10 Billion Dollars.

"Who are you?" She asked while scrunching her eyebrow toward that man.

"Me? I'm Richard."

"So, what do you want from me, Mr. Richard?" She tries to be polite. She wipes her wet face with the tissue she grabs inside her bag.

"I heard that you need some money. Coincidentally I also happen to look for someone that needs money. So, are you interested?" Richard said with monotonously. Not showing any expression at his face either.

"Huh?" Hai Rin tilts her head a bit.

"Do I need to repeat that word again?"

"No, I mean... Are you a shark loan or something like that? If you are, then I'm sorry, I'm not interested." She picks up her bag and ready to leave.

"Wait. I offer you 10 billion dollars if you want," Richard said again. This time, Hai Rin didn't move. She stares at the man in front of her with a pitiful look.

'He's so handsome, and his aura can give a women's heart jump out from the body, but is his brain is malfunction? What a shame...' She thought.

"I'm not joking, and my brain is still functioning fine." he continues again like he knew what precisely in her mind.

"Fine, I'm listening." Hai Rin sat back and focused on the man in front of her.

"I'll give you 10 billion dollars if you agree to be my wife for 5 years." Hai Rin's eyes feel like to pop out from its socket when she heard this. But before she could say anything, he continues again.

"I just need you to be my wife for 5 years, and after that, I will file a divorce. You go on with your life, and so do I."

She frowned a moment before she asked. "Why it's only 5 years?"

"It has to be 5 years or less."

"In the 5 years we married, do I need to do exactly as a wife's do?"

"Yes... And... no. I wouldn't force you doing something you don't like."

"Do we need to sleep together, too?" She lowered her voice to make sure no one hears them.

He silent for a moment before he answers.

"Yes." She gasps after hearing his answer. Unbelievable!

"Don't you feel weird sleeping together with a stranger?" She squinted her eyes.

"I don't know. I have never done it before," Richard said casually.

"Oh, …ermm.. Let me think about It," Hai Rin said before she stands up again, wanting to leave.

'He's crazy! I'm sure he's crazy. How can he give me 10 billion dollars? Who does he think he is? Bill Gates?'

"Wait!" he tries to stop her again, and this time he stretches out his hand toward her.

"Your phone." She just absent-minded gives her phone to him. After types something on her phone, he passes back her phone.

"Call me when you already decide it." he smiles at her.

His charming smile makes Hai Rin's heart throbbing faster than it should. She just shook her head slowly and walked out of the cafe.


In front of the hospital building.

Hai Rin keeps strolling at the park in front of the hospital. She doesn't have any other relatives besides her mother and her grandmother. All her friends mostly not from wealthy families either.

She also not someone that social enough to know someone rich besides her ex-boss. Now that she lost her job, where she can find the money? She rubs her face with her palm and looks at her phone, absentmindedly.

She hesitates to call, but her time is running out. She had no option besides to try and accept the offer. It doesn't have to be 10 billion dollars, just enough for her grandmother's bill is okay for her.

She closed her eyes and tap on her screen phone to call that person. A few moments later, a cold man's voice comes to her ear.


"Ah... Hey, it's me. From the cafe earlier." Hai Rin tries to put her word carefully.

"Mhm... Then, is it a yes?" his voice turns softer after hearing Hai Rin's voice.

"Yeah. But can you transfer it by today? I need that money before 8 pm." She asks shyly. Who wouldn't be shy to ask a lot of money from a stranger, right?

"Sure. Where are you right now? I'll pick you up. Let's go get the certificate now."

"What?? Now??" She almost jumps because of the shock.

"Yeah. You said before 8 pm, right?"

"Uhh... Yeah..." She pinches her temple before she continues again.

"I'm at Princeton Hospital."

"Okay. Got it."

15 minutes later, a black Rolls Royce car stops beside her at the hospital entrance.

At first, she just ignores it until a man walks out from the car and dial her phone number. After that, she notice that the man is the same man that she met this afternoon.

"Let's go" She just nodded and sit at the back passenger seat with him.

"We need to stop at my house first to get a few things for the registry, right?" she said while checking the time at her phone.

'It's already 4:30 pm, is it still had enough time to go to the bureau?' She looks at his steady face beside her.

"It's okay, I settled it a while ago. The bureau already has your copy of the information and things. I just need you and me. That's all." Richard continues to look at his phone like nothing happen.

'Huh? Seriously? This man really desperate to marry some random people, huh?' She blinks her eyes a few times.