The Sugar Apple Cafe

'Master! You have blood running down your nose!' Adonis yelled as he moved to pinch the bridge of her nose and collect the fluid. The red liquid was instantly absorbed and Ariana could see it swirling up in Adonis's tentacle before it completely dissolved. 'Did I scare you Master?' Ariana looked at Adonis and saw the worry on his squishy face. "No. I was worried my blood would do something to you since it's different." Adonis started to change into various colours from delight. 'Master is so sweet! Don't worry Master I am perfectly fine.'

Ariana moved her eyes back and forth trying to see if anyone caught her unsightly manner. When she thought she was safe, she took over pinching the bridge of her nose from Adonis and started to walk backwards until she slipped into the kitchen. Ariana let out a sigh of relief and quickly moved over to the sink. She turned on the tap and waited for the water to get cold. She let go of her nose and started splashing her face with cold water. She noticed the bleeding had already stopped before she started to splash water on her face and thanked the heavens that her blood didn't come to life then and there.

"You okay?" Ariana waved her hand in the air as her eyes were glued to the bottom of the sink. "Ya, just give me a min-ute... ?!" Ariana's eye grew wide as she froze in place. The voice she heard wasn't one of her Lumas but someone far worse. "Here, let me get you a towel." Cayden said as he moved closer towards her. Ariana shot straight up and tried to flee backwards but she was caught off guard and stumbled backwards. "Watch out!" Cayden yelled as he moved to catch her. He skillfully caught her by the waist, with one arm. He looked down at her face and Ariana could feel her face grower hotter with every second that passed.

She swallowed back her saliva as her eyes scanned over Cayden's concerned face then to his lips, he was too close to her face. She watched as his lips slightly parted and they formed words. "Are you okay?" Ariana could only vigorously nod her head. Cayden sighed a breath of relief and gently brought her back to her feet. "What happened to you?" Ariana could feel her heart pounding against her chest and tried to take a step back from Cayden but he hadn't let go of her waist. "I was just a little overwhelmed by all the excitement in the other room." She mumbled as she averted her gaze.

Cayden raised his eyebrow but let the subject go. It didn't seem like she was lying but something was definitely off. "Well as long as you are okay now... so... cough... how do I look?" Cayden said shyly as he released Ariana and took a few steps back. Ariana groaned internally, she didn't need another look while he was staring right at her but there was also a part of her that really wanted to look him over properly.

She brought her gaze up to his face and slowly moved downwards. He was wearing a white, long sleeve, collared shirt with a black, pin strip vest and golden buttons. A small pocket was located on the left side of his chest with a tiny golden phoenix in its corner. He wore a red tie, dark gray dress pants and shiny, black dress shoes. "Very handsome." She said under her breath but noticed that Cayden's face turned bright red. 'He heard me!' She thought as she held her breath.

Cayden averted his gaze and started to rub the back of his neck. "You look pretty good yourself... but... you..." He said but Ariana couldn't hear the last part. She was really curious what he said and wanted to ask him but her heart couldn't take the atmosphere anymore. "Well we should head back outside!" She squeaked a little too loudly. Cayden eyes grew wide then he started to laugh. Ariana couldn't help but smile and then laugh along with him. "I'm sorry! I'm so nervous about today, I am not acting like myself!" She giggled. Cayden wiped a tear from his eye and started to walk up to Ariana. He brushed her bangs aside and placed a small kiss on her forehead.

Ariana could feel the heat from his kiss course through her veins. Cayden gently moved his lips downwards and hesitated for a second before placing a kiss on her cheek. "It's for good luck." He gently murmured as he pulled away. "T-th-thank you." Ariana dropped her gaze and felt her cheeks getting hotter. 'No!' She thought, 'I need to see.' and quickly brought her gaze upwards and locked eyes with Cayden. He seemed dazed as his cheeks slightly flushed and his chest was moving up and down.

His gaze was so alluring, Ariana couldn't explain why but her body moved on its own. She brought her hand up and placed it on his cheek. He made a sharp noise as if he quickly inhaled air, she slide back her hand into his hair and moved her face closer to his. She started to close her eyes as her lips inched closer towards his. "Are we ready to start making food!" Roy shouted as he kicked open the door with a giant grin on his face. Ariana and Cayden moved apart quickly and were standing away from each other, gazes facing opposite ends of the room. "Is something wrong?" Roy asked awkwardly. Ariana took a deep breath and turned to face her brother but was instantly dumbfounded.

Adonis and Loralei had pressed their gel like bodies against Roy's eyes, blocking his view. "Let Roy go, everything is fine." She said in a defeated voice. The Lumas peeled themselves off and floated upwards. Roy looked at the two suspiciously. "Alright... mom said to come get you. We need to open the doors and we can't do it without you." Ariana's face started to beam. She grabbed Cayden's wrist and dragged him out the room. Smiling lovingly as she passed by Roy. When they walked out of the kitchen everyone was staring at them curiously, making her wonder if someone was eavesdropping.

Ariana flushed and released Cayden's wrist. Lady Zula pulled out her fan and started to walk towards the door as Roy walked up behind Ariana and Cayden. "Well everyone take your positions! It's time to open the Sugar Apple Cafe!" With that she pulled open the door. Ariana's heart started pounding against her chest as she clutched at her skirt. Cayden sensed her discomfort and gently removed her hand from skirt and slipped his hand into hers. "Don't worry. Have a little faith in yourself." He whispered only causing Ariana's heart to increase its rhythm.

"Welcome!" Everyone shouted as a crowd of people walked through the doors. Ariana's jaw dropped and her heart soared. The entire twin tiger guild members were their first customers. She looked at Cayden who was grinning like a fool and squeezed his hand. "You knew!" She mouthed while Cayden winked. She let go of his hand and went running up to the customers. "Seeley!" She shouted as she jumped into his arms. "Ariana!" He shouted back as he hugged her tightly. "Thank you for coming!" Seeley let Ariana go and patted her head. "Of course! Clawdean and I haven't stopped talking about your food that this just happened. Look even our cooks are here, don't worry they just look grumpy but deep down they are softies."

Ariana beamed at Seeley then Clawdean. She grabbed their hands and started to escorted them to a table. "You know we're here too brat!" Ariana looked back and saw Brian and Sammie. "Alright table for four!" She shouted back and gave them the best spot. After she sat them down she went and grabbed the menus. "Hello my name is Ariana and I will be your waitress today. If you have any questions or would like any recommendations I will gladly help you. For now would you like to order something to drink?"

"We already know who you are, so why the hell are you acting so polite now?" Brian said as he gave her a narrowed eyed side look. "Dear customer, I am giving you the full service experience. If you like I can even give you the server's special (At a charge) along with your order." Ariana said as cheerfully as possible. "Do pray tell, what is this server's special." Ariana gave her group an outstanding professional smile before looking Brian square in the eyes. "Dear customer I can tell you it will make your food taste ten times better!" Brian scoffed at Ariana. "Seeley... order it."

Seeley was happily looking over the menu when he heard Brian's command. "I'm sorry?" Brian pounded a fist against the table. "I said order the brat's special service." Seeley's eyes became dull as he starred at Brian. "N-ooo... I don't think I will." Seeley tried to protest but Brian wasn't going to let him off the hook. "Seeley you have some sort of affection for this thing here. Go ahead and order the service." Ariana smiled at Seeley and gave him a reassuring nod. "May I get your drink orders first and give you more time to think about what you want?" Seeley nodded his head enthusiastically. "As the head of the guild I will have Seeley order the best dish of the house along with this special service." Brian said arrogantly as he placed an elbow in the table and cradled his face.

"Alright then! I will be right back!" Ariana shouted happily as she collected the menus. "Wait, I'm not done looking it over yet!" Sammie said in protest but instantly zipped his lips when he saw Ariana's dark smile. "I will be right back with your drinks." She said as she turned and walked away from the table. It didn't take long for her to return to the table with a tray if drinks. "Lemon grass tea for Sammie, strawberry milkshake for Seeley, cafe au lait for Clawdean and a glass of white milk for Brian."

"Oh wow look at this! There is a little heart on top of the liquid!" Clawdean said as she tried to look at her cafe au lait from every angle, eyes sparkling. Brian was displeased with his cup of milk and was ready to start a fight with Ariana but she quickly bowed and took her leave to start attending to another table. "This brat who does she think she is!" Brian said between gritted teeth as he enviously looked at Seeley beverage. Seeley caught his glare and pulled his drink closer as he grabbed the tiny cherry from the top and tossed it into his mouth. Brian clicked his tongue as he moved his glare towards Ariana. "This better be worth it..."

Soon everyone in the cafe had there drinks and some dishes were starting to come out. Some customers even stood up to see what others had ordered. Ariana with a giant grin brought out two dishes first. She placed a bowl of oatmeal infront of Sammie and an omurice, fruit salad and home fries for Brian. "I will be right back with the rest." She said with a smile to Clawdean and Seeley before she turned around and walked back to the kitchen. She soon came out with two plates of pancakes, dressed in whipped cream, strawberries and honey.

She placed the plates in front of Clawdean and Seeley. Then gave Brian a giant smirk before turning to Seeley. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves before she started to sing as she clapped and dance. "O-oh ooh o-oh ooh I hope you find love, o-oh ooh o-oh ooh o-oh ooh. I'll give you my l-o-v-e o-oh ooh o-oh ooh o-oh. L.O.V.E. Love! Please eat this meal with my love!" Ariana finished her song by bringing her hands and finger together making a heart shape in front of her chest. Seeley instantly blushed and started eating right away. While Clawdean's eyes sparkled even more and Brian covered his mouth with his hand trying not to let his laughter out.

"Does your meal taste better?" Ariana asked innocently. "I've had the oatmeal before and I have to say yes." Sammie said as he tried to suppress his smile. Ariana wasn't convinced and looked back at Seeley. "Are you sure? I wonder if it was Ariel maybe Seeley would have felt happier...." Seeley started to choke on his pancakes. "No! You were so cute! I just thought I should eat my meal right away!" Ariana nodded her head with watery eyes. "...I believe you.... excuse me I need to attend to other customers...." She said as she turned back to the kitchen.

When she came out again with more plates she saw that some of the other girls were doing the service too and their customers were beaming with happiness. After she handed out the rest of the orders she walked back to Brian's table. "How was everything and can I get you anything else?" She asked with a big smile. Everyone said it was good and were full. "Fantastic! Here is your bill, my mother can help you settle it up at the front. Have a great day!" She said happily as she handed the bill to Brian.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Why is there only one bill and why are you giving it to me?" Brian said bitterly as he grabbed Ariana's wrist. "Dear customer there is a hands off policy in this cafe. Please release me right away or you will be thrown out and band from the cafe." Ariana said with her smile in place. Brian quickly released her and held his hands up in defense. "Sorry, sorry brat I just want you to clarify this bill." Ariana turned around to face Brian and tilted her hand as she slightly pouted. "You are their boss and are treating them to a meal, so or course you would get the bill." She said matter-of-factly.

Brian clenched his jaw as he narrowed his gaze. "What gave you that idea." He hissed. "Easy! You ordered Seeley to do something he didn't want so you were acting like a boss, not a comrade so you pay." Brian started to turn red from anger when Sammie decided to grab the bill. "No worries, this will be on me." Ariana brought her hands together in delight. "Wonderful! My mother will be so impressed with your generosity she might even give you a discount!"

"I will settle this." Brian grumbled as he snatched the bill out of Sammie's hand. "As you should, at full price! Very responsible of you, okay have a good day!" Ariana said as she gave them a small curtsy then walked away to settle other bills. While leaving Brian behind with his jaw hanging and the others trying their best to suppress their laughter.