Safely Returned

"F*ck! I really screwed up this time!" Ariana panted as Edlyn released her hand. "What happened back there?" Edlyn signed and Ariana gave her a pitiful look. "The Lumas were able to coax me out of an enchantment." Ariana answered with a haggard voice. Edlyn freaked, her hair stood on end and her face paled. "What enchantment?! There was no one around except us! Why would they want to cause you pain?"

Ariana brought up the small twisted vines sculpture. "I think they wanted to confirm something but... it still doesn't feel right. There has to be more to it." She said as she started to drift into her thoughts. 'Master! You haven't removed the enchantment yet! If you don't act fast you may slip into it again!' Aroha chirped causing Ariana to involuntarily shiver. "Ms. Hadley.... she would know what to do." Ariana said.

She placed one foot forward and felt her whole body pulse. "Ahh! Aroha, your right... it wants to pull me back in." She said with great strain as beads of sweat started to roll down her face. Edlyn jumped up and pulled Ariana's arm over her shoulder to offer support. Though she was shorter, the action was touching and calmed Ariana's heart.

"We need Breeze.... I don't think I'll make it back in time to stop.... ahhh! Huff.... huff... huff... sorry Edlyn I can't take another step." Ariana said as her body started to collapse.

Edlyn struggled to keep her friend from crashing into the ground but failed miserably. They both landed on the cobblestone road, Ariana completely out of breath while Edlyn's face burned a bright red with frustration. "I'll go get help! Just stay conscious until I get back!" She signed feverishly before getting up and running back into the school. Ariana couldn't even bother looking back she was focusing on her fingertips.

Visions of blood would appear and disappear before her eyes, tempting her sanity. "Why would someone do this?" She asked out loud. 'Master, we're sorry! We thought you would have been safe here." Davita pitifully cried.

Ariana started heaving air into her lungs. "This is... beyond my expectations. Don't stress yourselves out, I need your help. Please tell me if you know how to break this enchantment." She said as she open and closed her hands.

"Is that what you really want?" A low echoing voice whispered into her ear. "Who's there?!" Ariana shouted as she tried to look around but felt a wave of nausea hit her instead, causing her to give up the hunt.

"Why do you care who I am?" The voice continued to whisper. "Show yourself!" Ariana tried her best to say in a commanding tone but failed and started to curl up as she hugged her stomach. "We don't have much time to talk and you're asking useless questions... I'll answer one, then you must listen." He said as his words vibrated down her ear causing her hair to stand on end.

"Was it you who enchanted me." Ariana spat as the nausea started to become worse. "Yes." The voice hissed with delight. "Why..." Ariana asked weakly while sweat started to roll down her face and collected at the tip of her nose and chin.

"Play fair, you only had one question now you must listen closely... I want to get rid of you, you're someone that is not needed around the angel... you're not worthy to be around someone so special and I don't like you clinging to her... you're ruining her purity... distorting her purpose and this has to end, so naturally you must end." The voice ruthlessly announced.

"Edlyn is not some living doll!" Ariana spat as she used her will power to uncurl her body. She placed her palms on the ground and started to push herself upwards, drops of sweat rolled off her face and landed on the cobblestone, in giant splatters.

"You! Just like every other piece of good for nothing magical creature who thinks they can monopolize Edlyn, can go eat sh*t! If you want her then f*cking face her! Win her over! Properly love her and let her decide to choose you! Don't force her to be alone just so you can watch her! That won't make her happy, that won't bring a smile to her face, that'll destroy her soul!" Ariana screamed into the air. Then there was dead silence. Not even the gentle summer breeze passed by.

Two indigo, mist like hands appeared before her and slowly reached out towards her. A cold sensation brushed against her skin making goosebumps surface. The long fingers brushed into her hair, her eyes widened as fear took over. "You may have a point..." The voice said as a blank face appeared before her.

A slit like mouth opened and it stretched out into a wicked grin. "...So right, I think I'll use you... to set an example to others. The angel is mine." It said as a long black tongue started to slowly move towards her face.

"Don't touch her!" Cayden yelled as the double daggers sliced the indigo mist in half. A faint cry escaped it's lips as it slowly faded into nothing. "Are you okay?!" Cayden yelled as he dropped down to inspect Ariana. She looked ghastly white, her eyes were wide and round, her slightly plump, pink lips trembled like cherry blossom petals in the wind. Cayden quickly scooped her up and started to run towards the female dorms.

Edlyn tried her best to run beside Cayden but he was too swift on his feet. By the time Edlyn made it to the quad of the dorms, Cayden had already kicked the front door in. Edlyn bent over and placed her hands onto her knees, trying her best to catch her breath. She swallowed back air like it was water and straighten her back again, sweat mercilessly rolled down her temples. She brought her hand up, quickly brushed it away from her eyes and started to run again.

"Ms. Hadley! Help! Ms. Hadley!" Cayden was yelling as he tightened his grip on Ariana's body. "Ms. Hadlely!" Caydeb shouted again as Edlyn rushed up to him. She then started tapping his back rapidly. He turned around and she brought up her hands.

"Use your blue parchment to call her." She signed but Cayden clenched his jaw. "I can't it's a prototype! It's our project so I can only call Xander!" Cayden shouted in a panic. Edlyn's face paled, her eyes moved to Ariana, who started shivering violently.

'Master, I can help!' Adonis called out as he appeared before them. Cayden nodded his head and waited for Adonis to take action. Edlyn's eyes lit up when she saw the cute, orange, chibi jellyfish fish floating towards the entrance then outside.

Edlyn looked at Cayden's stone face and chased after the cute creature. In a flash the chibi jellyfish turned into a massive lion's mane jellyfish. Hundreds of long tentacles were attached to a mushroom cap body. "Do it now Adonis!" Cayden commanded, as he walked out towards Adonis. The tentacles started to slowly rise into the air before they shot out in all directions.

Soon enough almost all but one tentacle retracted. 'Master stay where you are. They're on there way.' Adonis said in a deep, booming voice that Edlyn could not hear. Cayden relaxed just a little and told Edlyn what his Luma had said.

Edlyn sighed a breath of relief just as a strong wind surrounded them and a very annoyed Breeze appeared. "This better be good! Master was-?! What happened?!" Breeze yelled as he looked at Ariana in Cayden's arms.

"Enchantment, that's all I know." Cayden said as Ariana weakly looked at Breeze. She started to lose her focus as her skin had a thin layer of sweat. "I'll go get them." He said quickly then disappeared, Adonis quickly changed back into his chibi self and floated next to his master. "Just hang on, everything will be okay." Cayden said gently as he looked into her eyes.

Ariana brought up her hand and lovingly placed it onto his cheek. "You're so sweet... so cute... Owen, I love you."

Cayden's eyes opened wide in shock. 'Master wake up!' Aroha started to squawk. 'Master any further you'll die! Don't let the enchantment consume you!' Loralei chimed in. 'Master!' The rest shouted but Ariana could no longer hear them.

All she could see was fire around her and Owen. It was just seconds away from her last breath. "I'm not Owen!" Cayden spat bitterly and sealed Ariana's lips with his own. The warm sensation engulfed Ariana and she slowly started to wake up from the enchantment.

"Cayden?" Ariana whispered weakly when he started to part from her lips. "Mmmmh." He answered as he looked at her face again. She had some colour back but was still ridiculously pale. "I'm really tired." She said causing Cayden to sigh. "I know." He replied as he brought her a little closer to the crook of his neck. "Just wait a little longer. Ms. Hadley should be here soon."

Ariana didn't respond. It was taking all her strength to keep herself awake. Another burst of wind went past them and Ms. Hadley rushed up to them.

"Quickly, let me see her eyes!" Ms. Hadley said as she grabbed Ariana's face and started her inspection. "We need to move fast!" She shouted and looked behind her. "Breeze, back in my shop there should be a bottle with gold liquid in it. There are a few in the medicine pantry, please bring one back." She ordered and Breeze was gone within a second.

"Rain, I need your help." She said as she moved Ariana's hair back. "It seems there is was enchantment venom and it was was injected into her." Ms. Hadley said as dark, indigo coloured veins slowly creeped outwards from Ariana's ear and around her hair line.

"Peppa please work with Rain to clear up the venom." Ms. Hadley shouted as a crystal blue, winged, eel like fish appeared. It's long, thin body coiled around the air as it shimmered beautifully under the sun. Rain nodded his head and held out his arm so Peppa could coil herself around it.

Rain took a deep breath in and focused his vision. "Ion wai skot." He said and Peppa started to glow white before sprouting a half dozen, tiny offsprings. The tiny Peppas then shot forward and injected themselves into different body parts. One in each leg, one in each arm, one into her mouth and another into her chest.

After a moment Ariana started to breath normally and she finally stopped sweating. Ms. Hadley brushed back her hair and sighed a breath of relief. "It's working." Another gust of wind came by and they all turned to look at Breeze but his face was pale. "They've been destroyed." He said as he presented his cupped hands. "Everything is destroyed... I couldn't even pull the liquid from the floor, it's all mixed together."

Ms. Hadley's jaw dropped and she looked back at Ariana. A million things ran through her mind. "Can you not make more?" Rain asked as he walked up to Ms. Hadley and placed a strong hand on her shoulder.

Ms. Hadley paled and shook her head. "I don't have the necessary ingredients... and even if I could barely obtain everything, it takes time and... she doesn't have any left." Cayden gripped Ariana's body and pulled her against his chest. "No! We need to do something! I-I, I am not losing her again!" He shouted but Ms. Hadley shook her head. "I'm sorry but there is nothing left we can do."

Edlyn stepped forward, she clapped her hands and everyone turned to her. "What if we give her a shot of pure magical energy?" She signed but everyone was more confused then awed at her answer. Cayden furrowed his brows and looked at Edlyn. "What?" He said then quickly translated her hand movements.

"She needs pure magical energy to circulate her system, then her Lumas could be awakened. I think the one of them could help her break the enchantment." Edlyn signed. Cayden turned to Ms. Hadley and pleaded with his very soul. "Can it be done?" Ms. Hadley looked put off, she didn't know what to do but open and close her mouth like a fish out of water.

"Can her body handle it?" Rain asked as his eyes narrowed at Cayden. "I know she can." Cayden said with conviction but no one moved an inch. "What is there to lose? I'm dying anyways." A small voice said shocking everyone around them.

Ariana looked up at Rain and Ms. Hadley and gave them a weak smile. "I'm stronger then I look." She continued with a small smile. Ms. Hadley bit her bottom lip as she hugged herself and Rain gritted his teeth. "Paola, I'll take responsibility." He said as he raised an index finger. "Alright, just be careful." Ms. Hadley replied with a shaky voice.

Peppa released Rain's arm and flew to Ms. Hadley shoulder, watching the two young ones closely.

"Cayden put her on the ground and step back." Rain instructed as his index finger started to glow a mint green. Cayden shook his head no. "I can't let her do it by herself."

Rain looked into Cayden determined eyes and stared him down. "Ugh." Ariana uttered calling everyone's attention. They looked at her face which started to turn grey as dark veins rapidly crawled towards her eyes.

"That's impossible! Peppa should have cured the venom!" Ms. Hadley shouted and Rain acted quickly. "Wai, honua, ahi a me ka makani sortzen." He chanted and a bright silver, blue magic circle appeared underneath them. It started to slowly turn clock wise and Cayden watched as the ruins moved in the opposite direction.

"Mālamalama grian, pōʻeleʻele gealach logi." He shouted and two new symbols formed within the magic circle. A sun to Cayden's right and a moon to his left. The circle started to glow even brighter and Ariana started to gasp, her mouth opened wide and her eyes rolled back. The circle lifted upwards and turned into a stream of light. Ariana inhaled the light into her body as Cayden hugged her tightly.

Ariana felt warm, a calming warmth, a type of warm feeling when a mother loving embraces their new born child. Loving, caring and protectively hugging you. She closed her mouth and opened her eyes. Everything was so bright and beautiful, as if she could see everything for what it was. Magical, beautiful and peaceful.

To everyone else, they saw Ariana's eyes open wide and become completely white. Suddenly her earrings started to glow blindingly and shot outwards. Before everyones eyes a tiger, a phoenix, a wolf, a dragon, a mermaid and a stag surrounded Ariana and Cayden.

The area they were standing in started to glow brighter until they were all engulfed in a brilliant white light, they quickly moved to shield their eyes as the light engulfed the entire area. Once the light subsided enough, they dared to look. Cayden was standing to the side while on the ground laid Ariana, a beautiful pink stag stood beside her, all the other creatures disappeared and only colourful chibis were left floating around.

The stag bent its head down and gently licked Ariana's forehead. Her body started to glow a soft golden colour, she reached out a hand and wrapped her delicate fingers around the stag's antlers.

The stag slowly helped Ariana rise, as her clothing slowly shifted into a white, sleek gown. Her dark, wavy hair floated upwards and stayed just above her shoulders as it moved elegantly. She blinked and her eyes were no longer white, they were back to normal except for her irises, they were now a more enchanting aquamarine.

They could see golden, glittering dust start to fly up in the air. Behind Ariana her scar was slowly disappearing as her two blossom birth marks grew bigger and shifted to the center of each shoulder blade. Soft pink, petal like wing shot out from her back and the stag casually placed his muzzle against her cheek as it stared down Edlyn.

Ariana wrapped her right arm around his head and closed her eyes. "You're right Vasu, this child does deserve a reward for saving my life. I dare say another imprisonment would not do me any good, so we must show our gratitude." She said in an ethereal voice that shocked everyone. "Adonis, please come to me." She continued to say as she stretched out her free arm.

An orange streak shot from Cayden's left ear. The light started to coil around Ariana's left arm and then rocketed straight up. A massive Lion's mane jellyfish hovered over top. A single tentacle slowly lowered itself into Ariana's palm.

A blast of light shot upwards and infused itself into Adonis. "Grant her wish." Ariana said as Adonis lifted up another tentacle, it stayed still for only a single breath before it madly moved through the air until it pierced Edlyn's throat.

Ariana flashed her a brilliant smile as Edlyn watched the scene before her in horrifying shock. "Now Adonis." She said and a bolt of electricity ran down Adonis' tentacle. Edlyn's body flashed and Ms. Hadley screamed as she ran to try and save the poor girl. 'It's done Ariana.' Adonis said as he retracted his tentacles.

"Mmmh." Ariana responded before she let out a deep breath. The area before her was now sparkling with a pearl white mist. Vasu moved away from Ariana before he jumped into the air, changing back into his chibi form.

Breeze moved forward and collected the pearl like mist. "To the ones who need it." She said with a nod. Breeze looked at Ariana then gave her a deep bow. "Yes." He said and disappeared with a gust of wind. Ms. Hadley looked over Edlyn and to her surprise she looked positively radiant. Her cheeks were rosy, her eyes sparkled, her skin was flawless and her hair looked positively glossy and lush.

"M-M-Misssss?" A sweat and gently voice whispered. Ms. Hadley's jaw dropped and she looked back at Ariana. The golden light stared to fade. "I'm not as talented as my mother but I think with some practice you will find your voice." Ariana said as her ethereal like voice started to fade.

It seemed like time started to slow down around Ariana. Her wings retracted, her hair started to lose its wind, her gown started to change back. "H-h-how?" Edlyn slowly enunciated. "I don't know myself." Ariana answered as she moved her gaze towards Vasu.

Vasu looked back at Ariana with his completely indifferent face causing her to let out a small giggle. She extended her arms outwards and smiled at her Lumas. "You're back!" Ariana shouted happily as her small army of chibis crashed against her body. 'We're back!' They shouted back. Edlyn's eyes widened in disbelief. She lifted her index finger and pointed to the Lumas. "I h-h-hear them!"