A Little Bird

As Madam Lin returned to the manor, there was a white dove that flew encircling the manor.

Ru An looked emotionlessly up into the sky.

"Did you have fun?" Madam Lin's voice came from behind the curtain. Startling the girl who was driving the carriage.

"They were somewhat lacking…"Ru An's voice trailed off. It was as if she had an expectation that wasn't met, leaving her hopelessly disappointed.

"Well, the people you had trained you and I were monstrous beyond imaginable, no need to feel so terrible." Madam Lin chuckled lightly before she continued, "Have you seen through their identities?" Of course, what was being referred to was the group that these people worked for.

"I find their martial arts to be imbued with seven parts shadow and three parts militaristic skills." Ru An answered tactically.

"I see, it seems something will be brewing up really soon. We'll just observe." Madam Lin said.

Ru An slowly urged the horses forward, and directly into the side gate of the manor. The gates slowly closing behind them.

Madam Lin returned to her room, while Ru An returned to her tasks, not forgetting to inform the people in the manor to refrain from buying fish from the outside markets.

She silently swept the dead leaves that were falling from the tree in the courtyard. In a peaceful and elegant motion, she soon looked at the dove that swiftly flew down towards the tower, landing on a bamboo rod that was stationed near the window.

The broom she was holding in her hand was placed against the tree as she ran to the tower to take a look.

As she ran upstairs to the tower, there was already someone up in the room tending to the pigeons.

"Mister Wen." Ru An bowed in respect before entering the room.

Wen Jian nodded, before carefully untying the string on the bird's leg, and allowing the creature to fly back into its bamboo cage to rest.

He handed the bamboo tube off to Ru An and immediately went back to tending the wary birds. They welcomed the fresh water being put into their bowls and a few granules of wheat being poured into the bowl.

Wen Jian carefully stroked each bird as though thanking them for their long journey.

Ru An immediately ran to Madam Lin's room. Since he had given it to her, it was definitely something that could be seen with Madam's eyed only

Her footsteps silently glided across the stone floor, as she made her way to Madam Lin's quarters which were at the main hall.

A sound of banging came on the door.

"Come in." A gentle voice said.

Ru An quickly opened the door to place the bamboo tube on Madam Lin's desk, before scurrying away quickly. She was a person who knew her boundaries, and what could not be overstepped.

With the tube on the desk, Madam Lin went over to take a look, pulling out the paper, she scanned it over with furrowed brows. When she was done, she recorded down the information and burned the slip of paper.

After that, a smile perfectly fitted itself upon her ordinary face. She looked towards the direction of Ruan Qin Wang's manor.

"It seems that we will be meeting soon." It was a short while before her eyes dimmed lightly, and she slowly walked to a wardrobe deep within the room.

The wardrobe was slightly old and dusty seemingly, and it did not seem to belong in this room. The wood it was made from was common pine wood, and did not have the slightest carvings, even the most common peasant would have such a wardrobe. There was a small gleaming lock that prevented anyone from opening it.

Madam Lin carefully took out the key, which was with her at all times and opened the lock.

With a 'Click' the lock opened, and for the first time in over a decade, the contents inside were able to see the daylight.

Peering inside, Madam Lin pushed aside a garment with dried blood on it that hung lifelessly inside, making her way to the back of the wooden drawer, where she kept a few of her brocade boxes.

She carefully took out each and every box, carefully making her way to the bottom.

As she breathed in the old and musty smell, a flurry of emotions spread throughout her body, making her feel as though each box was a heavy brick weighing her down more and more.

It was so strange, she took out the brocade box opening it. Inside was a long object that was wrapped in layers of cotton cloth. Unwrapping them carefully, it revealed a bamboo umbrella, that was the color of ivory, it was a very plain thing, but one could see that it was a sentimental artifact, based on the way it had been carefully protected all these years.