A Favour to be Returned

When Madam Lin saw them both drink her stew without question, she couldn't help but chuckle slightly.

Her slight chuckle made the two young men stand on edge, as though expecting to be ambushed at any moment.

Madam Lin gently shook her head.

"Perhaps you should take a look at your servant's wound." She said, looking at Xiao Wu, who seemed to be dazed from blood loss.

It was then that the young man was reminded of his wounded bodyguard, coming over to support, and attempt to take a look at the wound, which had been made by a blade.

"I'll look." Madam Lin assured, coming over with a few of the herbs that had been left there intentionally. Internally thinking how the not so good looking herbs had turned to be useful after all.

She lifted his arm to see the wound which had been made by a blade, deepest at about two inches. The blood was thick and sticky a color of deep red.

She lightly touched the blood and sniffed her fingers.

[Good, there was no poison on the blade.]

There was not much that could be done, so she simply ground up some blood coagulating herbs and put it on the wound before she skillfully bandaged it.

"He should be fine if the wound does not touch water for the next three days." Madam Lin says with a smile.

That smile was gentle and soothing, it was no different than that of a mother's smile trying to calm her frightened children. Such a smile soothed everyone, even Ru An who had a degree of fear and respect toward Madam Lin felt that kindness that Madam Lin had only shown to her own son.

"Thank you." The man in brocades said in a grateful manner. It seems that the smile had also impacted him.

"En." Madam Lin said as she put away the medicine slowly.

This left the young man at loss of what to say. He could only carry on this slowly dying conversation.

"May I ask madam's name."

At this question, Madam Lin paused and said: "My name is Lin YuLou, but the people around me call me Madam Lin."

The young man pondered for a moment, before he said "My name is Hao Xian."

Madam Lin's eyes flashed a trace of hostility before they returned to their original lipid and calm state.

[The second prince, Canglong Hao Xian, son of the once-powerful Imperial Consort Ying and legitimate daughter of the Ye clan, Ye YuYing.]

A gracious smile graced Madam Lin's lips, as she said "Young master Hao since I have helped you, you should owe me a favor? No?"

Canglong HaoXian's face darkened and replied: "Is what madam truly needs a favor, after I return, I will have some directly bring you a million taels."

"No need for that, I have plenty of money, but what I lack is favors." Madam Lin waved her hand and said with all seriousness.

"Fine. If it is to my ability and not against the morals I stand for, then I will do everything in my utmost power to accomplish it." Canglong HaoXian swore solemnly.

"Hehe…" Madam Lin chuckled. "Do I seem like the type of person who would make you do something against your will?" She asked softly.

"It's hard to tell what a person's heart holds." Canglong HaoXian said in all seriousness..

"Indeed it is, I once made a bet with… someone and that was the only time I had ever lost. By losing, I hid away for a very very long time." Madam Lin paused for a moment, "But I do not regret it, it has made me see the world in an entirely new way." she said in a reminiscently.

Her blank eyes gazed out the small cottage window. Looking into the nothingness that was night. It was so dark out here in the middle of nowhere, like standing in a dark room, yet one knew that in the four directions, they were completely surrounded by the forests and all the beasts that lived within. No one standing here would believe that the imperial capital of Qing Cheng was merely a few miles away.

Her ears sensed a movement a distance away. A strange smile that was devoid of all feelings including happiness and sorrow appeared upon her face.

"It seems we will have some guests." She seemed to be speaking to herself. That voice was so low that the two people she had just welcomed into the hut did not hear her.

Ru An was the only one truly listening, her face expressionless.

"Madam, I will check on our carriage." She bowed respectfully, then left.