A slight smile at red blossoms

The sun rose up early in the mountains, though the sky had become brighter, there were still large clouds that obscured the sun, making it so that the sun's rays would never fully penetrate through.

Feng Yun did not mind this weather, she liked the atmosphere that was brought by this lighting. Bright, but not too overly bright. Which was also her motto in life.

She had arrived downstairs to eat breakfast, which was already prepared, after all, there was only one guest in the inn. If he did not wait upon her who would he wait upon?

After she had the meal, she gave him a silver ingot and immediately went to the stables to get her horse.

The innkeeper was in a daze. When he snapped out of it, he wanted to run after her and call out "You gave too much, I can't accept it!"

But by then, the girl had already gone far away. So far, that a shadow of her could no longer be seen.

He could only return to his desolated inn.

Feng Yun rode for an hour, her hands still held onto the red blossoms that were tied with red ribbon. Her eyes gazed upon the colorful scenery as the horse trotted on. They were both filled with an endless feeling of vigor.

The encounters with the blooming red blossoms grew to be more frequent, as she always stayed on the path the red blossoms bloomed.

She couldn't help but roll her eyes at how much free time a certain someone had on their hands to plant so many red blossoms here and to keep them blooming in such weather. She couldn't help but question if that person was an idiot, or full of romance.

Still, her heart was immensely touched, there was even the beginnings of a slight smile that appeared upon her peach colored lips.

Before her, was a tunnel that was lined with red blossoms and at the end of that pavilion was a speck of dark ink blue, amongst the sea of red.

Feng Yun gently removed her blood red cloak, revealing her dress of light green that was beneath. Her hand held gently held onto the branches of blooms.

She slowly walked to the end, to the speck of ink blue that became clearer to her eyes.

Even now, she could still remember him the day they parted, and she took up the responsibility of serving Madam Lin. She had told him "We have many years together."

Indeed they had.

At the end of the red blossom tunnel, a young man came into view. He looked to be no older than seventeen years old, with beautiful dark eyes and quite tall. He was perhaps taller than Feng Yun by half a head.

There was a very alluring smile on his face, it seemed that any young lady could easily be smitten by him, yet he only had eyes for the person before him.

He held out his hand, and Feng Yun gently took it, not to her surprise, she was pulled in for a long and tearfully long embrace, which lasted for a long time.

It felt as if they had been apart for centuries, thus she did not refuse and enjoyed every lasting moment of it.

After the joyful hug, he pulled her to sit in the Pavillion, where she saw the extent that the red blooming flowers had reached.

"Wow, Ah Rong you must have spent a lot of time on this." She quietly spoke as she eyed the red sea as far as the eye could see. She had to admit that he was very thoughtful to have put this much effort into it.

"Not much, I only spent a year cultivating them to grow in this weather." The young man smiled, as he broke off one of the flowers, placing them into her ink black air.

She laughed as she touched the flower "Do I look like a newly wedded bride?" she asked.

"You always look like one he said as he gave a big smile, revealing his dimples. Compared to his previously handsome self, he resembled a foolish child.

He placed the red cloak over her shoulders, and at that instant, the ghost-like girl dressed in red disappeared, and the person who stood in her place was a young blissful maiden at her wedding ceremony.

She couldn't help but feel her heart warm up.

"Were you in on it with Madam?" She suddenly asked, recalling the strange behavior of Madam Lin.

"Hmm." He nodded his head. "You knew?" It was not so much as a question, just a confirmation.

"Yes." She answered.

"I knew she would never be able to keep a secret in front of you." He snorted, as he thought back to Madam Lin's personality.

"Is that so?" Feng Yun asked, her eyes opened wide as she stared at him.

"She also said we should travel together for a while." He thought back to the letter Madam Lin had sent him, wishing them well, and telling them to enjoy their time on the outside for a while.

"She did?"

He nodded "We should go to Xi Nan, I hear the scenery is superb, and the four seasons are like spring, what do you think?" he asked, as he looked toward Feng Yun for her opinion.

Feng Yun thought of it for a while, she had been there before, but it was some time ago, she wonders how it has changed since then. She nodded "Okay if we go, we should see their spring flower festival. I once saw it a while ago, it is a vibrant holiday in which the most beautiful flowers are on display, and afterward, they take the flowers home to create a flower wine, a specialty of the holiday."

"All right, we should go and try their wine." He said as he firmly planted a kiss on her cheek, causing her skin to flush a slight glow of red, she shyly looked towards the ground.

A slight breeze blew across the flower grove, causing the flowers to slightly shake, and carrying with it the scented pollen that floated about, giving the air a nice and fragrant, yet not overpowering.