Don't Read [ Spoilers ]

Before you read it, just remember that you've been warned! If you haven't added the new "Ms. CEO is His Bodyguard" novel in your library but wanted to spoil yourself, please go ahead.

This lowly author shall not be held responsible of any consequences that may occur upon reading this chapter.




[ S 1 ]

Wang Rouxi crunched up her brows in confusion and she made her way to Xia Jiannan.

"Mr. Xia Jiannan..." Wang Rouxi called out as she placed a hand on his shoulder.

Out of reflex, Xia Jiannan grabbed the other person's hand and pinned them against the wall.

A beautiful blonde woman wearing a black corset paired with tight leather pants which contrasted to her creamy white skin came into his view.

"Oh, it's you."

Xia Jiannan immediately released his grip on her and was about to step back when he caught a whiff of alcohol from Wang Rouxi.

Don't tell me this woman is drunk?!

Xia Jiannan's brows furrowed and he asked in a rather conflicted tone, "Did you drink?"

There he was trying to reign in his inner beast which was threatening to come out and yet he realized that this woman was drunk.

Just how in the world did she get in here?!

"Do you want to check?"

Without giving him any chance to react, Wang Rouxi suddenly closed in and pressed her lips against his...


[ S 2 ]

"Mr. Xia..."

Wang Rouxi glanced down at the vulnerable man in her arms, her usually cold eyes were now filled with worry.

Wrapping her arm around his back, Wang Rouxi's other arm slid under Xia Jiannan's knees before she lifted him and carried him bridal style towards his bed.


[ S 3 ]

"You're here."

Wang Rouxi nodded her head and showed a faint smile as she immersed herself in Di Yi's role.

"Mr. Xia."

The two of them fell in a comfortable silence while staring at each other.

Wordlessly, Wang Rouxi held out the bouquet of blue roses to Xia Jiannan and signalled for him to take it.

"For you."


[ S 4 ]

"Mr. Xia." Wang Rouxi tried to take back her hand. "You can let go now."

"Pardon me."

Wang Rouxi was thinking about the possible meaning of his words when suddenly, Xia Jiannan pulled her towards him and his lips landed on hers perfectly.


[ S 5 ]

All you have to do is to kiss the disobedient man senseless!

It's that simple, wasn't it?

So that was what Wang Rouxi did. Not questioning the authenticity of that book, she finally closed the gap between their lips and kissed Xia Jiannan long and hard!





Not satisfied? Come add the new MCHB novel in your library now and be up to date with the latest chapters! ^_^ It has 80 chapters as I am writing this spoiler chapter!

I can assure you that it is better than the previous one. New characters were introduced and new scenes were added!




Hehe... Thank you for supporting me, my dearests! I really really really appreciate it!


Wen (*˘︶˘*).。*♡