
It was a long 16 hours of labour but the family was overjoyed with the arrival of Rin and Roy's son. "Rin you did a good job." Ariana whispered as she gently rocked the baby in her arms. Rin looked positively exhausted as Roy brought a cup of ice water to her lips. "You mean we did a good job." Roy said with a small smile. "No, Rin did. I never knew how hard it was for a woman's body to go through all of this just to bring a little person into the world." Ariana replied softly.

Roy instantly started to frown as Rin tried to lean back. "Yes, yes, I did great but he has Roy's blood too." Rin said as her head rested onto a pillow. "Sure, he does but look at him! He has your beautiful skin tone and tuffs of silver hair! Look at these tiny lips and little hands! He probably won't turn into a mini Roy until he's 7 or 8 years old, so for the next little while he will be gorgeous." Ariana said as she stared at the newborn.

She desperately wanted to snuggle up to the little bundle of Joy's face but knew germs could easily hurt the baby, so she properly restrained herself. She also made sure that everyone washed their hands with soap and lectured everyone properly about kissing a baby on the lips. They all needed to wait until he was properly vaccinated before attempting it.

"Alright, you had your turn! It's great-grandma's turn so pass him over." The Countess said as she gestured with her hands for Ariana to pass the baby along. "No! It felt too little!" She protested as she snuggled the baby a little closer to her chest, protectively. "Ariana, you have your outing later and need some rest. Let grandma have the baby for now." Lady Zula said as she walked over to Ariana.

"Now Zula! You better not be trying to cut ahead of the line." The Countess sneered as she pointed her finger at her accusingly. Lady Zula showed mocked hurt on her face as she brought her hand to her chest. "I would never! I was just asking Ariana to pass the baby to 'her' grandmother, not the baby's grandmother! No matter how patiently she has been waiting to meet him, great-grandma needs to be respected and given a turn before his paternal grandmother."

"We can't just keep calling the baby him all the time. Rin, Roy have you thought of a name yet? You must have by now!" Ariana giggled with excitement, making sure she took a step away from her mother. "No... not really." Roy said as he blushed a bright shade of red. "Roy thought it was going to be a girl no matter what." Rin answered with a light laugh. "Ariana why don't you name him. Without you I don't think Roy and I would have been brought together."

"Not fair! I had you practically living together long before you got together!" Lady Zula complained. "I helped Zula buy the business, you wouldn't have met without my help!" The Countess chimed in. Ariana rolled her eyes and looked down at the baby.

"Why don't we each think of a name and let Rin decide." The woman looked positively delighted as they both shouted "Deal!" Ariana walked over to Roy and helped him hold his son for the first time. Roy was already breaking into tears as he looked down at the small creature. "Honey, Ariana was right. You did a good job." He said with big watery eyes.

"I got it!" The Countess said as she jumped up in joy. "Ezekiel!" The room was deathly silently while the Countess looked positively proud of herself. Lady Zula coughed and all eyes turned to her. "How about Arieus, it means pure and holy like silver."

Rin thought about it for a minute. "It's nice." She answered with a smile and Lady Zula was now on cloud nine. "Sterling." Ariana said nonchalantly. All eyes turned to her and she smiled. "Sterling is a type of silver that is mixed to make it more strong and more desirable, and Larkin so there is always a piece of your father with you and protecting him. So Sterling Larkin Drake."

Rin and Roy glowed with pride, delight and love. They both looked at their son, Roy passed their son to Rin who then placed him on top of her chest. She placed a sweet kiss on top of his silver tuffs of hair. "Sterling Larkin Drake, I'm your mom and I can say from the bottom of my heart, I love you." Rin said affectionately.

Lady Zula and the Countess hated the taste of defeat and looked at Ariana bitterly but they couldn't complain, the loved his name too. "Mom." Ariana said as she walked over to Lady Zula and wrapped her arms around her mother. "I'm going to go sleep now." Ariana said as she waited for her mother to hug her back.

"Alright, have a good nap. I'll wake you around 10 so you can get ready." Lady Zula said as hugged Ariana back and placed a kiss on her forehead. When Ariana was released she blew kisses towards each family member. With a giant smile Ariana then turned and walked towards the door.

When she reached the door, she opened it and was pleasantly surprised. Waiting patiently outside was the rest of the family hoping to be tagged in for their turn. Ariana couldn't help but giggle. The Countess said too many people could overwhelm Rin and they needed her comfortable, calm and more importantly peaceful because the baby would feed and react from her aura.

Everyone looked so eager for their turn, they turned their gazes to Ariana hoping for some good news. "Have you washed your hands?" Ariana asked as she raised an eyebrow suspiciously. Everyone extended their cleaned hands for an inspection. Ariana slapped a hand as if she was tagging someone and flashed a dazzling smile. "Liegh it's your turn!"

Everyone else looked hurt as Leigh's eyes shone with delight. "Oh spoiler, his name is Sterling Larkin Drake and I got to name him. Sorry." Ariana laughed as she walked away. She could feel the dragger hitting her back from the envious stares but she couldn't help but laugh.

In her mind today was the best day of her life and she couldn't help think that she would never be able to fall asleep. She walked into her room and gently closed the door. She then walked sluggishly towards her bed and fell onto it face first.

"My body is so tired but my brain seems to be doing overtime." Ariana groaned before she slipped off her shoes and army crawled towards her pillows. 'Master, what is bothering you?' Duko asked. 'Obviously Master is excited about her play date with her new best friend.' Aroha chirped in with pride. 'No, I think it's something else... Master your heart is unsettled, why?' Davita asked.

Ariana rolled onto her back, she tried to kick the covers out from underneath her but couldn't so she rolled over grabbed the end of the cover and rolled back. Making herself into a giant burrito. "Nothing is the matter, my heart is happy and I don't know if its all a dream." Ariana yawned as she snuggled up into bed.

'Master is right! Nothing stirs the blood like a good challenge!' Rahul roared. 'What challenge could she possibly have exactly?' Lorelei sarcastically asked. 'Why to conquer Edlyn's heart! She wants a best friend, she must work hard!' Rahul answered.

'Honestly Rahul I do wonder about you.' Davita sighed. "I missh-ed you guys." Ariana said with a lazy slur. "I'm shooooo ooh oow... yawn... happy you... back." She could now barely keep her eyes open and started to drift off into sleep. 'Sweet dreams Master.' Everyone whispered. Finally Ariana could feel herself slipping into deeper sleep and felt content. 'Alexandrite.' Vasu whispered but Ariana had no strength or consciousness left.


"Ish o-tay Ebe, I tan protet you." A strong child like voice said as she stroked a young Eve's head. "No, I neeb to be a big gurl." Eve said as she tried her best to hold back her tears. "Ish o-tay to get help..."

The scene quickly changed, standing over her now was a beautiful woman. The room was almost completely dark while thin rays of sun shine came through a small window. "I'm sorry, I'm not going to be around much longer." The woman said as tears fell from her beautiful red eyes.

"But please always remember that I love you and daddy will protect you, better then I ever could." She said as more light came in. Her eyes quickly changed into a beautiful shade of green. Fairies, sparrowmen and pixies came flying in a giant hoard through the window.

"I'm sorry." She said as the hoard started to encircle her. There was a loud pounding on the door and people were shouting from the other side. "Please take me now!" She commanded and a bright light erupted into the room. The magically creatures started to fall onto the ground, lifeless but happy. The beautiful woman's soul was separated from her body and she hovered over it, watching as it started to fall downwards and hit the ground with a loud thud.

The people on the other side of the door started hitting something hard against the door but the woman looked peaceful until she looked at her baby. Horror filled her eyes as the baby's body glowed, as if the light was absorbed by the infant's body while it's soul started to rise upwards.

"No! No! No! You must live!" She shouted as she moved forward and tried to push her soul back in but it was useless. "I killed my child!" She cried as the infant's soul floated into her arms. "I'm sorry! I know I promised to protect you but now I'm doing this to you." She cried as she inscribed the Ankh symbol over the infant's body, after a half breath the body absorbed the symbol.

"I'm sorry to do this but it's the only way." The woman cried as she embraced her child. Suddenly the door was smashed open and a large amount of men and woman stormed in. "See I knew she was trying to escape!" A petite woman shouted as she pointed towards the woman's soul.

"Quickly use the chains!" A familiar voice shouted and Ariana broke out into a cold sweat. "We can't reattach the soul anymore but her only usefulness is guaranteed...." Lord Romanoff said as he came into full view. White luminescent chains flew through the air and wrapped themselves around the mother daughter pair.

"I will never let you have your way!" The woman shouted at Lord Romanoff but he simply laughed. "Your very essence will make our dreams into reality!" The beautiful woman looked down at her baby's soul. "We won't be able to save daddy.... I am truly sorry." She whispered before her soul started to glow again.

"No! Fool what are you doing! Idiots, we must contain them before-?!" Lord Romanoff shouted but it was to late. The mother daughter pair turned into light particles. Leaving nothing behind as the particular floated upwards and out of reach.

"Nooooo! We have nothing! Years of planning gone!" Lord Romanoff shouted as he started to stomp onto the remains of the magical creatures. "My Lord look!" Someone shouted as they pointed towards the infant's body. "She is still alive."

Lord Romanoff pushed people aside as he rushed for a closer look. "Her soul was with her mother though... it's an empty vessel! That moronic woman made a blunder! Quickly, quickly! We must move quickly and summon a soul to this body! Our hard labour will not be in vain. We will succeed and have our just rewards." Lord Romanoff shouted as a familiar face came into view.

"Yes, it will not be in vein." He said as he picked up the infant's body carefully. He walked her out of the room, down the hall and into another room. He then carefully laid the infant's body down in the center of a giant magical circle.

"If we succeed, immortality will no longer be a dream!" Lord Romanoff shouted as his eyes became increasingly wild. "Sirius step away from the body already! We must start the ceremony!" Lord Romanoff shouted. Sirius took one last look at the infant's body before he moved into his position. "Let us begin!"


Ariana woke up in a cold sweat. She quickly shoved her face into a pillow and started to scream. The pain was real, the hurt was real and to find out she was summoned by Evangeline's hands, her heart broke. 'Master... it's okay to cry.' Vasu said gently causing the flood gates to open. After a while Ariana's tears turned into trickles and she started to feel a little better.

There was a knock on the door. "Sweetheart, it's time to get up." Lady Zula sang as she opened the door. "Mom." She called out pitifully and Lady Zula rushed to her side. "Your eyes, my G*d what happened?" Lady Zula said as she rushed over.

Ariana's lips started to tremble and she tried her best to hold her gaze. "I dreamt that I watched Evangeline die." She answered with so much sorrow that she knew she would start crying again. Lady Zula pulled her close and squeezed her as tightly as she could.

"It was just a nightmare, nothing more. Just a nightmare." She chanted, half to comfort Ariana and half to calm her own nerves down. Ariana wasn't sure how much time passed but she felt calmer. She looked up at the clock on the wall and saw that she only had 45 minutes left to get ready and meet Edlyn at their designated spot. "Mom I'm going to be late!"

Lady Zula ran to her room and then came back with a slightly damp towel. "Here place this over your eyes and wait. I will get everything else ready and Leigh will come in to help you get dressed. I know you don't like it but there's not much time left." Lady Zula ordered. Ariana obediently laid down and placed the damp towel over her eyes.

A refreshing scent filled her nostrils and a happy memory came up. Monica had done the same thing before for Cayden's party. She had her first kiss and she couldn't help but happily wait for the oils to take effect. Anything would be better then reliving that nightmare.


Ariana ran at full speed as Zachary was being dragged behind her. "We have 15 minutes left before we have to meet!" He protested but Ariana wasn't slowing down. "Exactly! So that means I'm late meeting Edlyn!" Ariana shouted in a panic. Zachary couldn't wrap his head around Ariana's insane idea about tardiness and conceded to being dragged.

Once they reached their meeting spot, infront of Zook's Stationery Store, Ariana beamed with delighted when she made eye contact with Edlyn.

She instantly released Zachary's hand and started waving. "I'm sorry I'm late!" She yelled as she ran over. Edlyn quickly brought up her hands. "Your early!" She signed. Ariana smiled and brought up her own hands as she spoke out loud.

"You're earlier! I shouldn't let my date wait it's not good manners!" Ariana replied cheerfully. Mrs. Abela turned her head and started to cough while Zachary smacked the side of Ariana's head. "Date this, date that, are you trying to woo the young lady?" He asked coldly. Ariana rubbed the side of her head as she bitterly looked up at her uncle.

"Moron." She signed as her lips stayed perfectly shut. Edlyn couldn't hold it in anymore and started to openly laugh. Mrs. Abela was able to compose herself and turned to see her daughter was laughing so freely, even though no sound could be heard she could tell from her face and actions that she was laughing.

She turned her gaze to Ariana as she brought up her hands. "Apparently calling my uncle a moron was funny." Ariana signed while Zachary stared daggers at her. Mrs. Abela could feel her eyes stinging, signaling that she was close to crying. Edlyn started to catch her breath as she wiped tears from her eyes.

"Mom can we go in now?" Edlyn signed. Mrs. Abela brought up her hands and spoke out loud. "Yes we need to collect suitable school supplies, grab some lunch at Filia's, get uniforms fitted and have a lovely afternoon tea." Edlyn couldn't help but smile as she turned to Ariana. "Let's go in!" She signed before she stretched out her hand.

"Careful, I may fall in love with you for your gentleman like mannerism." Ariana said with a giant grin. Edlyn started to laugh again and moved beside Ariana to link their arms. "Who says I'm not trying too?" Edlyn signed then gave her a charming wink. Ariana started to fan her face with her hand. "Mrs. Abela, I do say you brought up a fine charmer! That is, if I do say so myself." Ariana replied.

Mrs. Abela started to laugh as she walked over to open the door. "Well I may need to throw my hat into the race. I can't have my daughter out do me when such a lovely lady is in sight." Mrs. Abela proclaimed. The women started laughing whole heartedly while Zachary just stood in his place dumbfounded. "I guess she didn't need me after all."