Eve - Part 2

"Owen, you need to eat something... you've been by the princess's side for two days now if you keep this up you will collapse!"

"Anita, I promised to protect her and that means not leaving her side. Besides I have been eating and drinking the meal replacement stuff just make sure the kids get actual food."

"Owen you moron! Meal replacements are for emergencies and sitting by 'this princess's' side is not an emergency!"

"Anita leave, I don't want to keep arguing with you about this."

"Are you starting to feel sorry for 'her'?! Are you backing out of the plan?! If Everett hears about this do you think you can stay by her side?! Your starting to act like a wild card and when worse comes to worst will you still be on our side?"


After Eve heard a door open then slam shut she opened her eyes. "How long have you been awake?" Owen said coolly. "When she begged you to eat." Eve said as she tried to sit up. Owen's eyes softened and he quickly moved to help her sit up.

"I'm sorry your job is getting in the way of spending time with your girlfriend and your children." Eve said bitterly. Owen's eyes opened wide while his jaw slacked. Eve dropped her gaze to her hands and started to playing with her thumbs. "I can lock the door so you can spend some quality time with your family." She muttered.

"Anita is not tied to me and I do not have children." He growled causing Eve to move her gaze to his face. He looked completely disgusted and his eyes were full of anger. "Anita is my brother's woman! As for the children, they are the ones staying at Oakville orphanage... the same orphanage your family is planning to tear down for the new subdivision." He spat. Eve paled when she heard his words and she started to shake her head. "No your wrong!"

"Do you think I'm stupid! I have seen the notice to vacate! Do you think that your parents are some divine beings that will not be judged for what they're doing?! They must stop this development and give us the deed to this land so that these kids don't get kicked out on the streets and die!" He shouted as he jerked himself up, tossing his chair back. "Owen... your wrong and my parents will never agree to do something that they nothing about." Eve pleaded.

Owen narrowed his gaze at Eve as she tried her best to not avert her gaze. "This is my project. I proposed the idea to tear down the orphanage for the new development project. I have been working behind the scenes and just wrote my final proposal the night I was abducted." Eve admitted.

Owen looked hurt and confused. He grabbed Eve by the collar of the hoodie and ripped out her IV drip. "Y-O-U?!" He snarled. Eve's eyes started to water but she held her gaze. "Yes but it's not what you think. Someone is lying to you, I haven't given notice and the kids aren't being kicked out. I will be taking care -?!" Eve started but she couldn't finish.

Owen tossed Eve back onto the bed and gave her a cold look before leaving the room. Eve hugged herself and started to cry. She felt hurt by the look, she didn't want to admit it but there wasn't anyone in this world other then her parents that would stay be her side and it got to her.

His actions made her conscious of him and she couldn't stop herself. "Idiot, moron... sob... don't think about him.... don't let it hurt you...sniff... it's just Stockholm syndrome.... sob... you... you don't even know him." She cried softly as sleep slowly took over.

By the time she woke up it was 8 o'clock, according to the wall clock. She had no idea if it was night or day but she knew her stomach was in a lot of pain. She pulled up the hoodie and saw that her abdomen was a light green in colour and figured it was a faded bruise. She pulled down the hoodie and slowly climbed out of bed.

She looked around and saw that she was in what looked like a windowless infirmary. She slowly walked towards the door and reached out. The door handle had already started to turn and Eve pulled back her hand.

A black haired beauty, styling a bob with pink, purple and blue streaks in hair walked in. She had pheonix shaped eyes that were brown in colour, a straight nose, small petal like lips and slightly tanned skin. "Princess... I brought you your meal. Enjoy." She said as she dropped a tray of food into the floor with a disgusted face. "Thank you." Eve said as she moved to pick up the tray. "Whatever b*tch." She replied as she flipped up her middle finger and walked out of the room.

Eve silently ate her first meal in days and before she knew it she polished off the tray. She sat in silence wondering what to do when the door opened again and the same woman came in and grabbed the tray from her hands. "You think your hot sh*t don't ya!" She said as she slapped Eve across the face.

"What are you?!" Eve started but the woman refused to let her ask anything as she grabbed her hair. "To have both brothers fight over you! What did you do to Owen to make him so gaga over ya?!" She spat. Tears welled up in Eve's eyes but she didn't say a word. "Give Owen back to me!" The woman screamed as she reached for Eve's throat.

Eve wasn't going to be the victim anymore, she grabbed the woman's wrist and face palmed her nose causing it to make a horrible cracking sound. The woman screamed in pain as she let Eve go and tried to feel her own face.

Eve quickly got up and rushed out the door. She ran down the hallway and found a set of stairs. She raced downwards and found an emergency escape door at the bottom. The moment she stepped out she knew she was in trouble.

Outside was a group of men smoking as they watched a fight between Owen and another man who slightly resembled Owen. The other man had the same golden brown hair but his eyes were brown, he was more built and had scars all over his body and one across the bridge of his nose.

"Get him good Everett!" Some guys shouted. "Owen, you gotta play dirty to beat that beast!" Another cheered. Eve felt relieved that no one had noticed her and she started to slink away but when she heard a horrible impact and Owen's cry, she froze. Her heart was pounding, Zoran was laughing and something snapped within her.

"Hey f*cker! Leave Owen alone!" She yelled as she stormed her way through the crowd and onto center stage. Everett looked at the person calling him a f*cker and spat blood onto the ground. Eve walked right up to him and stop an inch from his toes. She looked up and saw that this man was not as tall as Owen but he was way more intimidating.

"Well if it isn't the princess!" He laughed. Everyone around him started laughing too except Owen who was trying his best not to faint. "What do I owe the pleasure? It's not everyday a beautiful princess can grace us with her presence... Tell me darling, do you have a magical flap trap that made this numbskull try to battle me for leadership?"

"I bet it can make any man scream with ecstasy since he became sensitive with every mention of your name." He said with a twisted smile while disdain reflected in his eyes, Eve glared the man down then she softened her gaze and gave a seductively smile. "Want to see what my hands can do?" She said in a low, sexy voice as her fingers glided up his chest.

Everett swallowed back whatever he was going to say as his mind suddenly went blank with the look of lust sparkling in her jewel like eyes. She licked her lips and Everett started to nodded his head slightly. "Alright." She said as she laid her head against his chest and started to slide downwards.

"Eve what are you doing?!" Owen shouted as adrenaline started pumping through his veins. "Shut the f*ck up baby brother! This woman is going to serve me in front of the men so sit back and enjoy the show." Everett shouted with great anticipation. Some men grabbed Owen and forced him onto his knees so he could watch.

Eve didn't waste anymore time, she went down and grabbed Everett's legs. She suddenly sent him flying back with a double leg throw and moved like lighting. She was now behind his neck and locked her arm around him put him into a sleeper hold. "Now listen up! If you don't want your leader to die you better do as I say!" She shouted as fiercely as she could.

The men started laughing hysterically but the moment she put pressure on her hold Everett started to choke, struggling to get her off. The men stopped laughing and took a step forward. She applied more pressure causing Everett's face to change colour. "Alright princess, what do you want?" Zoran asked as he raised his hands up in defense.

"First, let Owen go!" She ordered. They released Owen and watched him getup and walk towards Eve. "Now listen well! I am the one who came up with the new project development not my family but someone has lied to you!"

"My project hasn't been approved yet and I am moving all the children to a boarding school where they can get the best education and get away from the grotesque experimentation and human trafficking going on behind the scenes here! These kids deserve a better life and I am using my own private funds to make sure they go to school!" Eve shouted at the top of her lungs.

Owen's eyes turned wide as he blinked a few times as Eve. He opened his mouth a few times but he had no reason to doubt her. He looked at the crowd and each had gone silent, thoughts racing through their brains. He then turned to Zoran and starred him down. "Is this true?" He asked.

Zoran started to sweat. "This b*tch is making things up!" He shouted back as Eve released Everett. "Zoran... cough... what the.... cough... f*ck is going on?!" Everett demanded. Everyone turned to face Zoran and the atmosphere became heavy.

"Why don't you believe me?! She's lying! They're tearing this place down and selling the kids to their rich friends as sex slaves!" Zoran shouted hysterically. Owen turned to face Everett and extended a hand to help him up.

"Funny, you told me that they were being tossed onto the streets to die." Owen said while Everett wiped saliva from his lips. "Your right that's really funny cause Zoran, I was pretty sure you said they were taking the kids to the black market to sell their organs... So what is it Zoran? What's the truth?" Everett asked.

"Ha ha ha ha! You have no proof that what I said is a lie! I mean, I have the reports and a mole within the company that can vouch everything I have said." Zoran said with a victorious grin. Eve moved beside Owen and reached for his hand, she held his hand tightly and watched how his face turned red. She smiled then looked at Zoran.

"I can access my files from any computer and pull up my proposal and the reports of what's really going on at this orphanage! I have nothing to hide and will not stop this future development! Your the one giving false information, this makes me think you are the person in my report who is selling off the kids in order to line your own pockets!" Eve shouted in accusation. 

"Everett I swear, I'm not doing what she says I'm doing! I-I-I am innocent!" Zoran said in a panic. Eve let go of Owen's hand and started running towards Zoran. She jumped up and dropped kicked him, sending him flying a good 6 feet away.

"I saved as many kids as I could! Alice would have been the last one you sold but I got to the drop off first and she is willing to testify to the sale!" Eve announced as she looked down at Zoran. Everett stepped forward as his jaw slacked. "Alice... your saying my little Alice wasn't adopted." Owen asked in disbelief. Zoran started to get off the ground and his face twisted into a madman's. "Alice! Alice! Alice! Anita was sick of tacking care of her little sister so to make her happy I got rid of her!"

"Enough." Everett commanded as the group of men detained Zoran. They all turned to Eve and apologized for the trouble they caused her. Eve smiled and started to get to know everyone there. It wasn't long before the police and Eve's parents came to the orphanage.

Michael Goodfellow turned to Owen and shook his hand. "You've grown so much, Mr. Vega." Eve turned to look at her father then Owen. "Dad, do you know each other?" She asked in awe. Michael started to laugh. "Eve, this young man has been with the orphanage since he was 4, with his older brother. He tried asking for your hand in marriage every time we came to inspect the building before we gave them their annual donations." Michael explained.

Eve starred at Owen and watched as he turned a bright red. Just as she was about to say something they heard the children screaming from inside the building. Everyone turned and felt their blood run cold as flames started rising into the night sky.

Some of the kids came running out, covered in ash and sweat. "Some kids are still inside, they are stuck in the recreational room!" A young teen shouted. Eve couldn't stop herself from moving and rushed into the burning building. "Eve!" Owen shouted as he chased after her.

She rushed through the building and made it to the recreational room. She saw that someone had placed a metal rod through the slotted handles to keep the kids from escaping. She moved to touch the rod but it was too hot.

She could hear the kids screaming from inside. She balled up the sleeves of the hoodie, bite down on her lips and pulled the rod out. Once she opened the door the kids started running out. "Go, go, go!" She shouted before she started choking on the smoke. Once everyone was out she turned and saw the woman from before. She was standing behind her with a cross bow in hand.

"I can't let you leave!" She shouted as she released the arrow. Eve jumped back but the arrow pierced right through her leg. "Ahhhh!" She screamed as she fell backwards. The woman tossed the crossbow into the flames and walked over to Eve. She placed a foot onto her chest and pushed her down as she pulled the arrow out of Eve's leg.

"I think killing you with my own hands would be more then satisfying." She said as she tried to stab Eve through her heart but Eve grabbed her ankle, she twisted it and sent the woman flying against a pillar. Eve tried to get up fast as the flames were getting bigger and the smoke was getting thicker. "Eve!" Owen yelled as he rushed towards her. "Owen!" She called back as she tried to stand. "Owen, I'm here too!" The woman called out. "Eve just tried to kill me! Leave her and save me!"

Owen looked at Eve's wound and closed his eyes. "No Anita! I ran into the kids and helped them get outside. They told me what you did and I rushed back here with everything I had. No matter how long you have been by my side my feelings will never change! Not in this life or the next, I will never choose you!" Owen proclaimed.

Anita became mad with jealousy as she tried to stand up but the fire was getting to big and part of the building collapsed on top of her. She screamed in pain as she slowly died. "I hope you die Eve!" She said with her last breath.

The building was collapsing to fast and Owen's body was heavily wounded from the fight. They desperately tried to find a way out but were running out of options. Eve couldn't go any further she felt that her fight was finally over. "Owen, I-I-I n-need *cough* to t-tell you s-something."