Chapter 32: Unique Skill - Psyche

Ciel: "Psyche."

I threw may hand forward and used Psyche on a piece of rock.

It followed, as my thought commanded it to and floated in the air, and it floated in the air. Deactivating the skill, the rock then fall down to the ground with a thud.

Hmhm. It's still the same as Psychokinesis, just like I thought. But if I have to say something different, is its degree of handling. Also, it's now a Unique Skill.

Psyche is now much easier to handle, unlike Psychokinesis. Psychokinesis occupied a huge space in my mind to control. Like during the time with the Evil God. Merely creating barriers and using Gale Boost at the same time almost made mind burst. It was as if my mind is being pulled apart and crushed at the same time.

But for Psyche, I only think and it will follow that thought.

It's almost as simple as thinking.

I did receive a notification that Psyche's effectiveness increased. That's may be the reason.

As for the Psyche Skill Section, it appears that in place of the Active Magic Skill Section, Psyche Skill is there. All of the skills that I acquired from utilizing Psychokinesis also transferred there, making a specialized section for Psyche.

Currently, my Psyche skills are…

(Psyche – Trigger)

(Psyche – Barrier)

(Psyche – Gale Boost)

(Psyche – Gale Spear)

(Psyche – Gale Burst)

I've used this skills before so I'm already familiar with them.


These skills all have something in common. That is, they are all acquired from me utilizing Psychokinesis. They became a skill after using it in all kinds of ways.

Now that Psyche skill is easier to use and is more user friendly, I wonder if I can create more skills from it. Or so I've been thinking.

That is the reason for tonight's training session.

Ciel: "Ei~ Psyche!"

I waved my hand, making a chopping motion in the air, and used Psyche – Trigger with the intention of using the air to create a slashing effect.


Ohh! It's almost the same what the Evil God was doing! Well, the power is far from the actual thing, though. But it's better than nothing! Mufufu~

There we go. Mufufu. I really acquired a new skill. I'm such a genius.

But then again… They're all 'Gale' something, huh? This must related to how they're based from air to execute. Hmhm.

Then what if I tried using Psyche with the soil? Just like how Purin uses her Grudan Magic to form that artificial room.

Ciel: "Alright. Let's try it."

I placed my hand on the ground to feel the cold touch of the brown soil. I wanted to use this chance to get used to touching things. Since it'll need more than my instinct and reflex to get used to touching my target whenever I use Soul Consume, I have to do this much to get used to the feeling.

I'll touch my way through all my obstacles!

Wait, wha?? I just moved my fingers to feel the ground and I gained a skill?? Just that easy…

Well, I mean, there are skills that require great detail, but… To think there are also skills that only requires this stuff.

[Touch: Enhances the sensational effect of the users touch.]

O-Ohh… Kinda lewd.

Oh well.

Let's do this.

I inject the skill on the ground and imagine the ground to produce spikes.

*grumble* *grumble*

Oh? Ohh?

Well then…


With another loud grumble, a number of thick spikes with needle sharp edges protruded in all direction, coming from the ground just in front of my hand. The end of the spikes struck onto the ceiling, like arrows piercing a Styrofoam.

Ciel: "… I shouldn't use this against a person… Well, I hope the time I will have to won't come."

I mean, if I have to fight, then I'll have no choice.

Still, this one is dangerous. I will never see another person's smile if I try to use this against someone. Also, I'm not into skewering people.

Oh? Now it's Terra. Yet again, it's related to what I'm using as a basis. Terra means earth, after all. Then why not create more?

Like a wall or something to act as a shield.

Ciel: "And… Psyche!"


Ohh! It's a success!

A huge wall like structure erected from the ground and appeared in front of me, covering my field of vision in the process.

Now gimme skill!

<… Terra Wall skill acquired>

Is it just me, or the text and voice appear to be exasperated…?

Well, whatever.

Mufufu. I see, I see. So this is Psyche, huh? Mufufufufu…

It's just like magic! With this, I can use magic! It's like I'm already using magic! Muhahahaha!

All hopes are not yet gone, after all! I can still find my way towards the Magehood!

Aahh…~ This is nice, very nice. To think there would be a way for me to use magic…~ Hm?

Wait a sec…

Since I can manipulate almost everything through the skill Psyche, won't I be able to manipulate… Crysaztel?? Like, I can, logically thinking, right??


Then let's try it immediately!

Ciel: "Hmmmm…"

Crysaztels are these white orb like thingies that are floating in the air, right? They look like fireflies but floats like dusts. They glow and they're pretty to look at.

So… Basically, magic are the application of Crysaztel through some sort of gate, made by using the soul as the catalyst. Or so what I've heard from Fleur and Purin. I believe her since it's what one of her teacher thought her, and Purin is a splendid magic user, so it must be true.

… It's really hard to believe for someone who has a scientific mind like me. I mean, EVERYTHING was hard to believe since day one, but…

If I use that as a basis, then magic skills are the application of Crysaztel, and is manifested as a manipulation of the environment or elements.

Something like that?

If so…

Ciel: "I'll try manipulating the Crysaztel and inject them to… like for example… the air? Is that possible?"

I'm doing it though.

I focus my mind into dragging the Crysaztel into the air as much as possible, focusing on one point at a time. Doing that, I felt some very small being affected by the Psych skill…

Molecules… Combining Crysaztel to the air's molecules…

There, it worked. I felt a clicking sensation, close to fitting a piece of magnet into a metallic material.


Let's now try it out.

Ciel: "Gale Slash!"



Hmhm… It got stronger…!

It's now nearly the same as the one the Evil God did.

The gale sliced through the pillar-like rock formation as if it were a butter. I can see a slight gap between the sliced parts, so the skill really must have sliced it in half without damaging the surface area.

I followed it by another Gale Slash. But this time, without injecting Crysaztel.


Hmm… Yep. It only sliced until the half of the pillar. Also, it was as if an axe was used to cut a wood. It created a caving effect, as if the axe that was used was rusty and blunt.

Oh, right. I didn't gain a skill from the Crysaztel infused Gale Slash, huh? They must be the same skill even though there's a difference of having Crysaztel and not, after all.

And this difference in result…

Ciel: "Hmm… Is that it?"

When I used Gale Slash without infusing Crysaztel, the damage was based with my Physical Attack. So the damage is not comparable to the Gale Slash infused with Crysaztel, which was using my Magical Attack as its basis for its damage.

Since Crysaztel = Magic or Magical Attack, that must be it.

When all is said and done, my Magical Attack is more than twice the value of my Physical Attack, thanks to my Link with Fleur.

Ciel: "Makes sense."

Soooo… Ultimately…


Kuuuuhhhh…! Yahoo!! I'm finally using magic after all this time of being magically inept!

How's that Magic Inept Title?? Turns out that I'm not that inept after all! Muhahahahahaha! Serves you right, Title Manager(If there is!)!!

… A-Ahem.


I can use a self-made magic. That's for certain.

So there's only one thing to do…

Keep trying until I learn every single skill possible! Yeah!



Or so I tried, but…

Instead of learning different skills that should be a byproduct of Psyche, I acquired the necessary skill that covers them by category just like the Omni and Mastery type skills. Well, in a sense, it's still under the Psyche, so it's not really far from it.

… Am I a genius or what? Muhihi.

[Weaker than a Slime: A Title given to those who lost to a slime. Good luck next time, weakling.]

Wait, what? Why is this appearing again?

… This really knows how to annoy me, huh?


As a result, all of my Psyche skills that are based from using air as its means has now collectively become…

As for the ones that uses soil merged together and became…

As I've mentioned earlier, it's the same with my Physical and Magical Resistance skills. When I acquired all of the skills concerning Physical and Magical Resistance, they all merged into one single skill for each.

This time, after acquiring different skills that controls the wind and soil, I gained some sort of an all-purpose skill. I call them the Omni skills.

And with that, I can do all the skills that I've acquired and actually use them without going with the specifics in my mind.

Ciel: "Now then…"

Since I've acquired Psyche skills that are close to Grudan and Wisona Magic skills, I wonder if I can also use my Psyche to learn the other Magic skills.

In this case, I'll call them Terra and Gale, respectively.

But thinking about it, I can use Gale and Terra because the source is abundant. I can just gather air around me and use the soil below me. Then what about fire and water?

… Ignite.

It's as if a light bulb appeared above my head.

Mufufufu. For fire, I can just use Ignite!

Alright, let me try it out this instant.

I focus my mind to feel the air around myself. Combustion needs oxygen to occur. Simply creating a combustion from my fingers won't make a fire, since it disappears in an instant.

For the fuel… I think it uses the skill itself. For the how's, I'm not sure.

I can manipulate Crysaztel, but not transforming them to be a specific element. So making use of it, aside from attaching it to molecules, is impossible.

Hmm… Oh well. I suppose that's just how the skill is. Thinking won't get me anywhere, so…

Ciel: "Ignite!"


I snap my fingers and gathered the oxygen around the combustion as much as possible using Psyche.


Ciel: "Wah!"

But instead of a controlled flame, the combustion just bursted out, creating a small explosion in my hand. Not only that, but the sleeve of my robe also caught on fire in an unbelievable speed, so I hurriedly cut the sleeve using Gale. I kind of forgot about that part.

Ciel: "*cough* *cough* … It failed… huh?"

I had my Extreme Temperature Resistance Skill so it didn't deal any damage, but…

This one needs polishing, I guess.

Ciel: "Hmm…"

Oh well. Que sera, sera. I'll just cross the bridge when I get there.

Alright. That's enough for a lesson for now.

It's a bit early, but let's go back to our resting spot. Thinking while applying those ideas is really tiring. For my mind, that is.

There's also this strange feeling I've been sensing from the Link with Fleur. I'm getting a bit worried.

When I arrived, I was met by a resting Purin with her eyes still opened. I suppose she noticed that it was me, so she didn't react. I leave her be and went inside the artificially created room.

Purin had specially made a room for Fleur for her to sleep in. It has been this way for the past days.

Well, even though we were monsters, Fleur is still a girl. Purin understands that. So she always makes sure Fleur gets her proper care.

I'll check on Fleur first before sleeping. The strange feeling is just getting stronger and stronger by the minute, I'm a bit worried.

Oh, right. I should also talk with Fleur about what happened before. I know she's still embarrassed about it, but I ought to tell her that I don't mind it. I don't want her to be that awkward with me from here on out. Let's make it clear.

Fleur: "Nh…"

As I was walking towards Fleur's room, I heard a stifled voice.

Of course, it's Fleur's. It's so low that you won't hear it without straining your ears.

Well, I can perfectly hear it because of my enhance perception thanks to my Perception skill, though. It's still not max leveled, but it's this good. Nice, very nice.

Wondering what this voice coming from Fleur is all about, I got near her room to knock. It's an earth-made door, but it rings well enough.

Fleur: "Hah… Hn…"

… Wait… a sec.

Because of a slight premonition and a bit of guessing, I instantly felt hesitant to enter the room.

But there's also a chance that she's feeling unwell. If that's the case, then there's no need to be hesitant.


I slowly opened the door, only to be greeted with…

Fleur: "Hnnh~~!!"

… I couldn't believe what I saw.



Chapter End