Before and after the surgery

Since the surgery was scheduled two weeks from now, Deanne was thinking when will be the proper time to let Leanne meet their parents. Hunter saw her fidgeting and told her:

- Dee, I know you're nervous about your sister meeting your parents, but for know the only thing you can do is to relax because your cool fiance will help you.

- Oh, it's that so? What can my cool boyfriend can do to help?

- Ask her to be your bridesmaid or the maid of honor, and that way she can come to our engagement party on Friday.

- My finance is not only cool is also super smart. Deanne said with a happy smile on her face as she hugged Hunter.

- Thank you. I will call Leanne to ask her. But, Hun what about your parents and our friends? We have to let them know so they will not say anything to Leanne.

- Don't worry about that I will take care. Just go call my future sister-in-law.

- Aye, aye, captain. Said Deanne as she went to her room to call Leanne and asked her if they can meet later.


Deanne tried to relax, as she was waiting for Leanne in the hotel restaurant where she was staying. Finally after 15 minutes later Leanne came with the help of Jessie.

- Hi, Leanne, Jessie.

- Hi, Deanne. Said both of them to her.

- Girls, please excuse me but I can't keep you company, I'm going back to my room to sleep. Bye.

- Bye.

- What happen to her? Asked Deanne.

- Two words: horror movie...

- Oh. That says it all.

- Do you want to talk about something? You seemed nervous over the phone.

Deanne took a deep breath and said to Leanne:

- I have a favor to ask you if that's okay with you.

- Sure. Go ahead.

- Can you please be my maid of honor? And come to my engagement party? Please don't say no.

Leanne became silent as she was thinking about what Deanne asked her.

- Leanne, it's true we know each other for a little while, but you became like a sister to me. And I really want you to be there on one of the most important day of my life.

- I don't know why I feel close to you, but you also became like a sister to me, so okay, I will be your maid of honor.

- Really? Thank you so much, Leanne. Let's go. I have to get you a dress for Friday. Said Deanne as she called the waiter to pay for the drinks.

- Friday? What's on Friday?

- My engagement. Let's go. Don't worry the shop where I will take you is near the hotel. Hunter said that I have to take care that you won't become tired since you'll have the surgery next week. I promise I won't make you try to many dresses.


The engagement party was a success. Leanne meet both Deanne and Hunter's parents. But she felt strange when she meet Deanne parents as if she knew them from somewhere. She felt comfortable in their presence. Of course, no one will tell her yet, that they are her real parents. During the remaining days until the surgery, Leanne at Deanne many request moved in her house as Jessie had to return for work. She felt really blessed to spend time with Deanne and her parents. As they become closer it was time for Leanne to have her surgery. Of course, she was nervous, but with the help of Deanne and her parents her fear decreased.

- Are you ready Leanne? It's time. Said Hunter as he came inside her room in the hospital.

- Ready as one can be.

- Don't worry, Leanne. We all gonna be here for you after the surgery is over. Said Deanne.

- Thank you.

As they accompanied Leanne to the operation room, Deanne's mom began to have teary eyes and prayed to God to take care of her child, so that she can finally get the chance to tell her the truth and hear her call her mom.


After a couple of hours, the surgery was finally over, Leanne was brought back to her room. Hunter told Deanne and her parents that the surgery was a success, all they had to do now is to wait for her to wake up from the anesthesia.