The Sun Is Gone

In a matter of seconds mom and dad were running up the stairs to get my brother. In that instant Toby TRY'S to go after them...

- Where the hell do you think your going?!?!?! - I scream at him picking up the knife I had left in the floor and putting it in his neck...

In the matter of a flash movement he was infront of me, the only thing that divided us was a little distance. He feels a little pain in his neck.

He looks at a mirror besides him and sees a minuscular cut In his neck...

- What the hell?!?! - screams Toby touching the almost unoticable wound and looking at the little blood in his hand...

- This just got fun... - we both hear Jeffrey say while sitting in a chair...

- Hope it didn't hurt... - I say as sarcastic as it is humanly possible...

At that moment Toby Goes and takes his axe from the wall in a flash movement. Now with 2 axe's he was attacking me...

One was alright, but TWO! The only choice I had left was to wait for an opening and hope I was alive for when it showed. Until then I have to keep dodging...

"Dodge! Dodge!! Dodge!!! Keep fucking dodging!!!"...

My thoughts were only focused on his movements and dodging. While we were fighting you could here a frantic laugh in one side of the room...

- Jajaja... This is so much fun!... - said Jeffrey while looking at us fight - Go on, Go on... Keep entertaining me!... - He said as loud as he could...

In one moment we stop... His axe was crossed with my knife... His other axe was stuck in one of the walls somewhere...

When silence comes, than right after the sound of a car turning on. He stops putting pressure on his axe and stands there shocked.

Jeffrey stands up and looks at Toby. I stand there with my gaurd up and knife crossed with Toby's axe. Seconds later I hear a scream...

- Mom... - The word comes out of me uncontously...

I start running outside, only to see a tall man with what was supposed to be my mother grabbed by the neck... He was too tall as to attack...

He had some kind of tentacles growing form his back. What looked to be dad was in the grass. I stand there shocked by the morbid scene.

- You motherfuck-... - I was about to scream that to him when I hear my little brother crying...

I snap out of that morbid trans. I start to look for him and see he's in the car. I use the opportunity that this thing was focused in my mom to go for my brother...

- Shhh... Shh... Everithyngs all right... - I take him out of the car just in time, since in a matter of seconds the man with the tentacles lifts the car up and throws it far away from us...

I stand there paralised than I start to move to the side to see that tall man in a more detailed manner...

- Fuck... - I say to myself looking at the tall man - Slenderman... - He starts to walk to me slowly...

I froze, I was terrified. He wasn't like the other two. He walked slowly and calmly. That scared me even more...

"What do I do!?!?!?!?... What the-... "... after asking myself that question. I than look at my brother. And remember something I saw on the I internet...

"If you ever see The Slenderman in real life. The only thing you have to do is...

- hug him"... - I finish the sentence for myself...

I can't do that my baby brother would be in danger. Although if I don't than we are guaranteed to die both of us...

I take the knife and hide it behind me. I go to him and he stops walking. For some reason I have the feeling he's confused. I keep on going to him...

When I'm close enough I hug him... He stands there frozen... When he least expects it I stand him...

- I'm sorry... - for some reason I couldn't stop myself from saying that...

I turn around and start running as fast as I can with my little brother in hands. I notice my vision blurring... I was crying...

Why?... I don't know... I run into the woods looking behind me and he wasn't coming after us...

I stop in a tree and sit down beside it. I start checking my little brother... Than I clean my tears...

- Why am I crying after standing him?... - I close my eyes...

When I open them I see black tentacles in the bottom of my legs in the forest floor... I slowly move my head up and there we were face to face...

I was so scared... So very scared... Than he starts looking at my brother... That snapped me out of my fright.

I start looking hurriedly for my knife. I remember I left it back there...

- Even if with my bare hands... - I make punch with my hand...

He slowly moves his head back up to me. This time I knew he was confused...

- Sorry... - I say again and punch his face...

He moves a little... I use that opportunity to run... But I let one detail slip my hand... He haves tentacles...