Night Visit

After the carriage entered the imperial city, Lin Qinghui drove around, meandering for a while before he decided to go into an inn to stay for a few nights.

He had the horse and carriage filled with goods taken care of, the only thing he took with him was a long painting container that most painters brought along with them as they traveled places. The canister was wrapped in a dark blue brocade and stood out greatly, as his cloak was white.

Upon entering the inn, he could spot the innkeeper dozing off at the front desk. The middle-aged man occasionally shivering in his sleep, from the cold air seeping through the plain wooden doors.

Seeing this, Lin Qinghui did not show any change in expression, simply tapping gently on the front table, producing a loud and clear sound to awaken the man from his sweet trip with the god of dreams.

The innkeeper awoke to see a handsome young man dressed in a pristine white cloak, carrying a blue painting container. His eyes were as beautiful as the twinkling stars in the sky, and his gaze neither cold nor warm.

"How may I help?" The innkeeper gives a cough and asks, as he snaps out from his stupor.

"People come to the inn to rent a room?"

"Of course." The innkeeper blurts out. He could not believe that he had asked such a rhetorical question. Of course, would a person come to the inn to buy vegetables?

Lin Qinghui places a tael of silver on his desk and says "A room for eight days please."

"Here", the innkeeper grabs a tag and key indicating the room number the key led too, "Room six." He added.

Lin Qinghui took the tag and walked up the creaky stairs. Though this was the imperial capital, there were differences in qualities of inns, and this was one of lesser quality, so the prices weren't as sky high as one would imagine.

He opened the door to reveal a decently clean room, and placed his things on the table, before sitting down at the table, to close his eyes.

His ears silently listened to the night. The winds rustled in the bare branches, as the snow fell continuously from the sky.

It was when the third gong came in the middle of the night, that his eyes opened again.

"Since it's cold out there, why don't you come in." Lin Qinghui said quietly towards the closed window.

"You know, your mother said the same thing to me." The person outside came in as quick as a shadow, closing the window behind him so the freezing wind would not enter much.

"That so? Then did my mother send you here?" Lin Qinghui looked towards Wen Jian and asked. He did not seem to be too bothered by the opening and closing of the window.

"Of course not." Wen Jian assured, "Though your mother should be getting news of you entering the capital. She should not be caring much."

"I'm surprised that she did not send people to stop me." Lin Qinghui said flatly.

"Why would she? It's not as if you do not know her well." Wen Jian commented.

Lin Qinghui was silent for a moment, he did know her well, there were not many things that she cared about for that matter, she did not bat an eye as her family was getting executed. She was only running the clan because of an obligation, thus it was the only thing in her eyes as of now.

"I know." He silently said, "About the goods, you can bring it with you when you leave. I will be staying here for a few more days." He was referring to the carriage he was riding in when he had entered the imperial city, he truly had some business to attend to.

"Sure, you're going to the meeting for scholars?"

"Why bother to ask when you already know?" Lin Qinghui asked.

Wen Jian was prepared to leave, but halted his steps when Lin Qinghui spoke again "How is Ru An?" His tone was that of asking a normal question. There was no sentiment or longing within his words.

"She is well, currently the one serving madam since Feng Yun left." Wen Jian answered before leaping out the window and disappearing into the night. The window was left open, allowing the cold wind to enter.

Lin Qinghui did not do anything after he had left, merely standing anchored in his spot, and looking out the window from which was now empty, with nothing but darkness reflected by snow and rooftops covered in layers of ice.

That little girl that he found a long time ago while on one of his trips should have grown up a long time ago, but he had left her in under the care of Wen Jian, perhaps it was time to return.

He let out a sigh and proceeded to close the window. As he did, the sounds of a carriage could be heard driving by.