Chapter 26: The Encounter with the Evil God Part 2

[Destruction: Erodes and crumbles anything and everything the caster touches.]

Ohhh. Now this one's dangerous. It really spells 'Evil God' in any way it states. Like a God of Destruction or something.

[Negative Physical Condition Resistance Lv. Max: Negates every physical condition that may hinder the function of the body. Nulls: Pain, Numbness, Hunger, Thirst, Effects of Sleep Deprivation, Viral and Bacterial Infection, and Illness.]

[Extreme Temperature Resistance Lv. Max: Gains the resistance against extreme temperatures.]

[Curse Resistance Lv. Max: The ability to withstand Curse skills is enhanced. The level corresponds to the degree of effect the skills negates. Nullity is gained after reaching maximum level.]

Ignoring how Extreme Temperature Resistance's description is so half-arsed, I see these are good skills. Now I really want to have them even more.

Specially these two.

[Evil God's Penance: Self-inflicted punishment for the sins of the Evil God. During activation, in exchange for Health Gauge, Physical Attack will be tripled.]

[Magical Perception: Perceive through the Crysaztel in the surroundings. It gives the ability to see at any angle within a radius depending on the magical ability of the user.]

I'm having second thoughts about the Magical Perception skill. I mean, I already have the skill Detect. Also, its range is vague as it depends in the user's magical ability. As for the current me who has 0% C.Manipulation, which is the basis for magical ability, I'm not confident that it will be useful for me.


Just check that Evil God's Penance skill! It's like Amplify, but much stronger! I know it uses HG for fuel but that's the only thing for me to be careful about when using it! Mufufu…


Why the heck am I getting elated by Physical Attack?? I want to make my Magical Attack stronger, not my Physical Attack!

I'm a man, to be a mage!

Not a man, to be a muscle brain!


Oh well. Que sera, sera. Stronger, the better.

Enough thinking and mentally preparing.

Let's start the soul reaping.

Shall we?

I placed three more sheets of barrier over the first one, just to make sure. I can't afford to have another accidents or failure on my part since I'm not alone anymore. I know I can resurrect, but it's different when other people are concerned.


Enchanted Hide.

Steel Hide.

Don't forget to activate Intangible and Reflect.

Ah. I got the Enchanted Hide and Steel Hide from two separate monsters outside. They reduce Magical and Physical Damage that I receive respectively.


[Yo, Evil God. It's been 32 years.]

It's not a colossal titan!! Though, it's certainly colossal!

… Rather… Why am I making jokes all by myself…?

At. Any. Rate. I'm still receiving its gale attacks. They're only passing through me so it's not worth my concern. But I'm shivering from the state of the ground where its attacks lands.

But to think it can create a wind gale without a skill of that accords with the attack. It only uses its Slash Mastery to produce this gales. Does it not have the ability to learn more skills?

Nonetheless, that's awesome. That means actions done by making use of skills and skills per se are different, and both can be used differently.

Just like my Psychokinesis. I see, I see.

Nice, very nice. Mufufu.


Getting frustrated from its attacks being rendered ineffective, it let out a resounding roar, creating a tremor inside the cave. Few Glow stones dropped from the ceiling and some debris began falling. Some dropped down around where Fleur and Purin is stationed, but because of the Barrier, they're safe.

I had Purin stay out for the time being, since there's probably no way that we'll be able to cooperate. So it's all me, for now.


It flapped its wings to jump and without a moment to let by, it used its sharp claws to stomp on me. Just as I expected, it left a huge crater upon the impacts wake.

I'm using Intangible, dude.

Not waiting for another chance to slip, I used Soul Consume.





Evil God: "*CAAAAAAAWWWWW!!!*"

What the heck?! It hurts!! Ack…!! My head…! I don't have one, though…!

I immediately deactivated my Soul Consume. And using that chance, the Evil God maneuvered its way away from me. I was expecting a follow up attack, but it just stood there without doing anything, aside from glaring.

Did it get even more cautious of me…? Ugh…

Damn it. It still hurts…

I checked its CG. I definitely drained quite a number off of it. But it's not enough.

More importantly, what was that pain?? Just when I tried to activate Soul Consume, surges of pain assaulted my mind. It wrapped around my mind, strangling my very consciousness. It's like it was a virus corrupting my inner being. I felt like my own soul was being devoured instead.

And not only pain…

I also felt emotions, like… sadness, loneliness, regret, joy, excitement, comfort, and most unbelievable of them all…

I felt love.

I don't know why and how I knew it, but when I felt it, I knew it has to be love.

Of course, it was not directed at me. I don't even know for whom it was directed. But right now, I know that it came from the Evil God.

Love… From an Evil God.

Hmhm. Interesting.

But sorry, bro. I know you won't let us pass through here without a fight. And I know you intend to satisfy your bloodlust and kill us. But I can't do that. I have to see to it that Fleur gets out of here safe and sound. We still have to let her enjoy travelling the world, after all.

And to do that, I have to reap your soul.

Got it?

[Purin, can you use all your crowd control skills?]

Purin: "Crow- What?"

[Anything you can use to stop your opponent's movements or something like that. Those you used against me before.]

Purin: "Wh-What doth thee intend to accomplish?"

Inside the barrier I erected, I relayed my plan to Purin. Purin, who is then on her wits end because of the sudden development in our situation, asked in a bewildered voice.

I take a short glance at Fleur, and see her trying to stay calm. She still has a very worried and serious expression, though.

[On my go, repeatedly use them until it no longer moves. Don't stop until it dies.]

Purin: "H-Hah?? Those skills doth not deal any damage! Thou should know that perfectly!!"

[Oops. Time's up. Just do as I say. I know if it's Purin, you can do it.]

I stopped Purin from her unceasing complains.

The phoenix has moved once again. It opened its huge beak and pointed it towards our direction.

A breath is coming, huh? There's no way this attack doesn't use Crysaztel.

Alright, nice timing.

[You got it, okay Purin my friend?]

I float away towards the Evil God, shielding both Fleur and Purin.

Purin: "Ahhh! For the love of…!! Do not blame Purin if the worst happens!"

[Now that's my best friend.]

Purin: "Call Purin whatever you want, just make sure Milady leaves here safe!!"

[Hoh~ Now don't forget those words.]

Mr. Evil has charged up more than enough I guess. It's coming. The ground shakes from the accumulating Crysaztel in its beak, it almost feels like the air is also vibrating.

This guy's serious…

I tripled the activated Barriers that are covering Fleur and Purin. I also make sure that Regeneration and Intangible is activated. And lastly,

Reflect. Alright, checking done.

Evil God: "*CAAWW!!*"

The ball of flaming black light bursts, forming a straight beam that's directed towards us. The air around it made booming sound created by the sound barrier being shattered because of the speed.


Damn, this is heavier than I thought…!!

Because of my Reflect skill, a portion of the thick beam was reflected back to the Evil God. But due to how wide the beam is, some of it successfully penetrated my defense. The ray deflected sideways, and homed towards Fleur and Purin.

Fleur: "Ciel!!"

Now that's how you do it, Fleur. But don't worry, I'm still good. But the Barriers are not, damn it.

The first barrier broke, and then the second, followed by the third. I replaced the broken Barriers as fast as I can while trying to withstand the force of the breath of the Evil God – my float is not that reliable when it comes to propulsions. So I'm using Gale Boost to give me a… well… a boost.

Doing all these things at the same time is draining. And my CG is also being drained because of the continuous use of skills. Good thing I received a share of Fleur's CG. But I don't have the leniency to worry about those at the moment.

I have to keep up making barriers more and more until the Evil God gives up.

Also, because of the force of its breath, even with my Reflect skill, the reflected breath is only being blown away. It's not useless, since I'm not receiving the damage, but it's sort of not doing its job well with powerful monsters.

Purin: "Not yet?!?"

[Not yet.]

I mean, the breath is still not stopping.

The barriers shatter, I create more.

Shatter, I replace them once more.

The cycle continued for a few more minutes. Just as expected of an Evil God, I guess? Its limit knows no boundaries. Well it does, but I just thought I should insert a hyperbole there. Since it's more applicable for the current situation.

I'm getting shivers now.

Evil God: "*snort*"

And with that final snort, its breath have stopped and released a scalding hot air from its beak. That's the signal to start the operation.

Let's do this!

[Purin! Operation Friendship starts!]

Purin: "Oper?! Wai?! Wha?!"

Fleur: "The plan earlier, Purin!"

Without turning back, I rushed, boosted by Psychokinesis, towards the exhausted Evil God that is cloaked with a body of a phoenix.

But as expected of a God, its recovery is superb. It already prepared a second breath. Welp, I won't let that happen though. Since I've had it drain its CG on its first breath, I don't have any reason to let it fire now. My objective earlier, as to why I let it fire its breath, was to drain its CG and make it easier for me to consume its soul.

I used Teleport to transfer below its opened beak and deactivated Intangible. Using Gale Boost, and with the enhanced Strike Mastery, followed by Trigger, and amplified by… Amplify, I bashed myself towards its beak. With a loud smashing and bone cracking sound, its mouth was forcibly closed, preventing it to fire its breath. Moreover, the unfired breath exploded inside its beak, dealing additional damage.

So that actually happens, huh? I thought that's only for visual effects in TV shows.


Purin: "Aaarhh!! If we leave this place alive, Purin will definitely cook thee for supper!!"

Followed by Purin's scary statement,

… Lightning Cage,

… Static Binding,

… Earth Prison,


And lastly, Magma Eruption.

They activated all at once. Whenever a skill is broken forcibly by the Evil God, Purin will activate another.

Good job, Purin!

[As expected of my best friend!]


Not allowing that chance to be in vain, I hurriedly teleported myself into the body of the sealed Evil God and instantly activated Soul Consume.


Urk…! D-Damn… I expected pain thanks to my trial earlier, but to this extent… Arghh…!!

This should be the moment… where I want to thank my Pain Resistance skill, but this damage… it's more on the mental side…!! Kuh!!

But I can't give in now. This is the only chance I've got to defeat this level 1 Evil God…

Purin relentlessly throws barrages of crowd control type active magic skills towards the Evil God to prevent it from moving. This way, even if it struggles to remove me from its body and tries to fly away to avoid my assault, it can't. It's bound by magic skills from Purin.

Slowly, but surely. The CG of the Evil God is being drained away from its soul. It struggles and loud cries from it resonate inside the crumbling cave, but because of Purin's magic skills, it can't do anything but to succumb to its situation.

But the more I consume, the more the pain eats away my mental state. Seriously, this pain is more than I can handle…

I can't count how many times has my consciousness started to fade, but Fleur's intense emotion always brings me back to reality. It's like a sweet beat of drum, enchanting my mind to a rouse.

I can't let her feelings be all for naught!

Come… on…!!

I forced my Soul Consume to its maximum potential. Looking at Purin's condition, it looks like she's entering her final spurt. That's why, this must end sooner or later.

Even the loud roar of the Evil God has been reduced to a sound the same with cicadas. I've got no time to worry about it. I just consume and consume and consume, until my soul capacity overloads.

But heck, just go with it, me!

And like a soft ding of an oven's bell, Soul Consume has stopped.

I've consumed all of the Evil God's soul.

Fleur: "Ciel!!"

Purin: "W-Wait, Milady!!"

The body of the Evil God disappeared… It fades, as crystals and sparkles replace its shadow.

And my consciousness have started to fade as well…

All my skills deactivated and I then fall down to the ground with a bounce.

*sigh* Pushed myself too much right there…


At least, both of them are now safe…

And like a television turning off, my vision blacked out.



Chapter End