The Clues Along the road

With the sun shrouded in a blanket of thick and gray clouds, the skies were threatening a downpour soon. All the forest creatures had hidden away, quietly within their small little burrows, while the people had gone for cover within their huts.

The roads were empty for the most part, yet upon a winding road behind the mountain, there was a fierce gallop of a horses' hooves that echoed around the mountain. As the sound grew closer and clearer, one could see that upon the black steed was a rider completely cloaked in red. A blood red, to be more specific.

Yet, no one knew why upon the mountainous road of dirt and pebbles such a person would appear.

The black mare was galloping at a quick rate, yet the rider was strangely calm. One could not tell the features of this mysterious, but the petite figure upon the horse told that it was a woman. Riding freely, with the red cloak floating behind her from the free winds.

All of a sudden, those dainty jade-like hands pulled back on the reins, causing the robust mare to slowly come to a stop. Before it even came to a stop, the rider had already descended from the horse in a swift motion, that seemed to be too fast for the human eye.

The cloaked figure arrived at the giant tree that greeted those who would ascend the mountains. It was a tall tree, that had its roots intertwined, growing on top of each other over the years, giving its roots a feeling of a giant robin's nest.

It was supposed to be bare, for its leaves had long shed, the colors of golden and brown. Yet there was a branch that was stuck at the top of the tree that did not belong there. It was a branch that was blooming with red blossoms, that blended in well with the surrounding branches.

A streak of red jumped to the top of the hundred-year-old tree and floated down gracefully, not even making a slight noise when landing on the ground. If one saw that tree, it was unchanged, except for the branch of blooming red blossoms that had disappeared from sight.

The red-cloaked figure pulled off the hood that covered her face, revealing Feng Yun. Holding the branch, Feng Yun inhaled deeply, smelling the scent of a wild bamboo garden.

Her face was filled with delight, as she climbed up on the horse.

Her face was still intoxicated with a devastatingly beautiful smile as she gallopped the winding path along the mountainside.

There was an inn along the road, a rest stop for the roadworn travelers to stop and rest.

She got off her horse, and handed it to a servant who worked for the inn.

"One room please." She said politely, her mood was still good, giving her a brimming light blush on her soft cheeks.

"Sorry miss, there are no rooms availble?" The servant who had been thrown the reins of her horse replied with his head bowed.

"What? Why is that, this is a rural road, could there be so many people passing by?"

"No, but we have a few officials that have come, the entire inn was booked, please miss, go elsewhere, I know of another inn twenty li away, night has not fallen, if you continue, you may arrive before nightfall." The man said with respect.

"Thank you."Feng Yun replied as she was handed back the reins. She decided to walk for this li to allow for the horse to get some rest first.

As she turned her head, another branch caught her eye. It was standing as straight as a javiline, unbending towards the the wind or shine that came its. Feng Yun pulled the branch from the ground, her eyes were stagnant as a clear pond for only a second, before she put it with the other branch.

She pulled lightly on the horse, leading it away, the soft sounds of the horses' hooves could barely be discernable, as the figure in red slowly took time to praise the beautiful mountain scenery, along the long road of travel.