St. Verusha Academy

As the carriage rolled to a stop, the Headmaster and Gregory jumped down. "It's time to wake up." The Headmaster said as he opened the door. Ariana and Edlyn started rubbing the sleep from their eyes. "Papa Nakia... hello, it's been a while." Ariana said in a groggy tone but it delighted the Headmaster by leaps and bounds.

"Come, come! Come see where you will be staying for the next four years." He said with a giant smile. Ariana stepped out of the carriage first and held a hand out for Edlyn. As the two held hands they looked at the scenery together in awe.

The landscape was nothing short of spectacular. "See way up there. That's where we are headed." The Headmaster pointed towards a a far distance. A majestic European style castle stood on top of a small mountain, infront of them were giant pinkish-purple trees and giant trees that shimmered with a silver tint as the breeze playful past. The Headmaster grinned as he stepped beside the girls. "Beautiful isn't it?" The girls nodded their heads enthusiastically as their eyes sparkled with wonder.

The Headmaster turned his head and then pointed just a little way before them. "From here we must walk up the mountain to get to the school." Gregory and the girls looked at the Headmaster curiously while he just stared back. Then he waved his hand in the air as his eyes flashed a brilliant, royal purple. The carriage that Gregory was driving, disassembled and stacked into piles of lumber, nails and miscellaneous objects. The two black stallions were set free and they started to gallop away from them.

"There are no short cuts in life and we must always remember that hard work will always lead us to our destination. All carriages that come to on our grounds will be returned to their owners at the end of the students term or holiday if they need choose to go home." The Headmaster said before started to walk away from them. Ariana and Edlyn let out a sigh of relief as Gregory walked past them and followed the Headmaster.

"What are you doing here Gregory?" Ariana shouted as she and Edlyn ran up behind him. "I was cut loose from aunt Lidia the moment my plan and backup plan failed. This was her failsafe.... well condition for me. Instead of shunning me, she is giving me another chance so that I can still associate myself with the Drake family. So now I'm at the Academy and...." Gregory stopped and narrowed his gaze at Ariana. "She didn't trust me by her side anymore so I have no choice but do as she said and earn that trust again." He yelled then turned and started walking forward.

Ariana could tell from Gregory's cold gaze that he truly despised the situation he was pushed into. She lowered her head in shame, she knew that he really wanted to protect his family, he hated that an outsider pushed themselves into the family. Now everyone she loved including the Abela's were in serious trouble while Edlyn and her were safely guarded within the Academy. She took a quick peak at Edlyn and started to smile. The only good thing about the whole situation was that Edlyn was safe.

A memory flashed in her mind and she involuntarily shivered. She hugged herself as her eyes grew wide. The door, the door that lead into the Grand Council's chamber was nothing short of horrifying. She needed to focus on something else, anything else. She looked up and saw that along the winding trail were alternating strange yet beautiful cherry blossom trees and white flowering dogwood bushes. "Papa Nakia, shouldn't the cherry blossoms have already fallen off?"

The Headmaster let out a small chuckle and stopped walking. "Good observation my girl, good observation! You see we enchanted the entire landscape around the Academy to keep the foliage in its prime." He said then turned to start walking again. "So the forest around us is made up of what exactly? I have never seen these trees and bushes before, well other then the cheery tree."

"Did you not look up the history of the Academy before coming here?! Honestly you scored perfect on the exam and yet you know so little about life! You will bring more shame to the Drake name." Gregory said in bitter tone. Edlyn hooked her arm around Ariana's and gave Gregory a murderous glare as she raised her middle finger at his back. Ariana had to stop herself from laughing out loud by coughing instead.

"Well when your stuck inside all the time with no real freedom, all one can really do is read books but even the real thing is always vastly different from what they are. So my policy is to always ask questions, mostly to confirm my understanding and knowledge. I mean, I'm not some uneducated twit that will believe what I'm told just because someone says so." Ariana said with a mocking tone, Gregory refused to turn around but she and Edlyn could see his ears turning bright shade of red.

"Too true!" The Headmaster yelled out as he continued to walk. He then started pointing out the trees and shrubs as they walked by. They learned that the beautiful, white flowering bush was indeed dogwood. The pinkish-purple saucer shaped flowers on the trees a little further back from the path were saucer magnolia. The magnificently tall and lush trees that had the leaves that shimmered silver with the breeze were known as silver maple. While along the path they were walking, a good distance in between the dogwood stood the weeping cherry trees.

As they walked further along the Headmaster pointed ahead and continued. Apparently the first markers to show that you were halfway to the school were the new type of trees, the silver maples were replaced with trees that had beautiful maroon coloured leaves. It had bright fire red flowers blossoming on the branches which gave it it's name, prairifire flowering crabapple. Ariana's eyes grew wide, her mind quickly wondered to her family back at the Sugar Apple Cafe and hoped that everyone was still alright.

There was no communication between them and she could only imagine that they were all sick with worry. When she finally broke from her train of thought she looked up and saw that the saucer magnolias were also changed out to sugar maple trees. She kept quiet, she hoped that no one realized that she wasn't listening to the Headmaster anymore and secretly wished if he did notice that he would forgive her.

"We have quite a fascinating area, it's a shame I can't show you everything and all the students that come up here can only see our spring section. I would love to show you our summer and fall sections but I must leave that to our teachers... when you learn about magical medicines and such you'll get to see it...." The headmaster said as he started to slow down his pace and placed his hands behind his back.

"Oh that's too bad..." Ariana said as she caught on to his little act. "Well you twisted my arm!" The Headmaster shouted as he spun around and started walking backwards. "I can only tell you what you'll find as for why they are there and what medical uses each have, well... I will leave that up to you to find out." He said with a wink then turned right back around.

The summer section had a massive Banyan tree right in the center of the forest. While the surrounding trees were peepal, Amla, eucalyptus, mahogany, sal, cork and teak trees. The plants in the area were aloe vera, tumeric, Tulsi and a variety of wild herbs were hiding among the grass. Naturally the summer section took up half of the surrounding area but with the abundance of medical wonders it was acceptable. A beautiful, crystal clear Lake was just on the border of summer and fall, located behind the school.

The fall section had sunny valley maple, coral bark maple, sugar maple, box elder, ambrosia apple, fig, persimmon and crimson maple trees. While the ground was littered with viburnum, pomegranate and beautyberry bushes. There was also wild fennel, sweet potato, squash, carrots and herbs growing everywhere that magically replenished when removed. Animals lived within the trees and shrubs and traveled within the three sections but mostly liked to stay within the fall section.

According to the Headmaster magic was used to seal the three parts of the landscape from spoiling. Only during the final exams would they release the magical barriers around each section to give the trees and shrubs a chance to 'breath'. They would then accelerate their growth in the last two days so that they could put up their magical barrier again, keeping nature in the state of their choosing.

"Papa Nakia can I ask you something?" Ariana said sweetly causing the Headmaster's ears to twitch. "Yes my dear anything you want!" He said as he stopped and looked at Ariana. "If I score a perfect on my final exams can I ask for a favour?" The Headmaster frowned. "You are the first to score a perfect in the entrance exam, what makes you so sure you can get a perfect again?"

"I don't." Ariana answered with a shrug. "My grandmother arranged for a tutor for the entrance exam and with her .... very unique way of teaching I was able to get a perfect score. This time I'm on my own and I won't know how things will go for me during my midterm examination or tests in the mean time.... But I feel like by the time final exams come around I will get a better understanding on how marks are given and will astonish people by getting perfect. So for my efforts I would like a gift or favour. Honestly it's whatever you think the right wording would be for what I'm going to request."

The corners of the Headmaster lips started to twitch and he placed a fist over his mouth to cough. He turned around and started to walk again. "May I ask, what do you intend to ask for at that time?" Ariana started to smile brightly as she stared at the Headmaster's back. "Two fully grown sugar maple trees."

The Headmaster and Gregory stumbled forward slightly when they heard her request. "May I ask why?" The Headmaster said as he straightened himself up and brushed back his silvery hair with his hands. "I would like to gift one to my grandmother and one to my mother."

"Well that is a noble gesture but transporting a sugar maple is relatively hard, let alone two." The Headmaster said and peaked over towards Ariana. She went into deep thought and suddenly brightened up. "Then the saplings! can I get four saplings, if one dies there is always the other and they can take care of it until my return!"

The Headmaster started to laugh loudly. "Fine, you win. If you get full marks in all your subjects during your final exams I will gift you six saplings when it's time for you to go back home." Ariana was completely delighted. She looked and Edlyn and her arm was released. She rushed up behind the Headmaster and hugged him from behind. "Thank you Papa Nakia!" She shouted as he let out an unexpected "Oof."

The Headmaster patted the back of her hand and blushed as Ariana hugged him tightly. "Alright but remember there is no guarantee you will receive full marks." He mumbled, too afraid to ruin the moment. Ariana let the Headmaster go and ran around to face him. "Don't underestimate my determination. I will work hard and you never said what year I had to accomplish it! Our promise stands, I will get a perfect score in all subjects and I will get those saplings for my family."

The Headmaster's eyes widened with amusement as he stared at a pouting Ariana. He started to laugh again and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, ushering her to move forward along with him. "I must introduce you to my grandson! I can already see you and him getting along wonderfully! Mind you he is a bit stubborn but I blame his father for that... honestly the child needs a little flexibility to grow but that is their business not mine."

Ariana smiled. "Sounds alright. Doesn't sound any worse then Gregory who can't even smile properly." The Headmaster through back his head and laughed into the air. "Wonderful, absolutely wonderful! His name is Flint Remo, he is quite handsome if I do say so myself! You see he has my eyes and you know that's a great quality!"

Ariana froze slightly when she heard his name. She slowly turned her head towards the Headmaster as her lips trembled. "Flint, Flint R-Remo?" She stuttered but the Headmaster just laughed at her shocked expression. Thinking that she understood his intentions. "That's right Flint Remo. We don't have the same last name but his mother, Shula is my only beloved daughter."

Ariana averted her eyes and tried hard to calm her thundering heart. "Erik Remo's son..." The Headmaster hugged Ariana's shoulders in delight. "That's right! So you know the family! Spectacular, absolutely outstanding! I can't wait for him to arrive at the school!" He said but unknown to him Ariana was paling by the second.

"Yes I know of the name but unfortunately I'm not familiar with them only-?!" She started to say but was interrupted by Gregory's exclamation that they finally made it to the end of the path.

The Headmaster removed his arm and started to take longer strides forward, making a huge distance between himself and the group. "Some ground rules for the lot of you. So listen well, you will not call me anything but Headmaster in front of everyone else. You will respectfully greet me when I pass by, you will also not show or tell anyone that their is any type of relationship between us. No one must know that you are here before anyone else. No one must know that connections were used to bring you here. Am I making myself clear?"

Edlyn and Ariana curtsied while Gregory bowed as they all said. "Yes Headmaster." The Headmaster nodded his head in approval. "Good now let me be the first to welcome you to St. Verusha Academy." The Headmaster said proudly as the three straightened their backs and started to move forward.

Standing proudly before them was a massive castle. Nothing of the likes that Edlyn and Ariana had seen before. Two white towers stood in either end of a giant red brick wall. A giant white archway was smack right in the middle. It had some guards waving from up above the archway while more guards were stationed at two smaller balconies further up. On top of the wall was what looked like a red brick house but the most eye-catching thing was the giant white castle behind it.

Towers were littered everywhere and Ariana couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. She turned to Edlyn and stretched out her hand. Edlyn smiled in return and ran to grab hold of Ariana's hand. The both started running, wanting to take a closer look. The Headmaster kept his stern look in place as they ran past. "Ladies, is this how you should be acting?" He shouted causing Edlyn to tense up but Ariana playful flashed him a smile. "We aren't on the property yet so yes!"

The Headmaster tried his best not to smile but his mask was starting to crack. Gregory sighed as he walked past the Headmaster. "Your going to give yourself an ulcer trying to keep yourself composed." The Headmaster followed suit as he watched the girls slow down their running and started to gracefully walk with perfect posture. "I believe you might be right." He mumbled.

To Ariana's surprise the red brick wall was actually the front of the building with a strategically placed window along the exterior allowing the most amount of natural lighting to shine inwards. Walking inside they could see an endless amount of guards everywhere. Some were casually speaking to each other, some where behind a giant front desk and others were coming in and out of rooms. The girls walked up to a giant golden oak desk. A scary looking man sat behind the counter and narrowed his gaze at the girls.

His long midnight blue-green hair was tied back into a ponytail while his medium length fringe was brushed to the side. He had sharp, upturned eyes, thin lips, a permanent furrow and a strong jawline. "Papers." He said a wicked tone that it caused Ariana to take a step back. "Now Xander is that all you learnt this past vacation from the guards." The Headmaster said as he stepped beside the girls. "A complete waste of a vacation....'

"Greetings Headmaster." Xander said as he bowed, his silver tie sparkled in the light that entered through the many windows. "Xander... I'm over here." He said with a sigh and the boy quickly straightened his back and bowed towards the Headmaster's voice. "Xander where are your glasses?" The boy's right eyebrow twitched at the Headmaster's words. "Right here, in my pocket." Xander said as he pulled out square, silver framed glasses. He gracefully put then onto his face and it was like lighting. His whole demeanor changed.

Xander no longer looked like an intimidating guard but a bright eyed student. His eyes were a beautiful shade of golden brown with little splatters of bright gold, green and blue. Edlyn grabbed hold of Ariana's arm and started to blush profusely. She kept her gaze down and Ariana tried her best to not giggle. Edlyn caught her and started to pout. She quickly moved to pinch Ariana's underarm.

Ariana stopped laughing and glared at her friend. Xander turned to the girls. "Paperwork... have you brought your paperwork?" Ariana and Edlyn looked at eachother with confusion but Gregory stepped up and passed along an envelope. "These two are under my ward."

Xander took the envelope and read the contents. He nodded his head and handed the paperwork back to Gregory. "You may pass." Xander said nonchalantly as he gave them a small bow.

"Xander may I ask you to escort these ladies to the dorms. I need to introduce Mr. Drake to the staff." The Headmaster said indifferently but Ariana caught the commanding undertone. She looked at Xander who looked at the Headmaster and tilted his head. "But I am not done with my duties."

The Headmaster waved a dismissive hand. "Make that 'friend' of yours cover you... He may as well be useful since he refused to go back to the Estate." Ariana saw that the Headmaster's eyes flashed with something ominous and she prayed it was all a misunderstanding.

Xander nodded his head and reached for a blue square parchment and silver pen from his pocket. He quickly scribbled something and held the parchment in the palm of his hand. "Ahi bidali." He said smoothly. The blue parchment burst into a silver blue flame. A moment later a husky voice was heard behind them. "You called?" He said and Ariana turned slowly with her eyes wide as saucers.