black Plume Snake!"

Max ordered once again.

[Affirmative! Target stats: Strength: 17, Agility: 15, Vitality: 19, Spiritual force: 28.

Abilities – 1. Scales Defence: The Black Plume Snake rhombus scales have a defensive force field encircling it at all times. Immune to physical and magical attacks under 5 degrees. Moreover, it has a huge negation towards attack of 5 degrees and more. 2. Poison Spray: The Black Plume Serpent has poison gland that possesses highly corrosive venom Status: Weak!]