Max swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Is this the owner of this stone room?

To be able to live in such an environment, and also cut down so many solid stalactites, form the crystal stone doorway and crystal passage, and open up this rock room, this person's strength must be frightening?

More importantly, he recognized the face of the woman inside the wide jade coffin. She is the female dark apprentices that Max saw before; Max can heard her name from afar previously. Her name is Eleanor and from what her group called her as Lady Eleanor, which can be concluded to as she possesses higher status in her background.

"Why is she here? Isn't she supposed to die in that explosion?" Max doubted the first explosion he made can cause the Black Plume Snake to die despite it severely injury, the thick scale and its vitality cannot be underestimated. But, for humans; even if they survive the explosion, the fragment from the metal ball should at least left them in the half-dead state.

Mysteriously, that female dark apprentice was lying inside the coffin and from the look of it; there is no sign of injury on her body.

"Is she still alive? "No, if this person is still alive, when I made so much noise outside, the person must have heard and should not be sleeping so soundly... could it be?"

Max felt tense.

He stood for a moment with bated breath.

But he saw that the white person on the stone bed was still motionless.

Max's heart was pounding.

As they say, there is only two type are generally bold; the talented one or the crazy one. At this moment, not only did he not retreat, but instead he slowly came closer.

The closer he got, the more he could see the look of the person on the crystal coffin. The glow from the coffin that enough to light up the black room does not blind his eyes but instead, he can feel some kind of holy feeling from it.

At a closer look in front of the crystal coffin, Max was astonished.

It was a divine-looking woman!

Her eyes were shut; her snow-white hair was worn in a lie comfortably on the crystal coffin free from impurities. She had a pair of gentle looking and beautiful eyebrows. Although she didn't wear any cosmetics on her delicate face, she was still a beautiful woman that looked like a slumbering goddess.

Not even her snow-white simple clothes could conceal the fine curves of her unusually beautiful body. Her shoulders were chiseled, the curves in front of her chest were extremely gorgeous, her soft waist was like flowing white silk. Her slender and exquisite figure was like a jade sculpture sculpted by God. Her delicate exposed bare feet glowed with radiance.

Even when she was laid there with her eyes shut, she still exuded an aura so holy to the point of causing one to feel blasphemous when staring at her.

"If I'm into necrophilia, I might do her right now. She is so stunning."

Max brought his hand closer to her face before he realizes something.

"Huh? There is no sign of vitality on her body and at a closer look, she does look like that Lady Eleanor but this corpse looks more mature and…ancient."

He then placed his gaze on the woman's chest. There was a silver chain around her slender and fair neck that reached in between those fine breasts, concealed underneath her clothes. Max was pretty sure that it was something precious because he could feel the strong mana that it exuded.

He hesitated for a while before reaching out to touch her breasts that were soft and perky. Then he felt something about the size of a pigeon egg wedged in between those wonderful breasts. The numbing pleasure he could feel in his hands caused him to very quickly retract his arms as he realized that his heart was beating very fast…..

In the end, Max had confirmed that the woman was dead and that is considered safe by his rules.

Gripping the silver chain in his hand, Max slowly pulled it revealing a locket attached. It is a pendant that opens to reveal a space used for storing a photograph or other small item.

"Did she hide something precious inside. She better be. It a bad manner for death people does not leave something precious for the living."

Max opened the locket and what stored inside was not something precious but a small picture. Max was deeply displeased with what he found.

The small picture showed a pair of young man and woman. The woman was very beautiful with long golden hair like an angel. When inspected closely, the woman in the picture has the same face as the female corpse. The only difference between them was the hair color. The woman in the picture has golden hair while the female corpse has a snow white hair.

"Is this really her? She did look very enchanting when she was alive. Then, that man beside her must be her husband or something"

Max continues to examine the man in the picture; he was a good-looking young man with beautiful back hair and eyes. Stood together in the picture shows that they were a match made by heaven.

"The locket was a trash. There nothing valuable about it, just a cheap magic tool. Why there is no anything useful in this room? This crystal coffin probably the most valuable object in here. The reason why this dead body stays without decayed for many years proved the coffin got something to do with it but it too huge!"

Max checked all over the room looking for some valuable left. He even undressed the female corpse searching for any hidden things.

"The huge crystal coffin is impossible. Should I just take this corpse? Someone with certain fetish would like to buy it right? They can use this thing in some experiment too." Max began to consider stealing the female corpse.

"Right, I almost forgot! I'm from the light side. There is moral thingie...All life is equal shit. Wait! This corpse has no life. So the death has no right. Argh...So complicated. The dark side surely will take this without a second thought."

Max lifted the female corpse and without any respect, he just placed her on the floor.

He carefully checked the crystal coffin, touching and rubbing all the sides until he touched some surface on the crystal coffin was different from others.

Max knocked and heard an echo.

There is something inside. Max thoroughly checked the particular surface until he found a small slit of the size of a fingernail.

He took out his long sword and use the tip to peel the surface off revealing a hidden compartment inside the crystal coffin.

A hidden compartment of 10cm wide stored a black leather small book.

On the cover of the book written in white – Faust.