Chapter 7

I woke up first and still found him sleeping on my lap. I kept watching him all the while and after a few minutes he too woke up. After seeing him there was a wide smile spread all over my face.

I was even more delighted when I saw him smile looking at me. For few minutes further we left behind all the troubles and perplexities rather we rejoiced that we are together.

And then it was noon within no time ! "good noon love, wake up" I said gently caressing his cheeks with my fingers which was then followed by a forehead kiss which was more than enough to ignite his mood up.

"I love you" he said and so I replied back!..

"I'm blessed to have you beside me all the time whenever I need your love, I'm so lucky to have you in my life. You're such a sweetheart. You're mine and only mine, I never felt so complete before." he almost shed tears saying these.

I was emotional. I said him to be quiet and comforted him by giving a tight hug and saying "we are here to hold our hands through every thick and thin, we're here to love, we're here to cross all the boundaries, and most importantly we're here to look after both of us", I said.

He was now in front of me, he was so close that I could feel him breathe heavily, I wasn't able to make eye contact so long. He held my chin up. I breath heavily even more. He was so close that I could smell his masculine fragrance.

I closed my eyes. "how are you feeling right now?" he asked. "eternal, it's heaven, I don't want anything else other than us" I replied.

Our lips met and we were lost somewhere far away than reality. We were lost completely in the aroma of love. The feeling is hard enoughto be described in just mere words!

Our lips detached and we hugged again.

And suddenly it popped up in my mind about his sudden dumbness. I steadily moved away and held his face and asked him "what happened to you, why were you so silent?"

"Leave this right now please and come to me, I'll say everything to you but this isn't the moment my love, have patience and let me feel the love now, please" he said

I was fine with it and said OK and held him again in my arms!