'Ah this is the life!'

Li Jun put his climbing gloves on deftly and made his way down the tower in better style than when he had climbed it.

Li Jun unzipped his jacket to expose the mini hand gun and a climbing belt of the latest technology around his waist . He hooked a small magnetic metal anchor onto a heavy metal rod on the tower and dropped himself down gently ,than faster and faster until he touched ground. He dislocated the rope from his belt and zipped up his jacket,fixed his clothes and jogged away leaving the rope still swinging from the tower - All in 2 minutes.

As soon as he got to where some people were still having their morning exercises, he spoke into his earpiece.

"You can move in now"..... within a minute the whirling sound of a highly advanced chopper sounded in the park area. Many people looked in the direction... so did Li Jun. But soon he jogged away without raising any suspicions.

As he reached the car he asked his guard.

"Did u get the stuff?"