
Deagan jumped at the chance to push Ariana out of the brothel as Lady Zula's voice could be heard throughout the building as she yelled at Sammie. "Let's go find the pretty lady now." Deagan said as he pushed her towards the door. "Hey now! Who said you were the other one to be going with Ariana!" Clawdean hissed as she marched towards them. "Easy, I got to her first." Deagan said as they made their exit. "Deagan!!!" Clawdean yelled as he slammed the door shut behind them.

Once they were outside he let out a deep sigh and looked down at Ariana's face but instead of feeling comfort he broke out into a heavy sweat. "Ariana why are your little friends with us?" He asked awkwardly as a wall of chibis was built before him. "They don't trust you." Ariana said bluntly. "Neither do I." Cayden said as he started approaching them. "Heh." Deagan laughed awkwardly as he raised his hands into the air defensively. "What can I do to prove my intentions are pure?"

Ariana stepped around her chibi wall and looked at Deagan. "Find big sister Rin." Deagan looked a little put off by the request and scratched the side of his nose. "What if she doesn't want to be found?" Ariana stared at him, her gaze never waivered. "Then, she can say it to my face that she wants to be alone." Deagan froze for a second and looked at the young girl seriously. "Your definitely different then what I thought." He mumbled as he brought up his hands before him.

"Fine." He said as he stretched out his arms towards the ground, his hands started to glow a silvery purple colour. Suddenly a violet coloured magic circle appeared on the ground. "ʻAki" He said in a clear voice and soon multiple shadow people started to form from within the circle. Ariana's eyes grew wide as she looked at the people then to Deagan. "What is your command Master." A male voice said as all their eyes turned a bright magenta colour. "Find...ah sorry little lady what was her name again?" Deagan asked as he turned to Ariana.

"Please find Rinera Bloom." Ariana asked with confidence as she turned to the shadow people. There was an awkward silence for a moment before Deagan started to chuckle. "Sorry they only listen-?!" Deagan started to say but the shadow people bowed to Ariana. "As you command." A tall male shadow said before they all dispersed. Deagan jaw dropped to the ground and Cayden smirked as she stepped beside her. "Why don't we try looking too?" Cayden said as he slipped his hand into hers.

"Alright but I have faith in Adelram and the others." She said as they started to walk forward. "Wait!" Deagan asked as he narrowed his gaze at the two. "How did you know his name?" Ariana stopped and looked back. She contemplated what she was going to say but then decided to stay silent. "I will believe whatever you say just tell me how did you know his name." Deagan asked coldly causing Ariana to sigh. "This is why they listened to me." She said as Deagan took a step back feeling a the air became somewhat oppressive. "Adelram, Blamore, Claec, Duana and Hadria, they all pledged to help me whenever I am in need."

"When? How? Even I only know Adelram's name and none of the others." He said as fury started to take over him. "Have you spoke to the others? Have you even given them the respect they deserve? As a shadow weaver you fail in the simple concept that your familiars are living beings. Maybe this will be an eye opener for you and you will take your role more seriously." She said courtly and started to walk away. "When did you...."

"Sorry I can't hear you, you will need to speak up." Ariana announced in annoyed tone. A vein popped right above Deagan's right eyebrow and he stomped down the cobblestone street only stopping right in front of Ariana and Cayden. He tried to reach out to grab her but Cayden stepped in front with a dagger in hand. Deagan paused and brought down his hand.

"When did you speak to them?" He asked through clenched teeth. Ariana tapped Cayden's shoulder and he stepped aside, sheathing his dagger back into his belt. "I spoke to them right in front of you... Do you pay such little attention to your surroundings? 'Sigh' just like how your own shadow is trying to speak to you but you don't seem to realize or care to listen." Ariana said as she pointed to Deagan shadow.

He looked down and saw that his shadow was not moving or speaking but he needed to make sure. He snapped his fingers and his shadow started to move its arms. Deagan became surprised as his shadow was signaling something but he had no idea what it wanted to say. "It's alright I think I can help you." Ariana said softly and soon the shadow peeled itself off the ground, took a solid form and stood in front of Deagan.

Ariana stepped beside the shadow and held out her hands. The shadow quickly took her hand and Deagan just stared. "Just grab my hand." She said as she opened and closed her hand. Deagan just grabbed it and was instantly connected. "Finally! Moron! Don't get pissed off when someone is trying to help you understand your flaws!" A voice rang into Deagan's head causing him to let go of Ariana's hand. "How did you do that?!" He shouted as he shivered. Ariana looked at him lazily and dropped her free hand to her side. "I wasn't sure that would work."

"So you experimented?!" He shouted and Ariana dropped her gaze to the ground as she let go of the shadow's hand. "That's enough." Cayden said as slipped his hand into hers again. "Don't get upset when someone is trying to help you." Cayden said as the shadow crossed his arms and nodded his head in agreement.

"This is insane." He said in hysteria and Ariana flinched at his words. Cayden squeezed her hand and pulled her closer. "If you don't like it go back to the brothel." He said flatly and pulled Ariana down the street. Deagan started grinding his teeth as he stared at his shadow sensing it's disappointment in him. "Who are you?!" He shouted as he chased after them. "I don't know." Ariana mumbled under her breath as they continued onwards.

After an hour of searching the three sat under a shady tree. "She doesn't want to be found." Deagan said in defeat. Ariana looked upwards absentmindedly as Cayden watched the Luma play. "You haven't named them yet." He said as he turned to Ariana. "Your right!" She said happily. "I thought you asked them for their names back at the brothel?" Deagan said as he stretched out his arms upwards. "And they don't have any." Ariana said bluntly. Deagan turned to look at the girl and Cayden shrugged. "It seemed obvious."

"Right... obvious. You know you two are quite the pair." He said as he crossed his legs and stared. Cayden tried to brush off the statement but his smile was shaking immensely while Ariana seemed indifferent. "Well let's start, Luma!" She called and her chibis stopped immediately and rushed to her side. "Okay you all deserve a name, so who would like to go first?" She asked happily and the Luma huddled as they looked at one another.

The jellyfish was the first to go and the other formed a line. "Oh! Okay give me a second." She said as she brought her hand to her chin and closed her eyes. "Why not name it according to their talents?" Cayden said as he watched her struggle. "Great idea! Okay little one what do you do?... toxic, acid that can go through anything... multi-tasker, can make any antidote of a poison you've come into contact with and almost indestructible, let's see then how about Adonis." She said and her little jellyfish swirled around in joy as it started to glow.

"Who's next?" She called and her purple fish Luma swam up. "... alright so illusionist, voice mimicry ... oh claws, teeth, scales stronger than anything in this world and really?! But don't think I would want to eat that... Then my little siren of death you will be called Loralei." The same thing happened again her purple Luma glowed and she happily swam to float beside Adonis.

"... fire, claws, conquer of all.... huh... yes that is good to know. Let's see my little tiger you will be Rahul."

".... earth, tactical, fierce, tracking and an expert in killing but you believe in life rather then vengeance. My sweet doggie you will be Duko."

"... elemental controller but your own is wind... so your the one who helps me with that, amazing! Well a skill to manipulate is impressive, let's see my little dragon what can I call you.... oh how about Davita. Alright Davita it is."

".... ah so you are the big sister to all. Water... oh and their properties! Ugh that's somewhat ruthless but I do appreciate the thought that you are that protective of your family.... yes and quick deaths are better the slow and painful ones. Alright my little birdie I will call you Aroha."

"... you.... I will not say a word of your ability... I will call you Vasu. I swear to all of you that I will be true to you and hope that in the future I do not disappoint you." Ariana said as she got of the ground to bow to her Lumas. All seven of them bounced around with joy as they glowed brightly. Adelram returned with the others and bowed. "We have found who you have been searching for." He announced. Ariana turned to him and stepped forward. "Take me to her, please." She said as she looked directly into the shadow person's eyes.

"As you wish." He said, Cayden was prepared this time and latched onto her body before the shadow people started to wrap themselves around her. In a flash the two disappeared and Deagan was left alone under the tree with the Luma. "Any chance you can lead me to your Master?" He asked pitifully but the Luma looked at Duko. He quickly ran through the sky and the others followed.

Ariana opened her eyes, she could see a flood of black, blue and purple rush by as figures seemed to linger behind the sea of dark colours. Flying steadily through the abyss silently as they traveled to the destination. She noticed that Cayden had gone stiff and worried as he seemed to stop breathing, she tried to pry his arms off her so she could check him over but he wouldn't budge.

"Do you dislike the boy?" A voice asked from within the realm. "Adelram... no I do not dislike him. I am just worried he hasn't moved, hasn't said a word or seems to be breathing." A cold laugh could be heard around her. "Of course he can't move, he is in suspended animation and I'm not the least bit surprised that you are not affected!" A female voice said. "What do you mean Duana?"

"This is the realm of the shadows. No being every steps into our realm and when some accidentally do they never have any recollection of ever doing so, but then again it's rare for someone of the solid realm to use these channels as a form of passage." Hadria said as she descended from the abyss and started to float along beside her. "Yes, only the worthy may use our channels for passage." Blamore chimed in as he joined them. "Time moves slowly outside and can really mess with someone's mind if they were ever to become conscious within our channels.... but you.... you seems to have exponential power within you. Considering you are able to converse with us in a ... sane manner." Duana said as she came down.

"So others who have become conscious have lost their ... ability to function properly?" Ariana asked as she hugged Cayden's arms. "In a polite way, more or less but more on the lesser side." Duana answered as she patted Ariana's head. "Why?" Ariana asked and they all laughed. "Child, do you see the figures behind the abyss?" Blamore asked as he pointed towards some people and buildings.

"Yes." Ariana said as she nodded her head. "Time moves so slowly outside that you could spend days in here and you only lose an hour at most out there. No food, no water, people so close yet they can not hear or see you no matter how hard you try to get their attention, knowing fully that salvation will never come." Ariana contemplated over Blamore's words and looked to meet his gaze.

"They why did it take you so long to find Rin? If time moves to almost a standstill within your realm why did it take an hour to find her?" Ariana asked curiously trying her best to not sound too bitter or ungrateful. "The way we track is not as simple as possessing a person to extract what we want. To obtain information we are required to converse with someone's shadow." Adelram sighed as he appeared next to them. "Converse? So you exchange information." Ariana asked as they moved along. "Yes." Blamore answered. "How do you know that that person's shadow is telling the truth?"

"Blasphemy! We are a noble race! We do not partake in decent like you solid folk." Claec said as he finally joined them. "Let me explain." Adelram said as he stopped everyone from moving forward. "We are an ancient race that believes in the worth of an individual rather then the power or benefit that someone can bring to us. Since the beginning, when a new shadow enters into our world we take an oath that binds us to our laws." Ariana's eyes grew wide. "You mean everyone of you has a solid?"

"No, we are no longer part of the living but we are neither part of the dead." Hadria answered but Ariana became more confused. "At another time we can speak about how we five came to be... You see when a solid is born, their shadow is christened into ours. We do not judge based on the form the shadow takes or what deeds their solid does or who they parents are. We believe our own to be pure and do not persecute, so we are seen as something detestable in your realm." Adelram continued. "That's not fair! That's like every life born is given a label before they have even take their first steps down their own path!"

"Adelram, I see why you have taken an interest in this one. Your lips have never been this loose before." Claec said as he stood beside him. "So how can you get your information then? Why make a contract with a shadow if you could not just converse with your own shadow to get what you want? Why are you bond to your laws?"

"Listen well solid! We have our own minds, our own opinions and our own values. If we choose to provide information we can, but it comes down to ones worth! We can not just let anyone know our secrets as it could become life threatening, we always hold the preservation of life above all else! Why would you risk your own life to find something out if you can make a contract with a being that's smarter, stronger and more dispensable?" Claec said but Ariana shook her head. "It's a contract correct? Why risk your lives for someone who is not willing to risk their own?!"

"Sweet child, we are like any familiar in this world. We become stronger along with our master and are able to live longer lives." Hadria cooed as she snuggled Ariana's head. "So you will die without a master?" No one said a word and looked at Adelram for help but Claec ignored the question and went into further explanation.

"If the other party believes you have information regarding their mission but refuses to let you obtain it we can challenge them to a battle, by strength or brains. The victor gains the information and the loser must yield but we rarely fight our own. We choose brains to see if you are worthy. You see our shadows are directly linked with a solid and if we are to take damage or die our solid selves will get sick, hurt or die along with us. We can not be the ones to take a solids life based on a hunch! As our King proclaims war is war and in times of peace we must preserve for the betterment of society." Claec said proudly as he pounded his chest.

Ariana sighed and let her shoulders sag. She knew they would not tell her more, she wasn't worthy enough yet. "Can we go see my big sister Rin please." Adelram waited a few moments before he turned around. "She is this way but you may not like what she may say to you once you meet."